Friday, January 24, 2020

Quick Blog before Shabbas

There are several things I wanted to blog in the past couple of days but I didn't have the energy.... I had a bad reaction to some medication and I'm waiting for the horrible stuff to get out of my system.

First, this diagram posted on FB by Yaakov Sandler, which shows how a marriage between a man and a woman needs to include Hashem, and without Hashem you just have FIRE.  This is an indication to me that the fires in Australia have been so bad because of the Same Sex Marriage vote some time ago.  How can a marriage between same sex individuals include G-d?  It can't, as the diagram belows shows you.

Unrelated to the above, is an 8 minute extract from Rabbi Kessin's video - Rabbi Mendel Kessin explains that the reason President Trump is being irrationally attacked from before he was even inaugurated all the way up to the current impeachment, is because, as the good part of Eisav, he is here to reverse everything that Eisav himself and his ideological progenitors have done to the Jewish people over the last 3000 years. He is here to elevate Yaakov/Israel. The attack includes accusing Trump of anti-semitism by anti-semites well as being accused by Democrats of doing things that they themselves Russia and Ukraine.


  1. Thanks for sharing makes sense. Hope you feeling better.

    Shabbat Shalom,

  2. The recent natural disasters in Australia are reminding us of what happened in Egypt during Moshe's redemption. The current redemption involves the entire world. Australia doesn't have as bad a karma as other nations, but it served as an example what Hashem is able to do. It was a minor event comparing to what is coming. As the scriptures say. The fear isn't yet installed in people's hearts.
    There are mega events happening in parallel all over the world. The chaos of American politics will generate the exit of the nation before the Gog uMagog. Eisav will then be represented by what is left of that spirit, mainly Western Europe.
    Yishmael's determination shouldn't be underestimated. It has infiltrated almost every powerful nation, switching the confrontation from outer fields to the home locations. Who can stop 200 suicide terrorists to destroy a nation from the inside? Every nation has a vulnerable infrastructure. Events in India show that the enemy is inside. China, as the cheating dragon, is in serious trouble, as shekhinah spreads all over the world. The convulsions of darkness will be huge.

    PS. The food intake restrictions will replace medication. The rule is this: Eat only between 12 midday and 18 in the afternoon. Thus 18 hours, out of 24, will be without food. Keep this rule as a treasure to reach 120 years of age. צ


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