Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Bird That Announces Moshiach

Art Veronica Minozzi

As I type this, I hear distant sounds of thunder.... a prelude to the week long rain forecast for a very thirsty Australia.  Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, the rains are here.

Transcribed from a shiur by Rabbi Sholom Zirkind

There is a bird called the ''racham''.  [Sometimes it is called Sherakrak] Why is it called this?  Because when this bird comes, it means that ''rachamim'' - the sign of mercy -has come to the world.  Rashi says this mercy means ''rain''.   The sign is when the bird sits on something and makes a ''sherakarak'' sound.

We have a tradition that if you hear this ''sherakrak'' on the ground, Moshiach will come.

In Zechariah, Hashem speaks about the end of the exile, and says ''I will whistle to them and gather them''.  Acdus [unity] will bring Moshiach.

It was explained by the Sages that the racham bird was sitting on ground that was ploughed and a hail storm came and killed the bird.  So we can see from this story that when this occurred and that bird made the ''sherakrak'' sound it was not the time for Moshiach to come and that bird was a faker.

This bird has been identified as a magpie [very common in Australia by the way], others says there is an arabic name for a bird similar to ''sherakrak'' and still others say it is an Egyptian vulture.  The Arizal writes that the racham bird doesn't make any noise and the sound comes from it's wings when it flies, but when Moshiach comes it will actually be able to shriek.

The sound of this bird is a sign of rain. [In Australia, we have  a bird called the Kookaburra, and when the kookaburras sing, they are announcing rain.]

The Maharal of Prague speaks about this gemorrah and says we should accept it literally.  He explains that different birds have different qualities and give us different messages, they are also able to tell the future - they have spiritual qualities shown by the fact that they can fly. They are more spiritual refined than other  animals that walk on the ground. They are more connected to Heaven, and are more able to relate what is going on than other creatures.

The Maharal continues that in the Shabbas Musaf prayer we see the letters of the Alef Beis reading backwards [and it also says Moshiach will come in the merit of Shabbos].  The sherakrak bird = sherak spelt שרק - are the Hebrew letters backwards from their places in the Alef Beis. This shows us that the letters of the Alef Beis are uniting with each other in unity.  The letters of Shin Reish Kuf  re-arranged also spell the word ''kesher'' - connection.  When we whistle we put our lips together, indicating unity.... the whistle of the sherakrak bird is also a sign of unity.  When Moshiach will come Hashem will have complete unity with creation.


  1. I don't understand the end of this article because unfortunately it also spells Sheker

  2. Thank you for that comment, because you forced me back to the shiur to pick up the bit I didn't hear properly. the letters do form ''sheker'' or even ''shikur'' and the concept here is that in bringing Moshiach we are changing the ''sheker'' [lies] into truth [kesher]. As in....''before the world of truth can come the world of lies must disappear''.

  3. You have visions Devorah. Today at about 15.45 two Kookaburras were singing in Sydney Botanic Gardens. צ

  4. The amount of rain that has fallen today is not normal. And we are going to get more over the next few days. It's bucket down. People are dancing in the streets and singing in the rain, literally. Hashem hasn't forgotten us.



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