Wednesday, January 29, 2020

''Moshiach will come before then''

Exactly ten years ago the Baba Sali came in a dream to his son Baba Baruch and told him that Moshiach would come that year.   It is worth noting that Baba Sali's yarzheit is tomorrow - 4 Shevat.

Ten  years ago we were in the year 5770 when so many thought Moshiach would come.

Now, ten years later, Baba Baruch has again made a statement concerning Moshiach, saying that the ''Deal of the Century'' will not happen because Moshiach will come before then.

Why the ten year delay?  It is possible that there was a decree in Shamayim to delay Moshiach's coming for ten years.

With all the other events going on around us..... such as Coronavirus..... things are heating up in a big way.  


  1. And just today, Kikar has Baba Baruch Shlit"a discussing the Geula watch(es) given to Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L.

  2. With all the drama going on right now, Deal of the Century etc..... let's not forget the other ''coronation'' debacle continuing to play before our eyes. Prince Andrew's refusal to give evidence re Jeffrey Epstein... Thomas Markle spilling the beans on Meghan's private early years.... the Royal Family continues to implode. And the word ''corona'' meaning crown links both the virus and the Royals. Hashem has a sense of humour, I've always thought that... if this isn't pre-Moshiach times, I don't know what is.

  3. And let's not forget Prince Charles' visit a few days ago to ''the Palestinian occupied territories'' - whatever that means - which was widely publicized including on the Royal's own Instagram account.
    There is only room for one Royal in this world and that is Melech MaMoshiach, may He come speedily.

  4. And note all the massive earthquakes today

  5. Yes to all who commented above. Many major things going on. I've increased my Torah study to 6 times per week. Mitzvos and the only way I get my news is through Torah sources.

  6. Interesting, thanks Devorah. I'm not on top of things anymore, since i'm not getting younger. i suppose it's sacrilege to say that my biggest wish is for Moshiach to come & fill the huge gap left by our phony-care system, and heal illnesses as first priority. I found ironic the part in Trump's NJ speech where he spoke about the "right to try" legislation he pushed through, but i gather it may have alot of holes in it.

  7. Read "Surviving Exile and Dealing with Antisemitism":

    Read "Yearning for the Final Redemption and Mashiach":


    Messiah Clock 12:00

    It's a big secret"; Baba Baruch talks about the Messiah clock
    The Rebbe Rabbi Baruch Abukhtsira talks in a rare conversation to "Shabbat Square", about the "dream of the clock", for years he tells about the city in Netivot and beyond: "When the big circle comes on the little one at such and such" (ultra-Orthodox

    The Rebbe, Rabbi Baruch Abukhtsira, the Baba Baruch, in a rare and exclusive conversation with Shabbat Square, about the "dream of the clock", which he has been telling for years in Netivot and beyond.

    The full interview, which dealt with his father's greatness, Maran Sidna in Babi Sally ZAA, will be published ahead of the 'Holy Day', which will be held later this week.

    Baba Baruch said that: "Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, the Rishon Le Zion, was very close. My Holy Father came to me in a dream and said to me, "My Clock, which is in a Cloister, give it to Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, and tell him" when the big circle on the little one arrives at this time, and at 12:00 noon, from now on they will count for the coming of the Messiah, and I took and brought him ".

    "It's a big secret," added Baba Baruch, explaining later that what we see these days, which is happening in the world, are signs of the coming of Moshiach

  9. I heard about the cosmic clock quite a number of years ago.
    Remember reading that 'mincha' time came at 2nd of August, 2011; I think I remember it wss also 2nd of Av. 5771. Almost there.


  11. There was a two Shmittah cycle delay from the Gog ben Gog Bush Jr. Shmittah cycle because two many Ashkenazi Chareidim thought it was a good idea to join Sharon's Disengagement govt in a letter of intent that was sent on the 9th of Tevet 5765 (2005). It tore assunder the "last" Achishena opportunity when all Torah Jews had to do was to not engage in a major Act of Lacking basic human decency. They failed. So it is as if Torah Judaism failed when the only test was for G-d fearing Jews to stay out of that Govt. Gog ben Gog would have been the Gog of the Tanakh, and Mashiach would have come in 5766 to establish his worldwide kingdom in 5769, 7 years before the majority of Mankind fell below Mem Tet Shaarei Tumah on Shavuot night 5776. It would have fulfilled the prophetic hint in Parshat Shlach Lekha that Hevron, the first capital of David's reign was built 7 years before Tzoan (Tannis) in Mitzraim. Tannis is where Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon confronted Pharoah 10 times with the Plagues when Klal Yisrael had fallen to MemTet Shaarei tumah. By joining Sharon, any chance for an easy Geulah was torn to shreds. So instead of the Messianic kingdom being established 7 YRS BEFORE 5776 with Mashisch coming 3 yrs before 5769, Mashiach should come AFTER the 3rd failed election (before Pesach?) with the Messianic Kingdom rising at the end of this coming Shmittah year, 7 yrs after 5776.


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