Friday, June 9, 2023

On Xtians Becoming Jews

This is interesting... it's only 5 minutes and it seems to confirm Rabbi Kessin's assertion that Eisav does teshuva at the end of days.  Some people have doubted the "good part of Eisav" rhetoric, especially the Trump side of things. I'll be interested to see what people think about this. 

On the growing number of Noahides and Christian converts to Judaism, as a fulfilment of ancient Biblical and Jewish prophecy. Also: is the term "Judeo-Christian values" appropriate?

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Also, from Rabbi Yuval Ovadia, "A Special Tikun for Klal Yisrael" which you can watch here.
Thanks to TR for sending it.


  1. Genuine noachides and converts are one thing. xns adopting Jewish practices is a highly fraught area. The whole missionary tactic is to blur the boundaries between themselves and their target, of any or no religion. They do this with Jews in particular. See we're just like you, kosher, like Esav putting out his trotters, but inside very much not kosher.

    Jews have to absolutely separate themselves from xns, we're not even supposed to say the name of their religion. Altruistic humanitarian assistance in either direction is acceptable, but with xns most of the time it is with ulterior motives. They are the most despicable people alive, with their underhand methods, lies and deceit. Rav Adas shlita said that the war in shamayim is with xnty and anyone who wants to see yeshuot should do all they can to fight them (tbh I don't remember the exact words, I think he meant in tfila, but in any case to oppose them).

    This is absolutely not Esav making tshuva, but doing the worst thing possible, trying to entice Jews away from Hashem, the Torah and their portion in olam haba. If there is a Jewish message to gentiles, it is that they need to keep the seven noachide laws, including giving up idol worship. That would be their tshuva, in addition to opposing missionaries.


  2. Chazal tells us that before the coming of Moshiach, there will be many conversions, so we know this and we see it happening today. Most will become bnai Noach and others will convert because many who convert sincerely have Jewish neshamot or might be descendants of Jews who
    had assimilated centuries ago.
    After Moshiach comes, there will be no conversions allowed. No more free choice.

  3. Don't know if this comment will be published, but, what the heck, here is my 2 pice bit..

    To L.L I thought Hashem chose the Jews for one reason especially, to be leaders and lead those of us non-Jews.

    Yep, i am aware many Jewish scholars have changed/and change things around, from whatever they decide is their truth.
    I follow, the Creator, period, I was born a roman cat-ho-lic, ran away from them even as a child.

    I listen to some Rabbis, who do not preach negative thing about those not born Jews.
    Jews will be judged too, for Gd does look at a persons thoughts and hearts.

    I am sure HaShem will deal with me, a non-jew, as how i looked to H-m for guidance, and for my thoughts and the going on's in my heart.

    He will judge me for how i lived.

    There is one blog, that hates all christians. I spelt the word, Lol...
    hope no one is offended.

    I have reached a point in my life where i just try my best to live the way Hashem wishes for all peoples to live.
    Jews should stop condemning non jews, we are at end times.
    Look unto your self first.

    I still have flaws, because i am a human being. Perfect i will not be as only the Creator is perfect.

    Toda Hashem.

    and if the owner of this blog prints my comment. Today to you too.
    Hashem bless you, and to all Jews, i wish a Shabbat Shalom


  4. Thank you for publishing my comment, Devorah, and i meant to say :
    'Toda; to you.

    Finger added the 'y'.

    So here again, Toda, and HaShem bless you and yours. Amain and Amain.

    I wish you a good and peaceful and holy Shabbat...Amain


  5. I am not so gevura-dik when it comes to xtians. There are good ones and bad ones. We can't lump them all in the same basket. My father a'h used to do a lot of work with xtians, and they always showed him great respect, he was a very religious Jew. Just because they worship a man god... some of them are just naive and have been taken in by the church. If they really heard a good shiur and heard the truth, many would leave xtianity i'm sure.

  6. L.L., I hope you didn't mean to paint all Christians with that brush. There is definitely a segment that uses underhanded, deceptive means to lure Jews into their religion. We all know how despicable the "Messianic" movement is, and how they lie in every conceivable way to entrap Jews. But that's certainly not all Christians.

    If we are to accept the Rambam's position that Hashem allowed Christianity to flourish because it helped spread Jewish ideas throughout the world, then we can't completely disparage it. Yes, the theology is avoda zara, but the values are based in Judaism.

    P.S. I thought it was ok to say the name of a false religion, but not the names of their false gods. 🤷‍♀️

  7. I'm posting this as someone FFB. To me it doesn't seem as if Jews wish to make peace with Esav, as they often accuse them of anti-semitism with regard to the tiniest imagined slight. For example - the accusations of anti-semitism against RFK Jr. for his heartfelt legitimate comment about Anne Frank (vs. nowadays). Despite that it was a way of making a point to everyone "soon there will be no place to run or hide the way Frank hid". Likewise, when people were comparing blue Holocaust tattoo's to vax passports.

    There are also more localized accusations of anti-semitism whenever OJ's move to secular locales and ask for zoning changes to set up a shul. The Non-Jews are legitimately worried that their lifestyles which they had for many years, will become encroached on, because this has already happened big-time elsewhere. For that matter, the same has been happening in Israel. The elderly who have been encroached on, also find themselves paying much higher taxes (despite their limited fixed income) due to the many added buses and so forth which require funding.

    But too many OJ's don't wish to understand the other side of the story. It's much easier to simply shout the dread term "anti-semitism" which effectively squelches their freedom to shout out. It's that which can actually trigger legitimate anti-semitism! And of this posting...I do not see OJ's trying to make peace with Non-Jews and secular Jews in a truly empathic way. Perhaps a few scattered individuals here and there, on a private basis. That's my take on it. But hey, Moshiach hasn't arrived yet to act as gamechanger.

  8. Rabbi Palvanov says in the video that there's really only one major difference between the two religions - whether the Moshiach has already come, or has yet to come. That's not accurate. There are many differences between the religions, including our fundamental understanding of G-d; our fundamental understanding of human nature; of repentance; of the purpose of life on Earth ... I mean, once you get into it, you see how vastly different Judaism and Christianity are on basic issues.

  9. To G.H at 12.17pm.

    You are right.

    And regarding just as you say, there are good ones and bad ones in christianity, so it is also, with all other religions, as well as Judaism.

    Not all Jews are good and not all Jews are bad..

    Good and bad in all humanity.
    Like i say Hashem looks to the hearts and minds of all humans.

    Hashem bless you. I wish you good shabbas.


  10. To L.L.

    You are entiltled to whatever you believe.

    I just follow no one, no human... I look up and follow ONLY Hashem.

    Hashem will be my judge.

    I am far from perfect.

    I fall and go right down...
    and from this blog i learned that falling too is for a purpose,
    So i fall and then look around, (in my thouhgts and heart, and ask Hashem to show me, Believe Hashem does, and sometimes i end up being so very ashamed)

    Sorry L.L if i hurt you in any way, I should refrain from commenting.
    Just look to how i can become more better as a human being.
    Feel very very sad, for children everywhere, where horrifying things are being done to hurt them in many ways.
    I ask Hashem why... why these precious innocents.
    Have not gotten any answer, but will keep pestering and pleading to Hashem.
    May the Mashiach, the True Jewish Mashiach come soon... Amain.
    Forgive me L.L.
    I wish you and yours a blessed and Holy Shabbat.



    I wish

  11. SC: I know you are a Bnei Noach, not a xtian, so why are you taking LL's comment so personally? You already saw the truth even with the current state of this world... which makes you a righteous gentile.

  12. Hello Devorah,

    Its just that i hurt for everyone...

    I really do... i am Noahide, as many would see me, i see me now as just a creation of Hashem, and at this late point in my life, i hurt for all who are hurting. I stand for the rights of people, many are good in other religions too, and that is where i am.
    If i am wrong then, so be it, Hashem will tell me off - one day..
    I just hurt for all who are wronged..
    If that is wrong then well, .. whatever.

    People close to me see me as 'funny', and sort of take me as i am, like tolerate me, they do not follow the 'chrissy' faith, they do try and do good wherever, and i see that as fine.

    After all is said and done Hashem will judge me et al..

    L.L i apologize to you again.


  13. Speaking of Esav, is our guy Trump really going to jail?

    1. He’s not going to jail. This is the battle of the satan not wanting evil to be destroyed and exposed more.

  14. Esav Hates Yakov — that is the Halaha. That is why do not trust them , (True Gerim are not included under that category , again many of those converts are not converts . All they want to benefit from that Conversion with not true intent as it suppose to be .


  15. For SC, I'm not hurt and of course, you should comment if you wish.

    I referred to xns who take on Jewish practices and missionaries. It's not a matter of personal belief, but the Torah, and facts that I have researched, and I have researched missionary tactics more than most.

    According to Jewish law we are not allowed to mingle socially with gentiles. We are not allowed to say the name of a false prophet. The Jewish message for gentiles is that they should follow the seven Noachide laws. Israel is always the first to send emergency and humanitarian aid to any disaster area in the world. In the US Jews donate disproportionately to gentile causes. In Israel there are many charitable organisations founded and run by haredim that serve all Israelis regardless of religion. Obviously, giving humanitarian assistance is alright.

    My only 'negativity' towards non-Jews is directed at our spiritual and physical enemies, missionaries, terrorists etc and their supporters. I absolutely condemn all of them. Jew hatred and Israel hatred are usually out in the open. Missionary tactics are underhand and very much misunderstood. They are spiritual predators no different from sexual predators who prey on innocent children, groom them and lure them in.

    It is healthy to be critical of the above. My personal flaws are irrelevant. Should we wait until we are perfect in order to protect the innocent?

    Same for GH, I specifically spoke about missionaries and their ilk. Most Jews are absolutely clueless about missionary tactics. Xns adopting Jewish practices is highly problematic. Theologically, they believe that they have replaced us. They are trying to both wipe out our unique identity and lure us into a honey trap of so-called friendship, with ulterior motives.

    The rav says that all of this is a sign of Esav doing tshuva. With all due respect, I strongly disagree.

    For 12.51, about the name of a religion vs the name of a navi sheker, honestly I don't know, but the name is included in the religion, not like islam. I have read the Rambam. If I remember correctly, he says that it is avoda zara, but that its spread is to prepare the world to accept the real Moshiach.

    GH is completely right, which is why the term Judeo-xn values is nonsensical for Jews. According to Rav Soleveitchik zatzal, in response to participating in interfaith dialogue (which he completely opposed) we are an independent faith community. Anything that came after us is irrelevant to our religion. And btw the only purpose of interfaith dialogue is to soften us up for conversion, as too all the initiatives in which xns want to learn from Jew. The Jewish message to humanity is give up your false gds and your false prophets and follow the seven noachide laws. We have nothing to learn from other religions.


  16. Whole libraries could be written about xn duplicity towards Jews and Judaism, both historically and currently.

    Faith after the Holocaust, by Rav Berkovitz would be a place to start reading.

    How many people know the story of Rav Herzog and other rabbonim?

    xns had no shame before, during or after the shoah, the good ones were a tiny exception. How many Jewish children survived the Shoah physically, only to be destroyed spiritually in this world and the next? They hid them in convents and monastries, and most were lost to the Jewish people. xns did this on purpose, even in the immediate aftermath of the shoah. many jewish children in poland were brought up as xns and only on the death bed of usually their mother, were they told the truth, after a lifetime of being told they were xn and being marinated in antisemitism. it's a phenomenon called the deathbed confession in poland. they did what they did, and didn't want to take their sin to their grave. those poor jews were left with a severe identity crisis. many were never even told.

    In our day the missionary onslaught against Jews is relentless. There is no low they won't stoop to. They take advantage of every possible weakness, disaster, loophole etc, Shoah survivors, Ukraine, Gush Katif, fake conversions to Yahadut, they laugh in our faces as they lie when they enter Israel, signing that they promise not to missionise, it's on their websites that they are allowed to lie to further their aims, covid, they said was a great opportunity to target Jewish minors, and bypass the 'gatekeepers' aka the minor's parents by targeting them directly to their cellphones. They speak in missionise, which I understand, most Jews don't. How nice they want to share. It doesn't mean what you think.

    The US State Department pushes missionary work via its freedom of religion index, aka if you don't let those missionaries missionise your country's ranking is downgraded. It's not about democracry but missionising. Pompeo is openly a missionary and said that he used his position to further missionary work. The tentacles are everywhere. But Pompeo loves us, they say. No he loves his missionary work.

    Most Jews are woefully ill-informed about the missionary onslaught and their many guises and disguises, and think it's harmless. So love-starved are we as a nation, like an abused child, we think finally someone loves us, but it turns out to be a pervert. Sorry, but in this instance the truly brillian Rav Palvanov has misunderstood.

    And for the record, I have a fairly wide life experience, lived in different countries, shared accommodation with people of different religions and cultures, worked to help save girls in Asia from being sex trafficked, including working with a Catholic nun, worked in a homeless centre in Israel, where we helped everyone including Arabs, housed an illegal immigrant xn woman in my home in Israel after saving her from being a sex slave, have opened my home to people of any religion, helped my Muslim friend visiting from the UK ascend to Al Aksa, etc, etc.

    No-one is perfect, but I hardly need these lectures for stating the truth. If there is anything I wrote that is not true from the Torah, or in fact someone can tell me. Rav Palvanov spoke about xns adopting Jewish practices, and that is what I addressed.


  17. To L.L: A big Yasher Koach. You explained it perfectly.
    What Hashem wants from us Jews is to be the light unto the nations and that means not only behavioraly, but the main thing is that they believe in only the One and Only G-D, Hashem. All they have to do is keep the Seven Laws of Noach and they also have a portion in the World to Come.
    To those of you who disagree with L.L. in this matter, you are totally mistaken in your interpretation of the Torah.
    Rabbi Palvanov has a liberal tendency which I have noticed in most of his articles; this isn't the thinking of our great Sages.

  18. Most Jews don't know about xn theology, about them grafting themselves onto am yisrael, they believe either that they replace us or join us in the covenant, criminally there are rabbis who encourage them, ie they have founded organisation to further this anti-Torah, we absolutely have to keep ourselves separate, all this talk of joining is against Yahadut. Rav Richter speaks about it. I'm sorry to Devorah and people commenting, you probably don't understand these issues, else you wouldn't have posted/commented as you did. Yes, Be"D we are close to the end, all the more reason to keep ourselves kosher. This is not hateful. Help anyone you want with their physical needs as much as you want, but do not accuse someone who cares about am yisrael and the missionary onslaught against us of being hateful. Am Yisrael is like a small child wandering around a pedo's den. The child doesn't want to hear any 'negativity' cos Uncle Bob is so much fun. We have to get real.


  19. If we want Moshiach to come quickly, we need to work hard the peace between Esav and Yakov in our hearts and minds. As the prophets say that the Name of Hashem will be one in the whole planet, not just in Israel.
    We need work hard true love in our soul, drive away religious jealousy and all that stuff. This is what it means to prepare the door for the King's arrival.
    I believe Moshiach is expecting just this.
    Please don't delay it any longer.
    Just love and understand that all differences will fall away and only love will remain.
    Many israelis are hidden in xtians carriages, please open your eyes to see that Hashem himself is bringing them back.
    Hashem himself is doing this.

  20. L.L. shkoach!! very well said. I agree Rav Palvanov is indeed brilliant but we must be very aware never to give any credance to xtians! Interfaith meetings are a big danger. Thank you

  21. To L.L

    Hashem bless you more and more...

    You are a beautiful soul in and out.

    Torah is true..
    Hashem the ONLY Creator, of all..

    Toda, again L.L

    You are a blessing to many...
    Lucky are all the people whom you helped, (and probably still are), when they needed someone.

    And you, like Devorah, still helping many, via this wonderful blog.

    Hashem bless you both and your families, and also please Hashem, bless all those who come to learn much on this blog.

    May Mashiach come soon now.. Amain.

    L.L - I send you a cyber hug.


  22. Sorry for the delay in publishing your comment Mirla, I just found it in a different folder.


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