Monday, June 12, 2023

Moshiach: Now or Never

New shiur from Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

How has the coming of Mashiach been understood throughout Jewish history? 

Are we long overdue for the arrival of the Messiah? 

How might we understand Mashiach ben Yosef, Mashiach ben David, and their adversary “Armilus”?

Find out in this class, where we also discuss whether a Jew is required to believe in the notion of a Messiah, how long the Israelites really spent in ancient Egypt, and explore mysterious figures like Zerubbabel and Nehemiah ben Hushiel.

More End of Days Secrets from Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

For a List of Fulfilled Prophecies See Here


  1. Moshiach is coming NOW!

  2. I once heard Rav Ginsburg Shlita say that Armelus was an angel that oversaw both Jewish assimilation and pornography and Mashiach Ben Yosef would defeat him and destroy both of these concepts

  3. Gershon, when exactly is now? Reuben

    1. Any day very soon. If you’ve been reading this blog for long enough, you would know that Moshiach is very close

  4. Gershon, when exactly is very close?

    1. I’m not sure why you keep questioning my words. Very close is not in 20 years from now or anywhere close to that. Be prepared today as if Moshiach will arrive today.

  5. It depends which blog you are reading. For instance at the yearsofawe blog in the latest comments they're talking about Persia who, will try to take over the world and other events that need to take place before moshiach can finally appear......

    1. You almost sound like you don’t want Moshiach soon. Convince yourself whatever you want. It can come today. That’s a fact.

  6. Excellent shiur! Oh, please Gd that we have exceeded the 6,000 years of geulah and the coming of Moshiach is well overdue!! How marvellous! Thank you for posting this Devorah!

    1. From what I understand, the speaker never mentioned about waiting until the year 6000 for Moshiach. The entire messianic era ends by then. The speaker quoted the Gemara that Moshiach was supposed to come by the year 4,000 when Yehuda HaNasi finished compiling all of Mishna but didn’t come because of the sins of Klal Yisrael. Now, he must come and the speaker said numerous times that he is overdue and the time has certainly arrived for it to come now.

    2. There was no mention anywhere in the shiur that the Geulah has to come by the year 6,000. He said that Moshiach was supposed to come by the year 4,00 and that it must come now because we are overdue and we have all the prophecies and signs.

  7. Sorry, forgot to add my name to above comment.


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