Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Understanding Edom #1 - Esau & Amalek

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Who exactly was the Biblical Esau, and how did he become “Edom”? What are the true origins of Amalek, the “eternal enemy” of Israel? Why is Edom associated with Rome and the Western world? And what is the role of Edom in the End of Days and the Messianic Age? Find out in this thrilling class as we begin a new series on the complex and controversial world of Esau and Edom. 

Also discussed: Baphomet and pagan symbolism in Hollywood and the music industry, a possible hidden Scriptural reference to Elon Musk, and Biblical blueprints for today’s conflict in the Middle East.


  1. There's one part where the rabbi speaks of "opposing forces" of good and evil being the whole point of the world. The thing is, it doesn't have to be that way. For example children, for the most part (as there are exceptions), barely have a יצר הרע, but rather are non-assuming and accepting of new concepts and people. Yes, they fight, but the fights aren't so malicious as much as a lashing out.

    I see the same among חסידים (the ones who truly believe in simplicity and less exposure). Their aspirations are simpler, and they have more flowing, less-frictional interactions. There is more unity and feeling part of the crowd. Not that they don't enjoy debating, but the stakes aren't so high, due to much less ego. It's less about status, and it's more about whether Shabbos chulent can get away without farfel added. Are there exceptions? Of course, there are, and for all I know, maybe they're even becoming more of the rule rather than the exception. But those types tend to have conditions such as ADHD or are breakaways who itch to join higher-powered communities. So, as with RINO's there are CHINO's i.e. חסידים In Name Only.

    1. G-D created the world with equal forces of good and evil. With the episode of Adam and Eve that mixed the evil with the good.

      The final
      Separation will occur once all Jews are gathered and back in Israel and Amalek which represents the real Evil Is completely wiped out and the 3rd and final Temple is built with King Mashiach . B”H

  2. Wow! very interesting! Rivkah

  3. Here is an excellent class by R'Hajioff that is about end of days even though it has a money title. It also hints to the answer of a question in the comments recently about gerim getting the first level in Olam Haba and this is because we will see our relatives there. A ger may not have any relatives there so they would see other gerim. I have heard that some gerim were Jews in a past life though. Here's hoping a rabbi, say Rabbi Palvanov who really touches a lot on the mystical side, would do a shiur on gerim as there is a lot to be said on this topic. This is the new R'Hajioff shiur:



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