This is an actual photo taken from a video shot yesterday by a photographer in Nevada. You can check it with any AI detector you like, and you'll see it's real. It was taken during a live podcast, 500 people saw it come up on the screen as he was filming.
This is the giant cube that's flying around our skies.
Photos: C. Kuchuris
It's been captured on camera many times, but this is an extremely good capture.
ReplyDeleteI can't NOT post this, it is real whether you believe it or not.
Anybody see a face in the cube
DeleteInteresting, thanks for sharing the photo!
ReplyDelete......the last phase for mankind which is Ichvas D’Mashichah requires us to be loyal because, in that tekufah—period, there will be an unbelievable number of irrational events and phenomena, things which don't make sense [Rabbi Mendel Kessin - What is the Messianic Meaning of the Trump Presidency]
ReplyDeleteIt’s a “blueprint” for the Third Temple! ……Neshama
ReplyDeleteI was too scared to even mention the Third Temple but yes that's what I think it is.... I think it's inside a box and that's what we're looking at. Well done Neshama :)
DeleteThe Third Temple is a perfect cube.
In the Third Temple, it will be 3,000 by 3,000 cubits—i.e., it will be 36 times larger, or 9,000,000 square cubits (approx. 22,325,625 square feet or 512.5 acres)!
Just some thoughts about the size and shape of the Third Temple -- A blue box is a Tzedakah box. 3000 is an enlarged gimel. The gimel is the rich man running after the poor man (dalet) to give him charity. Charity, x 1000, cubed.
The video of the cube was taken on Yud Shvat, which was already 11 Shvat in Australia when I saw it being filmed live. Everyone watching the live stream saw it and gasped. The guy taking the video didn't even know what he'd captured until they told him and then he went back and grabbed some screen shots.
ReplyDeleteSo on Yud Shvat, Hashem wanted us to see the cube, which I believe is the Third Temple, and obviously at least one other person believes that as well.
Thank you Neshama.
i believe in it...but why 10 shvat is so important?
DeleteI am not necessarily drawing any conclusions from this, just saying the date this photo was taken was 10 Shvat.
I have posted about this before - it's actually known unofficially as the Texas cube because it was first spotted over Texas, but it was much smaller then, see
ReplyDeletethis post from May 2024
The parsha was Beshalach,
ReplyDeletesee Beshalach 15:17 Rashi
The Holy Temple is especially beloved by God, for the world was created with one hand, as it says: “My hand (יָדִי) also founded the earth,” 108 but the Holy Temple will be built with God’s two hands, as stated here. And when will it in fact be built with His two hands? At the time when “God will reign forever and ever,” i.e., in the future, when He will have supreme sovereignty. [Rashi]
It should be b'karov maamash....that's exciting and there are no coincidences in this world. The fact that it was seen on yud shvat is unbelievable!!!
thank you
ReplyDeleteI hope this is meaningful....too many sick people and others who are suffering, hoping for the world to become a better place for all.
ReplyDeleteThe Tetragrammaton has a gematria value of 26, and a cube has 6 sides, 8 corners, and 12 edges for a total of 26.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dennis
DeleteNot saying anyone on comments is wrong about what they think the Cube is or might be.
ReplyDeleteI tried to do a search on computer. Turns out 'The Cube' can be many things. Its different in many ways, Cubes are tiny houses, cubes are games, some say they are extra extraterrestrial.
Why worry.
We should just turn our eyes up to HaShem. Nu??
Tiny houses and games don't fly around the skies.
DeleteExtra terrestrial just means not from earth.
No-one is worrying, we're just excited.
Is this the same cube that was seen over Texas in June 2015? Footage on this link:
ReplyDeleteNo that one looks like a hoax.
DeletePretty sure this cube was not visible back in 2015.
You can always tell the hoax images of objects and planets because they look too perfect.
In reality they are surrounded by their atmospheres/clouds and AI cannot replicate them exactly as they appear in real life. it's like looking at a photo of your own child vs a photo of a wax dummy.
This is just a picture. Where is a link to the podcast?
ReplyDeleteThe podcast goes for 8 and a half hours, it's not going to be of much use to you. They do them every week on a Sunday my time. I just happened to tune in close to the time it was shown. You can see the original post that they are speaking about by clicking on
These are the only people regularly photographing and video-ing the skies. Nibiru is just a blue planet, it's not the danger that people think. In fact it looks a lot like earth, only bigger.
DeleteShimshon, I found it .... watch at 4:20:40 for a few minutes
DeleteThe guy with the beard and sunglasses on is the one doing the filming
If you text Rabbi Chaim Clorfene in a search engine, he is one of the biggest specialists in the Third Temple, the only shape that could coincide with this cube is the central part of the Third Temple, where the altar for the sacrifices stood. But strangely it appears like the Kaaba of Mecca to me. I think it is fake, and more when you mention that previous photos (Texas 2015) of this kind were fake. Best regards. Eduardo
ReplyDeleteIt's not fake Eduardo, it's been captured on film many times.
DeleteI know Chaim Clorfene from many years ago.
You can see on the podcast how it just "appears" out of nowhere, that is how it happens, these things just appear in front of your eyes as they are flying past. I've seen things like this with my own eyes, not the cube, but other bodies just appearing for a few minutes then moving on.
Nobody has to believe it if they don't want to, but they are real.
ReplyDeleteThe first image that came to mind seeing these photos, was the massive Borg Cube in one of the StarTrek movies. The motto of the assimilationist Borg cyborgs was, "resistance is futile." 😂
Yes resistance is futile. Whatever is going to happen in the next few months or whenever.... is futile to resist. Big things coming.
DeleteThink the idea of it being the third Beis Hamikdash is absolutely fantastic!
DeleteA lot of the things that appear in shows like Star Trek or Star Wars, none of which I am proud to say I have ever seen, are based on things that actually do exist but we have no knowledge of (yet).
DeleteThere is also another shape, a long box cube, which could be another part of the Beis Hamikdash.
ReplyDeleteWow, that’s really something, could you maybe find photos of that one, please.
Deleteyep I'll find them soon. They travel side by side usually. You can see it in that podcast clip I gave
look at 4:20:44 which is the precise time it faintly appears below the place the cube will immediately appear above it. I'll find some more photos of it in the meantime.
Rashi (Sukkah 41a) quotes the Midrash Chazal that the third temple will be lowered fully complete from the heavens. This approach will have to assume that the blueprint was not written down by Yechezkel to serve as a building plan but rather as a description of its splendor.
Another approach to reconcile Rashi’s view and that of Rambam is based on our sages’ interpretation of the verse “Her gates sank in the earth.”12 Our sages relate that the gates of the Beit Hamikdash were fashioned by order of King David. This endowed them with an eternal invulnerability. When the Babylonians laid waste to the Beit Hamikdash, the gates were not destroyed. Instead, they were swallowed by the earth.
In the era of the Redemption, the entire Beit Hamikdash will descend from the heavens, with the exception of the gates, which will ascend from the earth. Moshiach will then connect the gates to the Beit Hamikdash. Our sages explain15 that connecting the gates to a building is considered as equivalent to the construction of the entire edifice.
You can also see the cube in this video
@ approx 6.10
and if you continue watching for a few minutes, there is also a small black box similar to the photo posted by London Male in the comments above