Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Birth of Moshiach and Preparation for TIsha b'Av

 Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

[don't listen to this and think he's going to tell you that Moshiach is coming Tisha b'Av.... that's not the content of this lecture, and no-one knows anyway]

Yanuka: Every Pain in the World

Every pain in the entire world is the pain of the Divine

Transcription below [he speaks like a poet!]

All of the troubles that we hear and all the pain that we see 
Is the pain of the Divine Presence 
Every person who has pain in his house 
Every pain in the entire world, is the pain of the Divine Presence 

There was the great R' Meir from Afta
At the end of his book Ohr Lashamayim 
He asks a question and he responds to the question 
He asks, what type of righteous person will be on a higher level 
Is it the righteous person who wants suffering
And will accept suffering upon himself to suffer for the sake of the Jewish nation ?
Or a righteous person who does not desire suffering? 

And there he concludes that the righteous person who does not want suffering is on a higher level
than the one who desires suffering.

There he explains the reason for this. 
He says that we know that every pain and affliction that any Jew has -
Regarding this it says: "in all their troubles He was troubled" 
Hakadosh Baruch Hu feels the pain of this affliction just as the Jew feels pain 
The pain of the family and the pain of the person 
This is pain that is drawn above 
And some of the pain of the Divine Presence descends down to us. 

The pain that we feel here is infinitely small to the extent that we cannot imagine compared to the pain of the Divine Presence 
The Divine Presence is crying 
And when a person leaves the world there is the sound of a cry that is heard from one end of the world until the other
We see that Hakadosh Baruch Hu, He is in pain and He is pained by the situation that we the Jewish people find ourselves in  

Hashem informs us of this pain so that we must understand that we cannot continue in this exile 
But today the exile has reached the situation that the majority of the world thinks that it is possible to remain and function like this.

The exile is comfortable.

If there is an illness then people go to the doctor 
If there is [difficulty] earning a living, they go to the parents 
Eyes are not turned towards Heaven 
The eyes are a great distance away 

And then they see the great destruction that exists in the world 
They see the pain and the suffering that our nation is experiencing
We all, all of us, each of us experiences what he experiences whether specifically or generally  Everyone has something to contend with.

And this pain, this trouble, experienced by every man, by every woman this is literally the pain of the Divine Presence 
And a person who feels this pain must understand that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is hinting to him 
Pray for the Divine Presence 

Rabenu Yosef Chaim wrote a responsa called Rav Pe'alim 
In chapter 1,  He writes at the beginning 
Whoever wishes to delve into this – this is fascinating 
In order to understand what is the Divine Presence, in order to understand what is Tikkun Chatzot 
What is it that we say: "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Divine Presence" 

To understand these concepts well, it is worthwhile to study them 
In order to understand the depths of these things 
But what we must ask from Hashem
Every time, every day – is to pray for the Divine Presence 
To understand the pain that it has 
It does not come from wherever it is in the world
It is from the Divine Presence 
The Divine Presence informs us of this pain 
And asks of us – a request of mercy 
Ask for mercy for Me 
Ask that I  will not have this trouble 
Ask that there be a unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Divine Presence
Because I always recommend that everyone say A blessing before 

Before every thing to say: "for the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He and His Divine Presence"

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

They Call It a Spinning 'Mothership' Supercell

For those who prefer to get their news from mainstream media, here is a new clip from Fox News, showing the base clouds of one of the planets which I think is Napisiti. They don't have a real name for it, because that kind of thing has not been seen here previously, so they called it a spinning 'mothership' supercell.

Why the World is Heating Up


.....the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of the seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the bruise of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. [Isaiah 30:26]

Ohio: Photo D Mason

Western Massachusetts, Photo C Hanley

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Words From the Heart

"These are the words that Moshe spoke to all Israel" [Devarim1:1]

Rabbi David Hanania Pinto offers the following explanation:

The word 'אלה' (these are), has the same numerical value (adding one for the actual word) as 'הלב' (the heart). This implies that Moshe Rabbeinu a"h guided the Bnei Yisrael in the way of Torah and mitzot and led them with words of rebuke and mussar, yet all his words flowed from a warm and loving heart. He behaved like a merciful father who guides his only son with great love. Chazal tell us that "Words that flow from the heart enter the heart". Since this was his approach, the Bnei Yisrael listened to his words and took them to heart.

The Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna zt"l told one of the distinguished melamdim of Bnei Brak: "One who sincerely loves his students, is promised that they will achieve the ultimate success." For words that flow from a pure and loving heart will eventually enter the heart.


Moses began reciting the book of Deuteronomy on the first day of the month of Shvat and according to tradition he died on the seventh of Adar. Therefore, he transmitted the entire book to the children of Israel in just thirty seven days. 

Alluding to the fact that these words come straight from Moses’ heart, the numerical value of the Hebrew phrase “the heart” (halev) is thirty-seven. 

 As Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh has noted, permuting the letters of “halev” may produce the following idiom: “hevel halev lahav,” which means “the vapor of the heart is enflamed.” When the heart is enflamed and inspired, the “vapor” or energy it produces fulfill the dictum that “words that emanate from the heart – enter the heart.” We are taught that the Torah was given in fire, as Mount Sinai was on fire “until the heart of heaven” [Devarim 4:11]. 

[Ohr Chadash]

So too, when we speak words of Torah they should reflect this level of passionate intensity, which in turn enters the hearts of those listening and awakens their souls.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Angels: Their Purpose

For a Refuah Shleimah Chaya Shaina Chana bas Itcha 

New shiur from Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Truth Will Out

The latest news worthy item that they are frantically trying to block us from seeing is SOUND OF FREEDOM, which is a movie about child-trafficking.  Hollywood has been protecting child-trafficking since the beginning, and this film  sets out to show the world. 

In the first video is Ben Shapiro who is a well-known talk show host, second video is the producer being interviewed and third is a clip from the movie. They don't want you to watch this movie and are doing their best to stop screenings.... but that has just had the reverse effect. 

The epilogue of the movie claims that there are more people enslaved today than in any other time in history, including when slavery was legal.  

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Amazing Link Between the Biblical Judges and the Prime Ministers of Israel

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

How do we make sense of the modern State of Israel and its elected leaders from a spiritual perspective? Are we witnessing the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy? And is history repeating itself as we replay the Biblical era of Judges?