Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Amazing Link Between the Biblical Judges and the Prime Ministers of Israel

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

How do we make sense of the modern State of Israel and its elected leaders from a spiritual perspective? Are we witnessing the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy? And is history repeating itself as we replay the Biblical era of Judges?


  1. Why does the chart in the video show Netanyahu as 2024? Netanyahu became prime minister again in 2022, not 2024.

    1. Don’t worry! If you look closely, it shows Netanyahu around the 2022 timeline. It only shows 2024 to show the upcoming year which will either be Netanyahu or Moshiach. A lot more likely Moshiach as we are in Motzei Shemittah and every possible sign of the Geulah is here. The world can’t go without Moshiach any longer. It’s going to all be Very Good VERY SOON. Moshiach 5783!


  2. Perhaps my comment did not go through, or perhaps You, Devorah would not like me post comments any more,
    I just commented about " amen v'amen, after the last Amen...

    Please let me know one way or another.

    Thank you


  3. If you think about it, Shoftim ends with a civil war sparked by the incident with the Pilegesh in the Givaah. Doesn't it seem likely that now we are at that time of civil war, with the anti-government protestors shutting down the airport and highways and protesting in Bnei Brak and at the homes of MKs, etc.?

    I just looked at it again this Shabbos, and you see that after the civil war there were Binyamites with no one to marry, because the other Tribes had said they would not let their daughter's marry Binyamites, and so the solution was that on Tu B'Av (coming up!) they could grab the girls who were dancing...I think Rabbi Palvanov speaks about it in this video, if I recall correctly (can't watch it now, I've blocked YouTube). After that, it covers Shmuel HaNavi, Shaul HaMelech, and then goes into David HaMelech. If the parallel works-and it does seem striking-we are very close, please G-d, to Moshiach.


    1. According to that, Moshiach would have to come before this Tu B’Av?

  4. Anyone else here feeling very down (sad) and exhausted yearning and waiting for Moshiach (and doing everything they can to bring it)?

    It’s been very difficult on me and I feel I can’t handle this very bitter golus any longer :(

    1. Yes. Many of us. Hang in there. The end of golus is right here.

  5. Miriam, I’m feeling it too. I’m in severe depression from this golus. It got me very down. I couldn’t handle seeing other people suffering anymore and I realized that my help to them wasn’t able to get rid of everyone’s suffering. Only Hashem can end all suffering and that will be when Moshiach comes. Every day of this golus is like a bad dream that never ends. And I can’t understand why this golus is still not over.

  6. Miriam, i a Noahide am also going through very bad moments.
    Just when i thought i could make amends with some family members, on many misunderstandings, things all fell to the bottom.

    I feel, perhaps it was Gd's will.

    Cannot explain more.
    Just hang in there, i think a lot of people, are going through testing moments,
    Jews and also non Jews.

    May Hashem help all who just want to live in peace with all.

    May Hashem bless you and help you, as only Hashem can.
    Hang on Miriam,
    Hashem is with you, you are never alone.


  7. Please leave a name, apart from anything else, it would be helpful for Miriam to know your names. Maybe you could all get in touch with each other.

  8. This is why we desperately need a WhatsApp group for support. So many of us on here are going through difficult times being at the end of golus. Can someone step up and make it happen? It can even save lives. We don’t know the effect we have on being there for another.

  9. To Anonymous at 3:43: I was not making predictions about dates of Moshiach coming. I was simply pointing out some striking parallels in Sefers Shoftim and Shmuel to the history of the modern state of Israel. Just developing the idea of Rabbi Palvanov's shiur a bit. Moshiach could come today, and our mitzvah is to hope for him to come today. We need to keep davening and serving Hash-m. Remember, Hash-m knows exactly what He's doing, and He's doing it all for our good. Hang in there, all of you. One day, in a moment, it will change, and we will be like dreamers: בשוב ה׳ את שיבת ציון היינו כחלמים TC

  10. Supposedly, there is an opinion from the Ramban that Moshiach can come anytime until the year 5800 (2040). Doesn’t this seem basically impossible for the world to continue in this insane golus for another 16 years and 2 months? Obviously, the Zohar disagrees about deadlines but to think of Moshiach coming possibly right before the year 2800 is very disturbing. What are your thoughts?

  11. Zohar disagrees about that deadline* as the Zohar (and the Leshem) states that we will already be in techiyas hameisim by 5786 or 5790.

  12. There is no way under any circumstances are we going to wait or be able to wait until anywhere near the year 5800 for Moshiach. I’d almost use the word impossible.

  13. As I heard from Rav Lazer Brody, the people who say when Moshiach is coming don't know, and the people who know when Moshiach is coming, don't say. Moshiach will come when we don't expect him. Hash-m knows exactly when to bring Moshiach. Our jobs here in Olam haZeh don't change, regardless of when Moshiach will come. Serve Hash-m and try to do His will. G-d willing, Moshiach will be here soon-Even today! Never give up hope! TC

    1. No one here said a date for when Moshiach will arrive

  14. To Anonymous at 3:47: My point is simple: It is impossible for us to know when Moshiach will come. (Somebody knows but most of us don't.) I was not putting anybody down, but rather trying to offer encouragement. Three things come with hesech hadaas, one of them is Moshiach. This should encourage us that he can come even today. I certainly hope and pray he is coming very soon. So many signs point to it, and after all, b'motsai Shviis Ben David ba. But like many yeshuas in our lives, we can't plan this one or predict it. One moment, we'll be in Golus, and the next moment, Moshiach will be here. Each day, regardless, we can try our best to serve Hash-m. Wishing only revealed good to everyone out there! TC

  15. Maybe some of you can agree with the following:

    I find that when I am over-obsessed with the calculations, and too obsessed with the current events, my mind and heart do not end up doing the proper Hishtadlus and Teshuvah necessary.

    On the other hand, when I allow myself to get excited about the prospect of Moshiach being here any minute now, (especially now that it is so obvious when watching the goings on....)in addition to begging Hashem to finally bring us home, I stay more focused. Hashem wants us to live a normal life until the minute that Moshiach finally makes his appearance. He does not want us to help Him carry the burden.

    Also, do not forget that every minute of pain that you have now, will be eternal bliss for you. I am afraid that many of us may regret that Hashem did not give us just a little bit more 'hardship' so that we can reap the rewards forever. We will especially be grateful for those hardships that we thanked Hashem for, and believed that they were all for our benefit.

    So hang tight, just a little bit longer!


    1. Such encouraging words… we are so eagerly waiting… waiting… we see it is so close… Bless HaShem for the goodness He will bring and erase all the pain, and wipe away the tears… So good she is to humanity… bless His Great Name forever……


  16. To SGK: Thank you! You said it so well! TC

  17. Miriam….I would be glad to make a whatsapp group for anyone that needs it…..anyone who would like to join should send their telephone numbers to Devorah…she has my email address and she can forward them to me…..or if you don’t care you can leave them here.

  18. People can leave information here in the form of a comment, which I will of course delete, and pass it on to CSF.
    CSF you will need to give me your email address.
    Unfortunately, because I've been hacked in the past, I had to make a new email address and I won't be putting it on the internet.

    1. Wasn't it the Lubavitch Rebbe who (years before his death) actually told Netanyahu that he will be the one who gives over the keys of the Medinah (state of Israel) to Moshiach?!

      This means that Netanyahu will be the last Prime Minister of Israel before the redemption...

      C S

  19. Actually CSF you should make an email address specifically for this, and people can email you directly if they want to be on the group.

  20. CS: that was an internet story, it wasn't true. The Rebbe did not say that to Bibi. Somebody on the internet started that rumour and it spread from there.

  21. I created an email for those who wish to be a part of a whatsapp group - send your phone numbers including country code and I will make a group.
    The email is......


  22. Thank you CSF, everyone email
    to be included in the Whatsapp group


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