Monday, February 20, 2023

Russia's Nuclear Exercises and Adar

As we approach Adar, we also approach a ramping up from Russia, with it's nuclear forces doing "massive exercise" - on the eve of Biden's visit to Europe

We know Adar is the month of miraculous events where evil is turned around - V’nahafoch hu - the enemy’s’ efforts ultimately lead them towards becoming the source of the salvation for the Jews.

And here I want to quote Myrtle Rising about Russia: [I highly recommend clicking on that link and reading the whole blog post]

The Russian nation comes from the klippah of Dubiel ("God is my Bear"—or, in modern Hebrew  ..."God is my Teddy Bear"—ha!). 

Interestingly, even the non-Jews sense this aspect of Russia because they dubbed Russia with the moniker "the great Russian bear." 

The original nation under the klippah/sar/Heavenly representative of Dubiel was Paras—Persia. Persia existed as the initial earthly manifestation of Dubiel......when we hear about Russia's increasing aggression and victories, it stands out as a sign that Dubiel's power is reaching its which point, the only way is down. 

This is similar to Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein's parable of a dying fish which, in an effort to return to its life-giving watery habitat, thrashes around more than it ever did or ever needed to do its entire life.

Davka in the last dying moments, power often peaks. 

Dubiel is about to die, so its earthly counterpart is thrashing around. This means we now need to prepare ourselves for the approaching bell-ringing of Mashiach.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Derailments and Toxic Rivers [updated]

There were at least four train derailments in America yesterday.  The first one in East Palestine Ohio has contaminated the Ohio River, one of the longest rivers in America.  I have listed the four known train derailments below the image.  

Is this sabotage, or is it something else.... such as earth movements causing rail lines to buckle?  Whatever the case, once the rivers become toxic, water flows and travels and maybe we are seeing this sign of Geula approaching.  Again, stock up on canned tuna if you need to.

Talmud Sanhedrin 98a "Mashiach ben Dovid will not arrive until someone seeks a fish for a sick person and cannot find one."

Toxic chemicals from the train derailment & explosion in East Palestine have reportedly “contaminated” the Ohio River as far as West Virginia, a water source for over 5 million.

One person is dead after a train derailment in Montgomery County… at 59 and Midline (Fostoria). Authorities say, avoid the area… there’s a possible hazmat situation. #breaking #texas Metro-North

Railroad @MetroNorth · Train service is replaced by buses on the New Canaan branch between New Canaan and Stamford because of a non-passenger train that derailed near New Canaan. Please transfer in Stamford for service to New Canaan or Grand Central.

Currently multiple emergency crews are responding to a train derailment in Enoree South Carolina CSX Transportation are also on the scene this is still developing

                             Update: This is a picture of snow in Ontario Canada, taken 19 Feb 2023.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Making Your Own Messiah [and UFOs]

There are so many things going on at the moment, and it's not so easy to know which ones are real and which aren't.  The real events are also being manipulated, and it's only through Torah that you can separate the truth from the lies.  Basically, if it fits with the Torah's description of the End of Days, I think it's real.  That's my rationale anyway.  

While I was researching other things, I came across this:  Project Blue Beam -  "the idea that, if you can't find a messiah, you can use technology to make one". [Source] [I haven't listened to the podcast]  It's called a "conspiracy theory" but like a lot of other conspiracy theories, this one is actually true, and seems to be coming to life in 2023.  You can find other references to Project Blue Beam if you Google.

The Turkey quake: many believe that was brought about by HAARP.  I also believe that now.  Clue: the flashing blue light beforehand and the clanging noises.  [I have linked to my blog post on the lights and sounds, and as you can see the video has been taken down by You Tube. and the account terminated - too much information for the general public to be made aware of.] These strange noises, and other trumpet like sounds, are also HAARP, and not the trumpets that the Xtians think is a sign of the End.

Whether or not these trumpet-like sounds are deliberately being made to make the JC worshippers think it's all happening again..... is speculation but possibly true.  They want to make their own messiah because they also know the real one is coming.  Who are they?  Shrug... I actually have no idea who "they" are.... but it's a giant band of evil and it's fighting the coming Geula. 

There's too many politics for me to try and explain why they decided to destroy Turkey, I am not political and there's plenty of other people who can explain all that, go ahead and do so in the comments if you feel like it.  Just look to America if you're looking for the evil.  And look to America if you're looking for the evil in the Russia/Ukraine war.  And the blowing up of the Nordstream Gas lines. Putin is not the bad guy here.  We're just not being given all the information.

Nevertheless, all of this has been sanctioned by Hashem, of course, nothing happens in the world unless Hashem okays it.  So German has problems with gas.... there's a midda kneged midda if ever there was one.  Ukraine [Ekron] needs to be destroyed? Again something that has been foretold as happening. 

Hashem is using the evil to do His job at the End of Days.  We are the ones who wanted to be here to watch it all go down.  Here we all are, and we are watching the show.  We all just need to keep an open mind and remember that just like Alice in Wonderland, nothing is really as it appears to be anymore.

Training Ourselves to Tell the Truth

Text by Rabbi David Chananya Pinto

In our Parashah [Mishpatim], the Torah warns us against the prohibition of falsehood, as it is stated, “Distance yourself from a false matter.” Thus the Chafetz Chaim writes [in his sefer Sefat Tamim 87]: How great the virtue of truth is; it is one of the pillars that the world stands upon, as Chazal state. One who upholds this, it is as if he sustained the entire world, and brings abundance to the world, as it is stated in the midrash [Yalkut Tehillim 85] on the pasuk “Truth will sprout from the earth.” When there is truth in the world, Hashem performs charity with the people and saves them from calamity, and abundance comes down to the world.

And this trait, the Chafetz Chaim writes, brings a person to do good things and withdraw from doing anything evil.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

A Direct Hit

Parshat Yitro: 20:1-4  6th Aliyah, corresponding to the sixth day of the week: Friday 10 February

"I am the Lord, your God, Who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 

You shall not have the gods of others in My presence. 

You shall not make for yourself a graven image or any likeness which is in the heavens above, which is on the earth below, or which is in the water beneath the earth."

On the same day, Friday 10 February, lightning strikes the statue of "The Redeemer" in Brazil.

                                                         Photo Fernando Braga

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Significance of Turkey's Deadliest Earthquake


Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Red Moon Nights

Last night's moon near Sydney .... see the red aura around it..... that is no doubt from Nibiru which is behind our Sun.  Photo taken by JB.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Rav Fish on the Turkey Quake: Earthquakes will be the start of the Redemption

Rav Yekutiel Fish

Hebrew with English subtitles

What in the World.....

A couple of big events occurred yesterday on Tu b'Shvat.  First, the huge earthquakes in Turkey, and secondly the demonic satanic Grammy Awards where the audience was treated to a show with the performers dressed in red, and some with horns, as the devil. I think the entire Awards night was devised as a tribute to the satan. 

The Turkey quakes were introduced with stunning blue flashes of light, which can be seen in the video below.  I tried to find out what causes the blue flash but it seems that no-one really knows for sure. National Geographic tried to explain it but ended their story by saying that they really don't have a clue and are still debating the issue.

Back in January, there was an ominous red cloud in the sky over Turkey, which no-one could really explain either.

And here is a photo of the skies over Izmit, Turkey just last week.  Red sky.  Caused by the red star which is also causing the massive earthquakes?

There is so much going on in the skies above us at the moment, and some people are saying there is an entire planetary system crossing with ours.  Nibiru is the sun, and it has moons and planets around it.  This could be true because I have seen a lot of photos and there is definitely more than one object up there.  One specific planet has a lot of holes, while Nibiru itself is behind the sun. It can sometimes be seen rising up before the sun itself rises.  

Did G-d create more than one solar system?  Is the Nibiru system bringing the Geula?  What is going on? I would really appreciate some input here.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Secrets of Tu b"Shvat

 Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

How did Tu b’Shevat go from a footnote on the Jewish calendar to an important mystical holiday? What are the true origins of the Tu b’Shevat seder? And what does it all have to do with the State of Israel and the coming of Mashiach? 

Find out in this class where we also outline the proper steps of the Tu b’Shevat seder, explain the Kabbalistic meaning of the Tu b’Shevat fruits, explore the Book of Judges, and present an intriguing theory about the coming Final Redemption.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Nibiru / Kochav Yaakov

This is a photo I managed to grab from a video on Tik Tok.  It was a live video, no photoshop, no sun dogs [camera reflection]. There are a lot more videos out now, people are seeing it everywhere.

This photo shows the sun and the planet to the north of it.  The moon is on the other side of the sky, it is not the moon.

I know, we've been here before, but it's back.  And if you remember back in 2016 when I was blogging Niribu, Rav Sternbuch said at that time that it was too early for Nibiru.  Well here we are seven years on and hopefully we're not too early now and we are in the year of Geula.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Spiritual Darkness

"And there was a thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt... No man could see his brother nor could any man rise from his place" [Bo 10:22-23]

This verse, said R' Chanoch of Alexander, teaches us a valuable lesson in Divine service.

''And there was a thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt'' - when it is a period of spiritual darkness - and ''No man could see his brother'' - when somebody only cares about himself and ignores the plight of others - then ''nor could any man rise from his place'' - he will not be able to rise from his low spiritual state.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Severity of the Sin

Art by Nick Gustafson

Moses cried out to the Lord concerning the frogs that He had brought upon Pharaoh....And the Lord did according to Moses' word, and the frogs died .... [Va'eira 8:8-9]

Why is it, asked the Chofetz Chaim, that at the Plague of Frogs, Hashem accepted Moshe's prayer as soon as he uttered it and immediately stopped the devastating plague, yet when the Jews were in the wilderness and were attacked by fiery serpents, Moshe's prayers did not have an immediate effect?

For, in that case, Hashem told Moshe: ''Make yourself [the image of] a venomous snake, and place it on a pole.'' [Bamidbar 21:8]   Only by gazing at the copper ''snake'' did those who were bitten survive.

Why was it necessary for Moshe to perform an action here in order to save the Jewish people in the wilderness, yet in Egypt, no additional action was required?

This is meant to teach us, answered the Chofetz Chaim, the severity of the sin of speaking lashon hara.

As a rule, prayer is effective for removing all misfortunes and calamities.  Therefore, when Moshe beseeched Hashem to remove the frogs from Egypt, Hashem accepted his prayer and instantly stopped the plague.  However, the fiery serpents were sent to attack the Jewish people as a punishment for speaking lashon hara.  

Since they had committed a sin which the Heavenly Court judges with exactitude, Moshe's prayers were not immediately effective.  Instead, Hashem instructed him to make an image of a venomous snake for the people to gaze at.  This way, each Jew would think of his Father in Heaven and personally repent for his sin.  Each Jew would then be forgiven and granted life.

Source: Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"A Time of Trouble"

Text by R' Dan Stochel

The Eban Ezra writes the following about the coming Final Wars.

Daniel 12:1 "This time of trouble will cover the entire world." 

Other similar sources are: Midrash Talpiyot: anaf Otot Mashiach (signs of Mashiach) section 1 & 7.

And the very reason this trouble covers the entire world is as Rabbi Shabtai Bass (1641-1718) known as the Siftey Chachamim writes on Talmud Megillah 17b: 

This most humbling of realities stemming from the global "Pachad" meaning global "Fear" during these Final world wars fought in cyber space, tarriff wars, currency devaluation trade wars, is because it lays the necessary foundation for a "worldwide" redemptive process in order for not just Jews but correct thinking righteous gentiles also need to feel this Pachad so they too do teshuvah on their level -- since this time it is meant for all humankind because Hashem is bringing with it a complete and worldwide redemption!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Cosmic Shemittot

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

Were there civilizations before ours? How can we explain archaeological evidence that dates as far back as 12,000 years? Explore the ancient Kabbalistic notion of Shemittot ("Cosmic Sabbaticals") of 7000-year cycles.

This short video is spliced together from two longer classes. For the full version Part 1 click here and Part 2 click here

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Name of God

                                                             Art: Joe Bergholm

God said to Moses: "Ehyeh asher ehyeh'' (I will be what I will be) [Shemot 3:14]

Rashi explains that G-d's reply to Moshe's question [about His Name] was ''I will be with them in their present time of need, just as I will be with them at the time of future persecutions.''

Obviously, Rashi does not agree with those commentators who suggest that G-d told Moshe to tell the Jews His true Name [Rashbam, Rambam and Abarbanel].  Rather, according to Rashi, G-d was responding with words of encouragement to tell the Jewish people.  [In this respect, Rashi agrees with Ramban].

After the true and complete redemption through our righteous Moshiach '' all flesh will see together that the mouth of G-d [Havayeh] spoke.''  And then we will be permitted to pronounce the Tetragrammation exactly how it is written.

Source: Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe

The Continuation of Yaakov's Task Through Yosef

 Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Monday, January 9, 2023

Who Will Build the Third Temple? Man or G-d?

Art: Alex Levin

From the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson

A Building of the Heavens or of the Earth 

There is a classic difference of opinion between our Rabbis regarding the construction of the Third Beis HaMikdash. The Rambam states [1] that the Beis HaMikdash will be built by man, more specifically by Mashiach. Indeed, its construction will be one of the signs of Mashiach’s advent.

Rashi, [2] by contrast, explains that the Beis HaMikdash has al­ready been constructed by G‑d and exists in the Heavenly realms, waiting for the time when it will descend to the earth. For the Third Beis HaMikdash will be “the Sanctuary of G‑d, established by Your hands.” [3] When the setting within the world is appropriate, this Heavenly structure will descend and become an actual reality within our material world.

Each of these views is based upon sources in the works of our Sages. [4] There is, however, a unique historical point which supports the Rambam’s position. Our Sages relate [5] that in the era of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, the Romans granted the Jews permission to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash. Joyous at the opportunity they were granted, our people rushed to begin the preparations for building only to have the project thwarted by the intervention of the Samaritans. What is significant, however, is that they planned to build the Beis HaMikdash through their own efforts; they did not wait for it to descend from the heavens.

Will We Be Worthy?

This account can, however, be reconciled with Rashi’s view. To explain: Our Sages [6] note the apparent contradiction between two verses describing the coming of Mashiach. One verse states:[7] “Behold, one like a son of man came on the clouds of heaven.” It is, however, also written: [8] “Your king will come... like a poor man riding on a donkey.” In resolution, our Sages explain that if the Jews are found worthy, Mashiach will come “on the clouds of heaven”; if they do not merit, he will come “like a poor man riding on a donkey.” Similarly, in other contexts, our Sages de­scribe one course for the Redemption if the Jews’ conduct is meritorious, and another, if, heaven forbid, such merits are lacking. [9]

In the present context as well, it can be explained that the ultimate conception of the Beis HaMikdash is a Heavenly struc­ture to descend from above. If, however, the Jews are not wor­thy of such a sanctuary, the Beis HaMikdash will still return in the Era of the Redemption. It will, however, be a structure built by man, and not by G‑d.

On this basis, we can also resolve the difficulty cited above. When the Romans granted the Jews the opportunity to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash, the people must have been somewhat dis­appointed that the Beis HaMikdash did not descend from heaven. Nevertheless, the realization that they had not been found worthy of a heavenly structure did not dampen their en­thusiasm for building a sanctuary to the fullest extent of their human potential. [10]

Concrete Elucidation of Yechezkel’s Prophecies

Another possible resolution can be offered based on the Rambam’s statements shortly after the beginning of Hilchos Beis HaBechirah: [11]

The structure which Shlomo built is already described in the [Book of] Melachim. Similarly, the structure which will be constructed in the future era [is described in the Book of] Yechezkel. Nevertheless, the description there is not explained or elucidated.

[Therefore,] the people who constructed the Second [Beis HaMikdash] in the time of Ezra, built it according to the [basic] design [employed by] Shlomo, incorporat­ing the elements which were explicitly detailed by Yechezkel.

It can be explained that Mashiach will lead the people in the construction of those dimensions of the Beis HaMikdash which can be grasped by human intellect. Afterwards, since the dimensions of Yechezkel’s prophecies which we cannot com­pre­hend will be left incomplete, they will be revealed from Heaven by G‑d.

When That Which is Hidden Will Emerge

Another approach to rec­oncile Rashi’s view and that of the Rambam is based on our Sages’ interpretation of the verse, “Her gates sank in the earth.” [12] Our Sages relate [13] that the gates of the Beis HaMikdash were fashioned at the order of King David. This endowed them with an eternal invulnerability. [14] When the Babylonians laid waste to the Beis HaMikdash, the gates were not destroyed. In­stead, they were swallowed by the earth.

In the Era of the Redemption, the entire Beis HaMikdash will descend from the heavens with the exception of the gates, which will ascend from the earth. Mashiach will then connect the gates to the Beis HaMikdash. Our Sages explain [15] that con­necting the gates to a building is considered as equivalent to the construction of the entire edifice.

Adding Divine Perfection to Human Effort

Moreover, it can be ex­plained that the two concep­tions are, in no way, contradic­tory. Building the Beis HaMik­dash is a mitzvah incumbent on the Jewish people. [16] In the Era of the Redemption, when it will become possible to fulfill all the mitz­vos, we will also be obli­gated to rebuild the Beis HaMik­dash. Within that structure which man will erect, however, will descend and be enclothed “the Sanctuary of G‑d,” which is waiting in the heavens.

Mankind is obligated to create a Sanctuary for G‑d within the context of our material world. After that is completed to the fullest extent of our human potential, the inner essence of the Beis HaMikdash will be revealed — that it is “the Sanctuary of G‑d,” possessing a dimension of perfection which utterly sur­passes any possible work of mortal man.

* * *

May we witness the actual resolution of this issue in the immediate future, with the coming of the Redemption and the rebuilding — or the descent — of the Beis HaMikdash. “And then, the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to G‑d, as in the days of old and as in bygone years.”[17]

Adapted from Likkutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, Vol. XI, p. 98; XVIII, p. 418-419; Vol. XXVII, p. 205.

1. Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 11:1,4.
2. Sukkah 41a, Rosh HaShanah 30a. See also Tosafos, Sukkah, loc. cit.
3. Shmos 15:17.
4. The Rambam’s view appears based on the Jerusalem Talmud, Megillah 1:11, Pesachim 9:1, Vayikra Rabbah 9:6, and Bamidbar Rabbah, 13:2. Rashi’s view has its source in the Midrash Tanchuma, Pekudei, sec. 11, the Zohar I, 28a, and other texts.
5. Bereishis Rabbah 64:10.
6. Sanhedrin 98a.
7. Daniel 7:13.
8. Zechariah 9:9.
9. See the essay “Two Periods Within the Era of the Redemption,” in the text I Await His Coming, which discusses this issue at length.
10. Significantly, in the era of Rabbi Yehoshua, there was no particular individual dis­tinguished as Mashiach. Nevertheless, the people planned to build the Beis HaMikdash. It was only in a later generation that it was revealed that it would be Mashiach who would build the Third Beis HaMikdash.
11. Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 1:4. See the essay “How We Can Build the Beis HaMikdash” which elaborates on this concept.
12. Eichah 2:9.
13. Bamidbar Rabbah 15:13, Eichah Rabbah on the verse cited.
14. Sotah 9a.
15. See Bava Basra 53b; see also Shaarei Zohar to Sukkah 41a.
16. Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 1:1. See also the conclusion of the discussion of the positive mitzvos in Sefer HaMitzvos, which states that building the Beis HaMikdash is an obligation incumbent on the Jewish people as a communal entity.
17. Malachi 3:4.

Original Article:

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Taking Care of Business

'Zevulun will live by the sea coast....'' [Vayechi 49:13]

Zevulun would engage in business and provide food for the tribe of Yissachar, who would engage in Torah study. [Rashi to v. 13]

Until we reach the time when the nations will provide for the Jewish people [Brachos 35b] - after the coming of Moshiach - the majority of the Jewish people fall into the category of Zevulun, rather than Yissachar. Since this state of affairs is Divinely orchestrated, it follows that G-d's plan for creation must be carried out to a greater extent by the businessman than the Torah scholar - for otherwise, G-d would have made a world with more Torah scholars than businessmen.

This is because the ultimate purpose of creation is that ''G-d desired a home in the lowest realms'' [Tanchuma, Naso 7:1] and it is predominantly the businessman who works in these lowest realms, with the intention of elevating them to a higher purpose.

Source: Based on Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe [vol 30 p 137]

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Do You Have Free Will

 Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Ani Yosef

"I am Yosef!" [Vayigash 45:3]

The Chofetz Chaim offered the following explanation of this verse: 

When the brothers had initially arrived in Egypt, they were treated harshly by Yosef, who accused them of being spies.  The brothers were startled by what was happening to them, and they asked one another: "Why is this happening to us?  Who among us is guilty of a sin that would have brought this upon us?"

On the brothers' second trip to Egypt, they once again asked one another: "What is this that Hashem has done to us?"

However, continued the Chofetz Chaim, when the brothers heard but two words: "Ani Yosef" - I am Yosef - all of their questions were answered.  Suddenly, everything was clear - all of their misfortune had occurred as a result of having sold Yosef.

Today, as well, concluded the Chofetz Chaim, there are many people who question the way that Hashem runs His world.  "Why do the righteous suffer?" they ask.  "Why can the wicked prosper?"

However, at the End of Days, when the entire world hears Hashem utter but two words: "Ani Hashem" - I am Hashem - all of the questions will vanish.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Chanukah's Electrifying Secret

 Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Instant Salvation

"And they rushed him out of the dungeon" [Mikeitz 41:14]

In the Chofetz Chaim's later years, the Communist Revolution raged in Russia.  One of the aims of the wicked Communists was to stamp out any trace of Judaism from the hearts of the Jewish people. They spared no effort at trying to achieve this goal. They mercilessly leveled harsh decrees against the Jews, and only thanks to the mercy of Heaven were Jews able to remain firm in their faith.

"Look at what the Torah states in Parshas Mikeitz", said the Chofetz Chaim to one of his students.  "The verse says that 'Pharoah sent [messengers] and called Yosef, and they rushed him out of the dungeon.'  For twelve years Yosef languished in prison and no one paid any attention to him.

'But when the moment that Hashem had designated for Yosef's salvation finally arrived, he was immediately rushed out of the dungeon.'

''We are in a similar situation. Our predicament appears to be hopeless: the Communist regime, in their cruelty, will stop at nothing to sever our ties with the holy Torah. Yet when Moshiach comes and our moment of redemption arrives there will be no delays and we, too, will be rushed to our Land.''

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Who is Mashiach?

[published motzei Shabbat]

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

What is the true role of the Messiah, and how can we properly identify this person? What are the 5 key qualities that Mashiach must possess? And who were the 5 major figures in Jewish history that had a messianic movement associated with them? 

Find out in this class, where we also explore Jacob’s transformation into Israel, the spiritual power of music, the greatness of King David, and the timeline of events in the forthcoming Messianic Age.

 *Background image of the Third Temple under construction courtesy of The Temple Institute.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Mystery of the Animals Walking in Circles

 Rabbi Yosef Biton talking about the recent news of animals walking in circles.  It is in Hebrew but below is a rough translation/summary by Rahel. Thank you so much Rahel, those who can't understand all the Hebrew really appreciate it.


Title Translation: *Mystery Animals Have Been Walking in Circles for 14 Days in a Row." 

This shiur is about the Kabbalah on the animals circling around for many days. There is a phenomenon that many animals, all different species have been going round in circles; Sheep in CHINA, have made the headlines, but many other species are involved. 

The Ari Hakadosh says in his book Gilgul HaRuchot that after the destruction of the 2nd Beit Hamikdash the holiness went into the klipot and prophecy ceased. 

Animals and SHOTIM i.e. simple people, e.g. autistics, and young children can obtain prophecy.
The animals are controlled by ministering angels who can pass messages to them. All the animals are capable. The fact that animals can sense earthquakes before they happen is not only a natural phenomenon. 

Kabbalah describes that there is the world of circles (Igulim) and the world of straightness (Yosher) This is described in Etz Hachayyim from the Arizal via Rabbi Chaim Vital. 

We are in the ikvota D’Mashiach, the foot steps of the Mashiach, approaching the year 6000 - this is Yosher (straight); this continues up to the day when Mashiach will come and we will go into Shabbat, Rabbi Nachman says in Torah 7 this is Egla (circular), Shabbat is circular; this will occur when the Jewish people will return from exile and sing at Har Amana in Israel, which is the mountain of faith – L.M. Torah 7. 

Circles are completion, unity, everyone is equal, men and women, there is no yatzer hara as we will go into Shabbat. There is no free will in this circular state. 

This circular concept is similar to “all of AM Yisrael with all Humanity” serving Hashem shoulder to Shoulder the prophecy in Zephania which Rabainu mentions in Likutei Moharan (L.M.). 

Rabbi Biton reads Rabbi Nachman’s message the meaning of : “Ad shetichleh Prutha ma Hakis,” until there are no coins in the pocket – in the Talmud. This means the klipa that makes everyone define miracles as part of nature will no longer define them as part of nature – THE KLIPA will be broken/destroyed. We will see there is no nature – only Hashem — Ayn Od Milvado. 

This Shiur of Rabbi Yosef Biton has the approval of Rabbi Shalom Arush who says he is full of joy by this omen we are nearing the Geulah. 

Please bear in mind my translation is a very rough, brief summary, and cannot do this magnificent Shiur which encompasses information from the Shaar Haruchot and Etz Chaim from the Ari Hakadosh, Rabbi Tzaddok of Lublin and Rabbanu, true Justice!!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Receiving Prophecy in a Dream


by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto

"He encountered the place and spent the night there because the sun had sent" [Vayeitze 28:11]

The Midrash says that the words "because the sun had set", teach us that Hashem made the sun set before its time, so as to speak with Ya'akov privately. 

The Midrash explains this using the mashal of the king's beloved friend who came to visit him on occasion. When he arrived, the king said, "Turn off the lights, extinguish the lamps, for I wish to speak with my beloved friend privately". So too, Hashem made the sun set before its time so as to speak to Ya'akov intimately. 

Rabbi Shmuel Florentin of Salonica, in his sefer 'Minchat Shmuel', points out the following difficulty. On the verse, "And G-d came to Avimelech in a dream by night", the Midrash says that Hashem especially reveals Himself to the nations by night, as it says, "G-d came to Bilaam at night". We also find with Lavan that Hashem came to him in a dream at night, but Hashem reveals Himself to the Jewish prophets by day, as it says, "Hashem appeared to him in the plains of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance of the tent in the heat of the day", as well as other examples. So why does the above Midrash say that Hashem made the sun set to speak to Ya'akov intimately, implying at night? 

He answers according to the Moharash Yaffe, who says that prophecy by day comes only to a prophet who is accustomed to Hashem speaking to him, while to a prophet who is unaccustomed to prophecy, Hashem only reveals Himself at night. This explanation fits in with the precise wording of the Midrash, "it can be compared to the king's beloved friend who comes to visit him on occasion".

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

Blessings You Don't Say but Really Should!

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What is the blessing on an elephant? How about an albino? Find out in this class where we explore the power and meaning of the ancient berachot instituted by our Sages. 

Also discussed is the mystical purpose of every Jew’s life, the divine Light of Creation, and an explanation of the 36 perfect tzadikim that exist in every generation.

For a free, printable PDF companion guide with full text and transliteration of all the blessings, click here

For a written summary of this class, click here

Monday, November 14, 2022

Who Was Og the Giant? And Other Big Questions in Genesis


Rabbi Efraim Palvanov Addressing some big mysteries in Sefer Beresheet, the Book of Genesis, and beyond: 

 - Who was Og and how did he survive the Great Flood?

 - What exactly were the Ten Trials of Abraham? 

- Why is Eliyahu spelled without a vav in the Tanakh 5 times?

 - What is the difference between Chokhmah, Binah, and Da’at (“Chabad”)?

 - Which of the “Cosmic Shemittot” are we in? 

 - Who was the Nachash (the Primordial Serpent) in Eden? 

- Does God create evil? 

- Is the Torah written in ancient Hebrew script or in Assyrian/Ashuri script? 

- How will all of history be revealed in the Messianic Age?

 - Is there a rational way to understand the Great Flood? 

- Where was the Garden of Eden located? 

More on the incredible story of Og (with archaeological evidence): click here

More useful links at You Tube source: click here

Connecting to the Source

Art ''Holy Land'' Michoel Muchnik

by Rabbi David Pinto Shlita

It is written: “Sarah died in Kiryat-Arba, which is Hebron” [Chayei Sarah 23:2]

Rabbeinu Bechaye explained why the text mentions two names for the same place [Kiryat-Arba and Hebron].

Kiryat-Arba is called Hebron because the soul of anyone buried there unites [mithaberet] on high in the city of G-d with the four [arba] camps of the Shechinah.

This is why the Patriarchs sought to be buried in this place, namely that from there, souls merit to be reunited [leit’haber] with their source, which is the Throne of Glory.

Hence the meaning of “Kiryat-Arba, which is Hebron.”

Friday, November 11, 2022

Guests of Honour

"They (pretended) to eat"  [Vayeira 18:8]

The Torah states that the angels ate the food which Avraham served them, on which Rashi comments: "they pretended to eat".

It appears, therefore, that Avraham did not perform a mitzvah by feeding his guests, for ultimately they were angels who did not need to eat.  Thus: a) Avraham interrupted his audience with the Divine Presence unnecessarily, and b) How can we learn the principle that "welcoming guests is greater than welcoming the Divine Presence" [Shabbos 127a] from an incident where there were no real guests present?

Generally speaking, with acts of kindness, the primary focus is on the results of the mitzvah, i.e. the benefits given to the guests - food and drink etc.

The unique quality of the mitzvah of welcoming guests is that the primary focus is not on the benefits received by the guests, but rather on the good will demonstrated by the host.  In this light, it turns out that Avraham did fulfill the mitzvah of welcoming guests, in the most exemplary manner.

Based on Likutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Gutnick Chumash

Monday, November 7, 2022

The Descent of a Lofty Soul: Moshiach

Art by Andreas

And they gave their father wine to drink on that night, and the elder came and lay with her father, and he did not know of her lying down or of her rising up -  וּבְקוּמָֽהּ

According to the Zohar, the dot in the הּ in the word וּבְקוּמָֽהּ [Vayera 19:33] alludes to the fact that G-d was secretly assisting this event, because Moshiach was to materialize from it [since Ruth, King David's great grand-mother, was a convert from the Moabites].  The latter event, between Lot and his younger daughter [19:35] is written without the letter vav - וּבְקֻמָֽהּ - to indicate that the union did not produce such great offspring.   Rabbi Shimon said "When the verse states that Lot ''wasn't aware'', it means he wasn't aware that Moshiach was destined to come from this union" [Zohar I 110b]

Why should the beginnings of Moshiach occur in such an undignified manner?  Ramak explains that when a very lofty soul is about to descend into the world, the forces of kelipah [“peel” or “shell”—words used by Kabbalah to describe layers of impurity] oppose the soul's descent vehemently. Sometimes, however, kelipah will consent to the soul's descent if it occurs amidst a particularly sinful act.  Thus, we find that from this undesirable act, the ancestor of Moshiach was born.

Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe

Friday, November 4, 2022

11 Cheshvan: Yarzheit Rochel Imeinu

Jewish Mother's Day The 11th of Cheshvan 
by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

One of the most important days in the month of Cheshvan is the 11th, which commemorates the day of passing of our matriarch Rachel. Rachel was Jacob's most beloved wife and was the principal of his household and thus the principal of the entire house of Israel. From the first day of the year, the 1st day of Tishrei, the 11th day of Cheshvan is the 41st day. 41 is the numerical value of the Hebrew word "eim," which means "mother," thus the 11th of Cheshvan is truly the Jewish Mother's Day.

"Rachel cries for her children, she will not be comforted…"

Rachel constantly mourns over the exile of her children, the Jewish people, and the Almighty comforts her with the words: "Withhold your voice from crying and your eyes from tearing, for there is a reward for your actions… and the children will return to their border." Literally, "return to their border" refers to the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. But, more deeply, it refers to the return of our people to our natural spiritual environs: Judaism and our ancestral Jewish nature. These are the borders that truly circumscribe the uniqueness of our people. Amazingly, numerically, the value of the Hebrew word for "border" (g'vul / גבול) is exactly the same as the value of the word for "mother" (eim / אם); both equal 41.

In Hebrew, Cheshvan is written with the four letters: חשון. The borders (the first and last letters) of Cheshvan are chet - ח and nun - ן, which together spell the word chein - חן, meaning "beauty." The word chein - חן, "beauty" equals 58. The 58th day of the year is the 28th day of Cheshvan.

Rachel is described as the most beautiful woman in the Torah. The numerical value of the two middle letters, shin and vov, שו, is equal to isha -אשה , meaning "woman." Thus, the name of the month itself hints at the special and unique grace endowed to women.

King Solomon says that external beauty by itself is deceitful. If external beauty is all that a woman seeks then the name of the month becomes Marcheshvan, which means Bitter-Cheshvan. It is of such a woman King Solomon says: "And I find the woman to be more bitter than death." But, of true beauty, the beauty of a Jewish woman that emanates from within, he says: "The woman of beauty shall support honor." This true beauty is given to us, the Jewish people, by G‑d through the Torah, for "there is no truth but Torah" and "there is no honor but Torah."

It was Rachel, who was first endowed with this real beauty. Rachel is described as the most beautiful woman in the Torah, "She had a beautiful face and a beautiful figure." Thus, Rachel was the embodiment of the verse: "A woman who fears G‑d, she shall be praised," praised both for her grace and true beauty.

The beauty of the Jewish woman is not just a passive agent of spirituality. The sages teach that the offspring of Esau and his grandson Amalek can be defeated only by the children of Rachel.

Who embodies the spirit of Amalek in our day and age? In Hebrew, the words "Amalek" (עמלק) and "doubt" (safek / ספק) have the same numerical value. Thus, the spirit of Amalek that continues to plague each and every Jew is doubt; doubt in our faith, doubt in our Torah, and doubt in ourselves and the moral justification of our path.

But, sometimes the spirit of Amalek becomes bolder and captures a Jew (whether he be a private individual or a political figure) to the point of driving him or her to unconscious or even conscious self-hatred. This can result in a Jew's cooperation with the enemies of our people.

Finally there are the direct spiritual offspring of Amalek: those enemies who threaten the lives of Jews and our return to the Land of Israel.

The sages say that beauty is a woman's weapon. With everything that we have said about Rachel, her role as our matriarch, as the progenitor of Jewish nature, and of her beauty, it should now be clear that our weapon for defeating Amalek is the special beauty and grace of the Jewish mother. Joseph the tzaddik (righteous one) inherited his mother Rachel's beauty and he too is described as having a beautiful face and a beautiful figure. That is why the prophet says about him that "the house of Jacob will be fire and the house of Joseph its flame and the house of Esau straw, and together they will ignite him and consume him; and there will be no remnant for the house of Esau."

True Jewish beauty and grace destroy the enemy indirectly but, beauty is no regular weapon. True grace and beauty work by attracting the sparks of holiness that are bound within the enemy. These sparks are G‑d's will that the enemy still exist. Yet, when they are redeemed by their attraction to true beauty, they escape the enemy's grasp, leaving him void of any Divine source and causing his demise. True Jewish beauty and grace destroy the enemy indirectly by leaving him void of any beauty or grace himself, making him irrelevant and powerless.

The battle against Amalek in our generation must be conducted primarily with our ability to communicate to all around us the true nature of Jewish beauty and grace. It is to this beauty of Jewish nature and character that we return during the month of Cheshvan by reconnecting with our matriarch Rachel, with our own Jewish nature, and with ourselves.

Also visit: Rachel's Tomb

Yiddishe Mama

Rachel lost her own spiritual luxury - the privilege of being buried in the Cave of Machpeilah - in order to help her children. This represents the unparalleled quality of the "Jewish mother" who is always willing to sacifice her own needs, spiritual or physical, for the sake of helping her children.

And this is the inner reason why Jewish identity follows the maternal and not the paternal route. For even though the father possesses a greater degree of spirituality - since he has the privilege of observing more mitzvos than a woman - the quality of a Jewish mother is nevertheless greater, that she is willing to forego much of that spirituality in order to enable her to raise a family with tender loving care. And since this quality is even more quintessentially Jewish than the spirituality of the man, it is the mother that actually makes her children Jewish.

Based on Likutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Parshas Vayechi

Mama Rochel understood that tending to a broken heart comes above even Kavod Hashem....

When Rochel, out of frustration, complained to Yaakov about not having children, Yaakov got angry with her. The mefarshim say, based on a medrash, that Yaakov was punished for getting angry at Rochel and telling her that she needs to daven to Hashem and not complain to him.

Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro points out that Yaakov was defending Kavod Shamayim (the honor of Heaven) and was correct that Rochel's complaints were unjustified. His mistake was that he addressed the words that she spoke and not the pain in her heart. Had he pierced the veil of her soul, he would have known that because of her anguish, the words escaped her mouth and she was not accountable for them. He should have been slower to defend Kavod Shamayim and faster to understand human suffering.

This he explains was the greatness of Rochel. After the destruction of the first Temple, when Bnei Yisroel went into Galus, all the Avos and Imahos came before Hashem with all their great zechusim but were turned away empty handed. All the heroism of the Akeida, Yaakov's Torah, and lives of pure mesiras nefesh to build Klal Yisroel, did not impress Hashem in that dark moment of history.

The only one who merited Hashem's attention was Rochel Imeinu. What was her great act that warranted this special treatment? That she gave the simanim to her sister and helped fool Yaakov. With this bravery, in her mind, she was sabotaging the history of the Jewish nation since she understood that it was her and Yaakov that were destined to build the nation. Nevertheless she chose to cast aside her own destiny and Hashem's grand plan in order to save her sister from a single embarrassing moment.

Only Rochel, who had such a deep understanding of another person's pain and how it carries more weight than the entire Jewish experience, can be Hashem's emissary to bring his children's pain before Him. Only tears from Mama Rochel can bring the Geula.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Are We Witnessing the Prophecy?

Current News 

The United States is concerned about threats from Iran against Saudi Arabia and will not hesitate to respond if necessary, a White House spokesperson said on Tuesday.

"We are concerned about the threat picture, and we remain in constant contact through military and intelligence channels with the Saudis," said the spokesperson from the National Security Council. 
"We will not hesitate to act in the defense of our interests and partners in the region."

The official spoke after the Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the United States warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the kingdom.


In its section on the biblical Book of Isaiah and the prophecies contained therein, a rabbi cited by the Yalkut Shimoni states:

 “In the year Moshiach comes all the nations of the world will provoke each other and threaten with war.   The king of Persia (Iran) will provoke the King of Arabia (Saudi Arabia) with war.  The King of Arabia goes to Edom (The Western Countries, headed by USA) for advice. 

The prophecy continues:

Then the King of Persia destroys the world (and since that cannot be done with conventional weapons it must mean nuclear which can destroy most of the world). And all the nations of the world begin to panic and are afraid, and Israel too is afraid as to how to defend from this. G-d then says to them “Do not fear for everything that I have done is for your benefit, to destroy the evil kingdom of Edom and eradicate evil from this world so that the Messiah can come, your time of redemption is now.”

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Noah's Ark and the Tower of Babel: Not What You Think!

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Where did all the water for the Great Flood come from, and is it scientifically possible? Was Noah’s Ark a simple wooden vessel, or something far more complex and of another dimension? What did the post-Flood generations really find in Shinar, and was their Tower of Babel some kind of space ship? 

Find out in this class where we also discuss the secrets of the Holy Tongue, the “Watchers” and Nephilim, ancient technology, and why it is that most cultures from around the world have similar myths and ancient legends. 

This class is based on the essay "Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel: Not What You Think!" in 'Garments of Light, Volume One', available by clicking here.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Father of Many Nations

Source: Chanan Morrison from the writings of Rav Kook

Notarikon in the Torah    -      [Notarikon is a method of deriving a word, by using each of its initial
(ראשי תיבות) or final letters (סופי תיבות) to stand for another, to form a sentence or idea out of the words]

Abbreviations and acronyms are common in rabbinic writings, but they are rare in the text of the Torah itself. Nonetheless, the Sages observed that a few acronyms - notarikon in Aramaic - may be found in the Torah. The first and clearest example is the new name that God gave to Abraham:

“No longer shall you be called ‘Abram.’ Your name will be ‘Abraham,’ for I have made you the father of many nations.” [Lech Lecha 17:5]

God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, explaining that this new name indicates his new identity and mission. The name Avraham is short for “av hamon goyim,” ‘the father of many nations.’

The Talmud [Shabbat 105a], however, was not satisfied with this interpretation of the name. While the Torah explains “Avraham” to be a syllabic abbreviation of the words av hamon, the Sages converted it into a full-blown acronym. They wrote that each of the six Hebrew letters of av hamon (אב המון) indicates a different aspect of Abraham’s standing and influence in the world.

Aleph - I have made you a father [Av] to the nations;

Bet - I have made you chosen [Bachur] among the nations;

Hei - I have made you beloved [Haviv] among the nations;

Mem - I have you a king [Melech] for the nations;

Vav - I have made you exemplary [Vatik] among the nations;

Nun - I have made you faithful (Ne'eman) among the nations.

Of all the names in the Torah, why is Abraham’s name an abbreviation? Why did the Sages further expand this abbreviation, letter by letter?

Abraham’s Dual Influence

It would be a mistake to consider a notarikon as merely a homiletic or mnemonic device. Rather, it reveals deeper levels of meaning in the text. In addition to a literal understanding of the words, there is a wealth of profound ideas contained within the written text. This is similar to the workings of an acronym, where from each letter we extrapolate an entire word.

Of particular interest is the example that the Sages chose for a notarikon in the Torah - the name ‘Abraham.’ Why is this significant?

Abraham’s life-mission was to found the Jewish people. All three patriarchs, the Sages taught, are called ‘Israel’ (Breishit Rabbah 63:3). This is because their primary goal was to establish the people of Israel, a unique people who would serve as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Ex. 19:6).

But Abraham also had a powerful impact on all nations. His teachings of monotheism transformed a world of paganism and idolatry.

The Sages analyzed Abraham’s influence, noting that it incorporated six qualities - corresponding to the six letters of אב המון. Thus, like a notarikon, Abraham’s influence was on two levels. His explicit life-goal was to found the Jewish people. But Abraham had an additional level of influence, as he disseminated his ideals of monotheism and morality among all peoples.

Six Aspects of Universal Influence

By examining each letter of the phrase av hamon, we uncover a different aspect of Abraham’s influence. He was an Av - a spiritual father and mentor to many nations, the source for true knowledge of God throughout the world.

His teachings were Bachur - select and distinct from the jumble of confused beliefs and superstitions held by the pagan nations. His faith in one God was pure, free of erroneous influences. Furthermore, his Torah enjoyed a charismatic attraction. Recognizing its inner truth and beauty, many were drawn to it and inspired by it. It was beloved and Haviv.

Due to his sterling character traits and beliefs, Abraham was highly respected. He was regarded as a Melech, a king. The people looked upon him as a “prince of God” [Gen. 23:6]. Like a king in battle, he led the fight for truth in a world shrouded in darkness and ignorance, victorious by virtue of the truth of his vision.

Furthermore, Abraham’s Torah was not just some theoretical philosophy. He was Vatik among the nations - respected for his personal integrity and piety. Abraham sought to refine deeds and character traits through the holiness of his beliefs, and promoted a life of morality and justice.

The final quality of Abraham’s influence was Ne'eman - as a man of steadfast faith. As the Torah testifies, “He believed in God, and God counted it as righteousness” [Lech Lecha 15:6].

Abraham and his radical ideas kindled a nascent spark of faith among the nations. This flame of faith continues to illuminate the paths of many nations - a flame that will be elevated in the future into a pure and refined faith in God.

[Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. IV, p. 264]

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hakhel Year: 8 things to Ponder

 Rabbi Aaron L Raskin  [28 min video]

After being isolated for two years from the pandemic, COVID-19, the year of Hakhel is like a breath of fresh air. Hakhel is the perfect Mitzvah to bring people back to society; The ancient mitzvah of Hakhel means to “gather” people together. At the time of the holy Temple the Jewish King would gather— once every Seven years —all men women and children in order to inspire them with the awe of A-mighty God. This Hakhel gathering would inspire them to increase in their observance of Torah study and performance of mitzvot. The after effect would last for many, many years to come. 

This year 5783 is a Hakhel year. We now have the privilege, to once again reenact this mitzvah of Hakhel, by uniting our brothers and sisters, and inspiring them with words of faith in God, Torah and to encourage them to increase in random acts of goodness and kindness.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Post-Flood Era

Chassidic thought teaches that before the Flood, G-d sustained the world despite its low spiritual standing, due to His attribute of kindness.  There was a limit, however, to how long G-d was willing to sustain a world without merit - hence the Flood.

The waters of the flood were not merely a punishment.  They purified the world, making physicality in general more refined, and spiritually attuned. [see The Great Flood]

Consequently, in the post flood era, people were more predisposed to repentance.  This ensured that G-d would always sustain the world - not despite of, but - because of its spiritual standing.  For, even if man would become corrupt, people would inevitably repent, ensuring that the world itself would have sufficient merits for its continued existence.

With this in mind, we can explain the following details:

  • Noach was unaware of the above, so he was scared to repopulate the world, fearing it would be destroyed again.  Therefore, G-d had to re-command him to ''be fruitful and multiply''. [Noach 9:1]
  • The inner reason why Noach's generation failed to repent was because, before the Flood, the world was spiritually insensitive.
  • Meat is an extremely coarse food that can lead a person to excessive physicality.  Thus, it was only permitted to the spiritually-attuned post-Flood generation. [Noach 9:3]
  • Before the Flood, people had extremely long lifespans because the world was sustained by G-d's kindness which was bestowed disproportionately to people's merits.
  • Before the Flood, physicality was more coarse.  This was true in a literal sense, to the extent that the clouds were too thick to refract light, so a rainbow never appeared.  After the Flood, physicality become more refined, so the clouds began to refract light.  Thus, the rainbow was not only a ''sign of G-d's promise not to destroy the world, it was also a physical consequence of the refinement of the world that ensured its permanent existence.

Source: Based on Sefer Hasichos 5751, Likutei Sichos vol. 15 - Lubavitcher Rebbe

Rainbow at Bondi Beach Sydney 31.10.2016 - Photo: Glick Photography