Monday, April 17, 2023

Out of Love

"He should be brought to Aharon the Kohen..." [Tazria 13:2]

The Kohanim (priests) were people of inherent kindness who blessed the Jewish people with love.  Therefore, when it came to declaring somebody with the severe condition of tzara'as, which required total isolation from the Jewish camp, it was imperative that this harsh judgment be done out of love, so the Torah required it to be done by a Kohen.

From this we can learn a powerful lesson: that if one feels that another person has acted disgracefully and one wishes to chastise him, one must first examine one's own motives to see if one's desire to rebuke another is truly being done out of love.

Source: Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. Should we give up on Moshiach coming soon? Nissan will be over soon and all we see is tragedy after tragedy

  2. Tragedies and suffering atone for lack of teshuva by the general population, Hashem takes the best to atone for the rest of us.
    If you look at the world now, with the rampant transgender agenda attacking children in schools, governments pandering to them, the corruption with the US at government level, the floods, volcanoes, earthquakes etc etc.... the world seems to be teetering on the edge. How can we give up on Moshiach coming soon? How can the world sustain the way it's going. The only person speaking truth these days is Donald Trump, and he's been indicted!
    Before Moshiach, truth will be absent.
    Well here we are - truth is absent.
    Moshiach is close and we must not lose faith.

  3. Also, Moshiach will come when we do not expect him. (Remember, "Three things come b'hesech hadaas: Moshiach, metzia, akrav." Suddenly. We are given free will to acknowledge all the signs that indicate his imminent coming, or to just say, hey, it's business as usual. But, as Devorah said, it definitely is not business as usual now, even though the buses are running...


  4. Thank you Devorah, for explaining so well.

    I needed to read this.

    Going through a very trying and troubled time.
    Hashem bless you.


  5. Been looking for Moshiach… since I was young… Now I’m old…. Still looking…. Encouraged.

    It’s almost like…. When someone is being told, they have an incurable disease….. you almost rob the life out of them…. They have to have hope….. they have to believe…. Even to the end….. even if Hashem takes them… they need hope

    Even Adam was given hope
    The Jewish people in Egypt were given hope
    HaShem wants us to keep encouraged and have hope…. No matter what we see…. Or hear…

    We have to stay hopeful…. And believe….. it truly is happening…. In our day….. we are going to see it

  6. Yes, exactly. The world has never been this messed up, I don't know how much worse it can get without self-destructing. Moshiach has to come this year. We have all the signs.

  7. Copy of comment from Dov Bar Leib's blog: translation by Yehudi

    ​Briefly Rav Zisholtz says. . That we should all be doing very serious tshuvah at this time. In each shiur he talks about what we should be concentrating on at this particular time (each particular time the shiur was given). Eg in his most recent shiur, he talks about how during this Omer period we should be working on Lashon Harah and bein Adam LeChaveiro - inter personal relationships. He emphasizes that he has been getting serious messages from many hidden Tzaddikim about the coming danger to Israel and the world. He says that they have been unable to mitigate the danger. They warn of a coming all-out-combined assault on Israel from multiple different arab armies and sources. He says that according to the Tzaddikim, the IDF will not be able to cope with that combined assault, and we will need to daven for Nissim. He also says that according to information he has, both official US and Israeli sources are also warning of the same coming war. He says that this war will be part of the Geulah. He implies that those Tzaddikim know who the Mashiach is, and the Mashiach is waiting to reveal himself. People will be very surprised who he is when he is revealed. He says that zero hour is fast approaching and we all have to do Tshuvah, and that we are in the quiet before the storm. None the less, he says that Israel will still be the safest place.

  8. Thanks again Devorah for posting the commrny, from Dov Bar Leib's blog.

    I am not a Jew. I follow Hashem, i learn from frum Jewish sites (from yours i have learned so much. thank you), I hope i can stay calm and yes, do teshuva, as I do believe everyone in the world, Jew or otherwise, have to change and follow only Hashem's laws.

    I have much work to do for me, may Hashem help me.

    May Hashem help all Jews and gentiles who want to do good and follow the One Gd.


  9. Devorah, where is Dov Bar Leib's blog? When I google his name I get the End of Days blog which hasn't been updated since January. Is there somewhere else to read what he's saying? Thanks.


  10. Oh, I think it must be somewhere in the comments on his blog. I'll look there. Thank you.


    The comments may go for several pages, you have to scroll down and click on Newest comments to see the latest ones.

    I have a link to it in the left column of my blog, if you're on a computer. That column doesn't show up on a phone.

  12. "Tragedies and suffering atone for lack of teshuva by the general population, Hashem takes the best to atone for the rest of us."

    Right before I read this comment, I watched one of R' Tovia Singer's Youtube clips. In it, he emphatically stated, "vicarious atonement is antithetical to Torah teaching. Nobody can die for another's sins".
    But R' Kessin once talked about certain Jews taking on the burdens of others' sins and suffering on their behalf. He even said, "where do you think Christians got the idea from!"

    So, who's right? Is vicarious atonement antithetical to Jewish teachings or is it indeed a Jewish concept?

  13. Anon: I don't know what Rabbi Singer is talking about. You can see I am quoting Rabbi Kessin in the post below, and also Rabbi Kanievsky in the second link:

  14. Thank you, Devorah.

    And of course, yes, Tzaddikim do atone for our sins.


  15. Israel preparing for multifront war. Raphy

  16. Sorry Devorah, i wrote regarding Rabbi Tovia, but i think i might have written under another title..

    Getting old, my excuse, but really i am old.
    Forgive me.



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