Friday, April 21, 2023

Darach Kochav M'Yaakov: The Path of the Star of Jacob

Thank you CS for this video.

This is Rabbi Yuval Ovadia [7 mins], and although it is in Hebrew, you can still see what he's showing and some of it has subtitles .....there is video of a second sun and a planet next to the sun.   There is also a  giant planet BEHIND our sun, which you can see at 2:59 in the video.... the sun is much bigger than usual and it has huge object behind it.   At 5:03 you can see the fiery comet Kochav Yaakov.


  1. Hello Devorah,

    Did you hear of this meteor explosion??

    What do you make of this??

    Would love your opionion and thoughts


  2. SC there are a lot of things falling from the sky lately. Meteors, asteroids making red and blue shapes in the sky [like the one that was over Turkey before the earthquake]. And other things put there by the US government under Project Blue Beam to confuse people. The one you found was a real one, judging by the noise it made.

  3. Thank you Devorah...

    Mashiach we need and may Hashem send Mashiach soon... Amain.

    God bless you and yours, and all Gd's chosen and also please Hashem,
    those not Jews but following Y-u, Hashem.



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