Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Yanuka: Mitzvot and the Love of Hashem

 Hebrew with English subtitles


  1. According to Rav Berland this week s the year of Mashiah

    1. Really? This year, next year, 10 years ago… we must stop with that thinking! Is true we have to believe, but seems to be that every time we say something like that we are pushing him away and more pain and more contractions this generation feels! We are not screaming enough to be redeemed and same as mitzrayim, only when am israel shouted to H’ we were heard and redeemed.

  2. Rabbu Tovia Singer, was speaking of the 'man'. Jesus that Christians say died for the sins of all human beings.

    Of course they err.

    May Mashiach come soon. Amen.


  3. There's something to what Anonymous said. Moshiach is going to come at a time when we don't expect him, not at the time this or that person predicts his coming. It is up to us to daven and yearn for him to come. Even TODAY!



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