Tuesday, April 11, 2023



Lucy (Lucianne) Dee has tragically died of her wounds, three days after a West Bank terror shooting in which her two daughters were slain. Rabbi Leo Dee, father of Maia and Rina, and husband to Lucy called for the global Jewish community to share photos of Israeli flags to their social media channels to "send out a message to humanity, which is we will never accept terror as legitimate..."


  1. May Hashem have His Arms around the remaining living family, what a sad and tragic happening.

    I followed the funeral, from Israel Nation Radio, as they were showing it live.

    I too wept with the others.

    May God guard Eretz Israel with His Shakina... Amen

    Hashem send Moshiach now... please Hashem... Today..


  2. It's enough already. Please Hash-m bring Moshiach!

  3. Can the geula also arrive after Nissan although it says in Nissan we'll be redeemed?

  4. After 4 pairs of siblings die in Israel-three in terror attacks and 1 in a flood-we read Parshas Shemini, where we learn of brothers Nadav and Avihu being taken by Hash-m.


  5. They died during the "war of brothers" in Israel.

  6. Don’t forget the 2 brothers and father who died in the fire in Phoenix in March.


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