Monday, April 24, 2023

The Wars of Gog and Magog and Chevlei Mashiach - Zechariah Chapter 12

 Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz 

 Delivered at the OU Israel Center, April 16, 2023


  1. Listen at around 50 minutes! Very good message about every Jew is special and beloved to Hash-m and deserving of good.

  2. Thank you Devorah for posting this.

  3. 48:00 minutes, to be exact.

  4. Seems so many take it for granted when the prophecy tells us of the burning flesh and the melting of the eyes in their sockets, etc. that it means 'nuclear'. I don't believe it is nuclear because then every Jew in EY and the surrounding areas for miles and miles will be devastated also. No, it will be the war that H' Who, even tells us, HE will be one that HE Alone Wages against the nations which means HE will use HIS Forces of Nature - whether it be comets, asteroids, earthquakes, etc.
    Why does it always seem to be that so many believe that it will be manmade weaponry rather than the Might of Hashem?
    We pray, of course, that the bad will not happen because H' is All Merciful, but if, c'v, such devastation has to be upon the nations, then I believe, it will be directly from G-D! Just as it was in yetziat Mitzrayim, so will it will be in our Ultimate and Final Redemption and then 'the nations will know that there is only Hashem',
    Ain Od Milvado!

  5. Annonymous at 5.06PM

    you say:every Jew is special and beloved to Hash-m and deserving of good.

    So what about non-Jews, Gd created us too, not all are bad, and so we are not beloved by Hashem??

    Yet one reads of many bad things being done by Gd's chosen,

    so good or bad all Jews are beloved to Gd...
    Makes no sense to me.
    no name

  6. No Name: He's not saying that non Jews are not special, it's just that he's talking to a roomful of Jews and therefore applying the talk to them. He probably doesn't realize that his lectures are being listened to by righteous gentiles as well. All righteous gentiles are special, that is why they are called "righteous". Please don't feel offended.

  7. No Name, because you are Anonymous I can edit your post. I removed the links.
    We all know that people are not perfect. But I don't put up links showing just how imperfect some of us are. Let's just be positive.

    Here is your comment without the links.

    Thank you Devorah, it made me feel better, your reply...

    The good Rabbi though, must be knowing that his lectures/talks, are being listened to all and sundry.

    I just want love to flow throughout the world, so tired, of hearing, "we are the best', or from others re. christians, also claiming they are right, and others from other belief systems saying they are right.

    All cannot be right and also all cannot be wrong. One has to keep looking for what is real or just false.
    In that ONLY Hashem knows... apart from Hashem, people can think and come to whatever conclusion.
    Its best to turn to only Hashem.. i try, as I am not from the 'Chosen", but but ... i try.. to learn .. world too corrupted... in this video, (right below) there are pictures too that show many things.. old pictures etc:
    I will admit i was shocked... but then, we are all human, and NO ONE is perfect.. Only the Creator HASHEM.
    May He rescue this world soon, Amen.


  8. Hash-m will take us out of the Golus with miracles greater than those of Yetzias Mitzrayim. He could save us from a nuclear war in our backyard if He wants to. He can do anything at all, because He creates the natural order and has complete control over everything. We won't know what this prophecy in Zechariah means except in retrospect.

  9. That's right, Anon@2:03pm.
    When H' punished the world for their evil deeds with the Great Flood, the punishment was so severe because it was not only the heavy rains that killed all creation, but the boiling earth from beneath killed them, because of its scalding heat, so we can be sure that their flesh melted inside and out. When H' punishes with great miracles as was in the Exodus and will do so even with greater 'miracles' with the upcoming Ultimate Geulah, it will be He Alone Who completely undoes the evil and evil doers!


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