Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #7

As I've mentioned many times here, we currently have the Nibiru system very close to earth.  There are 8 or 9 planets in this system orbiting around a sun which is behind our sun.  And behind both suns is a giant star [or something]   which is why the sun sometimes looks like this:

Whether you believe this or not, you cannot deny the thousands and thousands of videos and photos of giant sphere shapes and terrifying looking clouds that are currently traversing the world right now.  These are the clouds from other planets, we are seeing their base clouds, and sometimes the sky is full of the entire planet's clouds.   If you think you haven't seen them, that's because you're lucky enough to live in a place which hasn't been flooded or quaked lately.  Meanwhile, when somewhere is being rain-bombed, the last thing they'll be doing is looking up at the sky, so they don't know there's a massive planet pushing away from earth and causing the floods in the process.

The planets push themselves away from earth electro-magnetically, which creates massive thunder and lightning storms, and sets off volcanoes and earthquakes.  

I have been researching this for months now, and whilst there is a ton of mis-information out there, and sometimes it's hard to know what to believe.... one thing which cannot be denied is actual videos of these events, dozens of which are uploaded daily to various sites on the internet.

The photos and videos below are from TikTok, they are all from random users around the world.  As you will see, they are all genuine.  The first one is the flooded airport in Florida, the rest are clouds that are nothing like our planet earth clouds.

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