Thursday, April 27, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #9

Here are some photos of a very recognisable curved shelf cloud, it belongs to the atmosphere of a planet known as Napisiti. I don't know if that is the planet's actual name, but it is the name being used and I will stick to it.  It is part of the Nibiru system.

As you can see from the first photo, the clouds are tilted, and it looks like a hot-air baloon taking off. You can see the spherical shape of the planet.

This first video shows two suns.

The following three videos show Napisiti in action, some clouds from its atmosphere, and a giant rainbow halo around the sun.  

Clouds from another planet's atmosphere. As they pan out you can actually see that it is a spherical shape, a straight line of clouds and then it goes up like a sphere where we can't see.  That's how you know they are the clouds of another planet.  Sometimes they fill the entire sky, that's how close this system is to us.  

Rainbow halo around the sun.


  1. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death....ok, If I saw these, I'd be in awe and also running for the hills......


  3. Anon 12:33 that video shows the auroras from the Northern Lights which were way more intense this year and seen in places that never usually see them.

    The Napisiti planet can also turn the skies green and purple.

    1. "A fireball was seen hurtling over Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona early Thursday, April 27, and videos show it exploded into multiple pieces before vanishing in the dark.

      The American Meteor Society says 36 people have filed witness reports, including five who recorded video.

      Most assumed it was a meteor, but it was actually human-made space trash, the society has revealed.
      Multiple witnesses noted the object was red and made no sound as it fell.

      Nearly half the reports came just before 3 a.m. from Colorado, with many living in the Denver area."

      Fort Worth Star Telegram
      April 27 2023


  5. There are so many things falling from the sky, most of them don't get reported but they are on video. If you want to see, I will post the videos that I have. Let me know.

    1. Yes, please do post those videos, Devorah. There are amazing things happening above us, often ignored completely by the media, and sometimes just given a very mundane explanation. Not sure if the explanation of space trash falling is accurate.

      C S

  6. Not space trash, they are asteroids, meteors, comets, unknown flying objects.... they call them all UFO's and some of them are manufactured by the US government to confuse people. They also plaster the internet with nonsense so anyone who tries to look for what is going on will end up reading this nonsense and think everyone is just nuts if they mention something.
    That is what they want. They DON'T want us to realize that there are other planets and another sun up there.


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