Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Angel and the Book of Enoch

If you listen to this lecture, please have in mind that you are learning Torah in the merit of the hostages mentioned whose names are written in the post below this one, that they should be kept safe and miraculously returned to Israel.

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov


What really happened to Enoch when God "took him"? Who is the mysterious angel Metatron? And why did Rabbi Elisha ben Avuya become a heretic after seeing him in Heaven? 

Find out in this class, where we also compare the three Books of Enoch, discuss Azazel and the Watchers, and uncover the true identity of the Biblical "Son of Man". Also: who was the teacher of Moses and how did Joseph know 70 languages?

More information on this video can be found at the You Tube link here.


  1. Hi - you should not post the name of the biggest Malach in Shamayim - if people go around saying that name, it is dangerous - ask your Rav... change the name a little... thank you.

  2. I took your advice Avraham and changed the title but that name is obviously through the shiur. People should bear in mind the words that Avraham has said here. Don't use names of Angels in your everyday speech or prayers, that is not what we do.

  3. That's not what his real name is...
    It's Greek...his real name in Hebrew is something else, the rabbi says it in the shirt

  4. The universe is so scary. I've =never= been able to understand why only a single confused-thought or misstep on the part of anyone, past and present, can cause so many complex ramifications forever after. Such as Iyov remaining silent before Paaroh. Or Enoch failing to step down from his throne when the contingent arrived. I mean, do you know how often I've remained silent or immobile (instead of action) for the very reason that I'd be thinking: "What am i supposed to do/say now?" For crying out loud, some people have the tendency toward immediate action, yet with others, it's vice versa.
    That's why it's scary.


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