Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Biblical Prophecy of Overfishing, Drought, and Pollution

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov - a two minute video


  1. He said in the video that experts aren’t expecting there to be no fish available in the ocean by 2050. So why does he says the prophecy is fulfilled now just because there are less fish available.

    Isn’t the prophecy that there will be no fish at all? I can easily find fish at my local kosher supermarket


  2. The video is an extract from a full-length class which you can find here
    I haven't listened but there may be an answer there for you.

    1. He said they experts are expecting there to be no fish by 2050. If so, Moshiach, at its latest time (b’itoh) would have to come by 2050 since all prophecies have to come true when it comes to Moshiach coming B’itoh. Hashem have mercy on us.


  3. The way things are going, the waters will probably reach the "no fish" stage anytime now. All sorts of weather events could cause this, as well as other things we can't even begin to imagine.

    1. Do we have to wait for tbr no fish to happen for Moshiach B’itoh or the prophecy doesn’t literally mean no fish? The guy who gave the lecture said it’s already fulfilled so I presume he understands it as not “literally no fish available”


  4. Negative prophecies don't HAVE to occur, so maybe it's true that the fact that a lot of fish are contaminated with mercury and radioactivity etc renders them inedible. But people are still fishing and eating fish, and you can find decent fish that hasn't been "farmed" and full of chemicals, such as colouring - that's how they farm salmon, they artificially colour it with pink dye because otherwise they would be grey salmon. Real salmon eats prawns and other things which turns it's flesh orange/pink. Farmed salmon is fed garbage and chemicals.

  5. Today is 18 Tishrei, the yarzheit of Rebbe Nachman.


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