Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Waiting for Moshiach

Today is 21 Shevat, and in a week or so we will be entering the month of Adar 1.  The year 5784 is a leap year so there are two Adars, as we all know.   

There is a possibility that we will see the Kochav Yaakov on 25 Adar II or perhaps even 25 Adar I - as the prophecy says "the 25th day of the sixth month".  Technically Adar 1 is the sixth month, but we always celebrate the chagim in the second Adar, so if the sixth month is "Adar" then it is more likely to occur in Adar II.

But.... and there is a huge BUT here.... it may not happen that way.  

When the Torah says the "sixth month" it generally refers to Elul.   However, there is a question mark on this, as we really don't know until we get there.

We know that the Jewish year begins on the first of Tishrei—a day we observe as Rosh Hashanah, “the Head of the Year”—and ends twelve (or thirteen) months later, on the 29th of Elul. But if the head of the year is on the first of Tishrei, why does the Torah (in Leviticus 23:24) refer to Tishrei as the seventh month of the year? And why is the month of Nissan, occurring midway through the Tishrei-headed year, designated—in the very first mitzvah commanded to the Jewish people—as “the head of months, the first of the months of your year”? But like a sphere with two poles, the Jewish year has two “heads” or primary points of reference, each of which is equally its beginning. Our annual journey through time is actually two journeys—a Tishrei-to-Elul journey, and a Nissan-to-Adar journey. Every day on the Jewish calendar can be experienced on two different levels, for it simultaneously exists within these two contexts.  [Source - Chabad]

I've been blogging for a long time. I've expected Moshiach to arrive many times during all these years, and have been disappointed but I've always managed to pick myself up and remain hopeful. I'm not worried about my own feelings. I am worried about some of my readers, especially the younger ones.  This blog post is especially for YOU.  

I want to say to you: make sure you keep a part of yourself safe from disappointment.  You need to prepare yourself for the fact that things may not happen in the way we hope.  It is very important that you do this, because if you don't, you may feel as though it's all never going to happen at all and abandon your beliefs.

This is especially the case if you have a physical, financial, mental or emotional issue.  If you are depending on Moshiach to come and save you from any of these things, and then it doesn't happen as you had planned it to.... you could chas v'shalom be plunged into the depths of despair and even feel suicidal.  You MUST prepare yourself for the fact that it may not play out in the way that we are hoping it does.

This is a Geula blog... it didn't start out that way, I never intended it to be a Geula blog, but it seemed to have a life of it's own and it basically created itself.  I do not PREDICT Geula, I just blog about things that relate to Geula.   Some of those things may, or may not, happen.   

When Rav Zeira happened upon scholars who were engaged [in calculating the date of the coming of Moshiach], he told them, "I beg you, do not postpone it . . . for it has been taught, ‘Three things come when the mind is occupied otherwise: Moshiach, something that is lost, and a scorpion.' "(Sanhedrin 97a)  [Source: Do You Anticipate the Redemption?]

As we are definitely close to the time of Moshiach's arrival, were are allowed to talk about it and we are allowed to attempt to calculate the date.  However, have we reached the time where even children will be able to make the calculation????[see quote below]

The Maggid of Dubno : the Zohar even states that it is not God’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation [Bereishis 118a]

I'm just going to continue on blogging as usual, because I have asked a few people whether or not I should.....and the answer has always been to keep going.  We need to have a Moshiach consciousness. The more people who think about it and talk about it, the more it gains a Geula energy.  You need to be planting Moshiach seeds wherever you go.  Don't worry if people look at you strangely, or think you're a bit crazy..... just plant the seed and let Hashem take it from there.  You'd be surprised how these people, who never gave a thought to Moshiach previously, suddenly start thinking about it, and the next time they see you, they ask you where Moshiach is.  That happens to me all the time in real life.  But I'm just happy that they are giving some thought to a concept which they'd never acknowledged until I brought it to their attention.

....the Dark Side tries everything to prevent Moshiach's arrival, so Hashem must engineer it in such a way that catches the unholy spiritual opposition completely off guard. [Rabbi Lazer Brody - "The Seeds of Moshiach" click here to listen to "The Book of Ruth"]

As I was typing up this post and I read this,,,, On the first of Nissan, 2448 years after the creation of Adam, G‑d commanded His first mitzvah to the fledgling nation of Israel—to establish a calendar based on the monthly lunar cycle.....

I did a small calculation on my notepad: 2448 x 2 = 4896

Then I subtracted 4896 from the current year 5784.  The remaining total was 888.

I don't know if that's relevant to anything at all, but it was exciting for me to see because 8 is the number of Moshiach.  Our current world is a world of sevens, seven continents, seven seas, etc. but the world of Moshiach is the world of 8.  


  1. This new blog post is making my stomach turn upside down and got me more hopeless about Moshiach but that could be because I interpreted it the wrong way. So many tzaddikim have said Moshiach is coming this year and we have more than enough signs and prophecies fulfilled! And what about the incredible video that Ari Goldwag put out called “Moshiach 17” which explains very well that we could very likely welcome Moshiach before the 25th of Adar Bet! We can’t forget about that as well.

    Are we likely to be disappointed twice, or one of the dates (between Adar/nissan and the 25th of Elul) has an extremely high chance of us finally welcoming Moshiach?


    1. The prophecy also says the 6th day which Is Friday before Shabbat . 25 day, 6th month , 6th day

  2. No-one can tell you for sure that it's going to happen, we can only hope and pray. It is possible to have hope and still remain grounded. Trust that everything that is happening is bringing us closer to Geula, but no rabbi or blogger or anyone else can tell you definitely that it will be happening on a certain day. It's all educated speculation, but there is no need to feel bad because we do have ALL the signs prophesied.

    1. I understand but I’m not asking if it’s “definitely” coming by then. I’m just asking if you feel that Moshiach has an extremely high chance (like never before, of course) to arrive sometime between this moment and the 25th of Elul? Again, not asking if you feel it’s definite, just asking if you feel there’s an extremely high chance it will happen before then?We appreciate your blog so much.


  3. Yes I do think so, especially because of the passing solar system and the Kochav Yaakov aspect. As well as all the other "signs" that we have in the world today.

  4. Devorah, I just want to tell you that I used to be one of those people who never thought of Moshiach. As a matter of fact, I only started thinking of this subject when I stumbled on your blog. In my opinion, your blog is definitely divinely directed. At least in my case, I don't even know/remember how I found this blog, since this subject matter was completely unknown to me until about 4 or 5 years ago.

    Keep up your amazing work.

    C S

  5. Wow CS that's amazing. I honestly never thought I'd have a website where people came to read what I wrote or published. I was surprised when I had 5 readers. When I had 500 readers I was terrified. Now there are thousands and it's become normal for me, but honestly I never expected or even aspired to this.
    Most of the time I just go by my gut feeling as to what I should blog or not, and usually it's an instant "knowing" that this needs to be blogged.
    I feel the Hand of G-d every day, it's like a daily miracle, I am so grateful for all of this Holy work. no-one is more surprised than me, I can promise you that!


  6. Hashem bless you, Devorah.

    I am not young - just old, old and tired, tired and afraid, alone (mostly), not Jewish, but try and follow the Gd of Israel.

    Sometimes i wonder is Gd really there??

    If this is a sin to think... i cannot help it... i just wonder.. wonder at a lot of things..

    Sometimes even think, maybe i am in a coma, and all this is in a 'coma dream'..

    That I might wake up from the 'coma', and who. where. what will i see..?
    Will i be me ? or just nothing...

    this just thoughts of mine..

    Stella c

  7. Stella C: I can promise you that you are not in a coma or in a dream, because I receive so many of your comments that you must be real ! Don't worry G-d is really there, I can promise you that as well.

  8. I love your blog.
    Katie in Wisconsin

  9. Hi Devorah,
    Can we delay or hinder the geulah with our own failures and difficulties? I managed to get thru Rosh Hashanah 5784,making a nice dinner and having guests, but literally crashed emotionally & psychologically after. I have been mostly nonfunctional since then. After 19 years of emotional abuse, I have filed for divorce but my life has been full of strife and trauma. I become afraid that i will lose geula. Where do personal, individual challenges fit in with the Jews as a people and geula process? Avigayil

    p.s. i love your blog and learn much. Thank you for keeping it going.

    1. Anonymous,I'm going through a similar process right now,so I know how earth shattering it can be-tell yourself that HKBH is there to
      allow you to get rid of that person before Mashiah so you will experience perfect happiness after.A rav in Jerusalem said to a friend in a similar situation that the ones marrying NPD had the potential to help those dark souls but if the abuser doesn't succeed in this tikkoun,then the spouse will get out.Bezrat HaShem you will see better things.

  10. p.p.s

    I abosolutely love the art you use. That adds to the pleasure I receive from reading your blog. Thank you! Avigayil

  11. I don't think anyone can "lose" geula. You have made a monumental decision to walk away from abuse and that could possibly be your entire life's mission to achieve. No-one deserves to suffer abuse, ever.

    Your individual challenges are just that, they are yours. Everyone has different challenges and a different mission.

    I wish you the strength to get through the difficult process of divorce, and mazel tov on being strong enough to walk away from abuse. It takes a strong person to do that.

  12. Avigayil you may be interested in this, if you haven't already seen it.

  13. I don't know how I stumble on your blog. Been reading it for the past 6 years. I love it. At Night when my kids are asleep it calms my nerves and puts me to sleep on positive note. Your blog truly gets me thinking about Hashem care and devotion for all of us. It meditates my thoughts in a wonderful way. Keep up your great work Devorah.

  14. Thank you everyone, even I don't know how I found my blog! LOL
    Sometimes I look at things on it and can't even remember blogging them.

  15. Dear Devorah,
    Like many others I don’t know how I came to your blog (maybe by searching for the mazalos) but it has been the one I have never stopped reading. As others have said thank you and bless you, I bless you also to come Home and to be able to do so with shalom and simcha and abundance.
    I also want to thank you for this hopeful post, together with the warning for protection of disappointment . Just after stuccos, while one of my children were trying to reschedule a flight to return to their schooling in America, we spoke much about the crazy times we were living in. My child told me how upsetting it was after the Seder night of corona lockdowns. The disappointment that has stayed deep within them as they tried to make sense of what I was saying as a mother, about moshiach being imminent, and the religious Jewish world seeming to get that sense as well (if only for those few moments). My child told me that maybe for “geula people” it’s ok to have the ups and downs of thinking it’s about to happen and then crashing down when moshiach is not revealed (again, and agin..) but for children, it’s too harsh of a let down and they struggle with wondering if their parents are liars or crazy or if the whole thing is a sham…. And so bH we sat and spoke about the traumatic disappointments that even “geula people” have in these sad moments when it becomes apparent that once again we didn’t merit, or we were wrong about the coming of moshiach at this time. Here we are over 115 days later, and this conversation holds tight to my heart. A grip that sometimes feels like it’s choking. Me, yet other times feels as it this grip on my heart is the cpr keeping me alive. The duality of hope and despair, or rebuilding our emuna after it breaks again makes us stronger.
    I tremendously appreciate the “warning” and simultaneous boost of hope . It is contradictory emotions like these that squeeze and release our heart pumping the energy through our body (our personal bodies, as well as the collective body of Am Yisrael) as we express the sadness, despair, disappointment, and all the negative feelings of not seeing geula (yet) we make space for rejuvenated hope to enter and circulate giving us the energy to once again see the true signs and feel the renewed hope, and eagerly anticipate the arrival of moshiach. May it beH be soon in our days, with compassion. May Hashem bless us that together with our young, and old may we see the Bais Hamikdash on har Habayis and enter into it with joy and serve Hashem with yira and love.

    Thank you so much. bezras Hashem may we dance together here soon (with all your righteous your readers)

  16. It feels as if everyone has given up on Moshiach. Now I’m starting to give up too. If it didn’t come during the gulf war or the Yom Kippur war, I don’t see the proof he’s coming now.


  17. We haven't given up Barbara.
    In both of those wars we didn't have any of the signs we have today.

  18. This is for Avigayl - you sound as though you have suffered a lot andthis has affected you to the point where you are blaming yourself for a lot of things that you dont have control over. in other words you sound like a woman who has been in an abusive relationship for a long time. I just want to tell you that it takes time to heal and recover your equilibrium after all those years of abuse. None of it was your fault so please dont blame yourself. so many of us have been thru this as well. just surround yourself with supportive people and get rid of anyone in your life who is negative towards you. you must reprogram your brain, you are not the abused wife anymore you are now in a position to recreate yourself and become the person you were before all the abuse changed you. I wish you all the best Avigayle, may you only have good things to come.

  19. From an email I get from ‘hakel’. Dovid HaMelech exclaims in Tehillim (62:9): “Bitchu Vo Bechol Eis—trust in Hashem at all times.” Importantly, the Radak (ibid.) writes that the trust referred to by Dovid HaMelech is trust in the Geulah. The reason, the Radak continues, that Dovid HaMelech urges us to have Bitachon in the Geulah at all times is because while the Galus has lasted for so long, the Geulah has not yet come—we dare not despair. It is essential for us to realize that even in a snowstorm, on a vacation, while going shopping, working—or even learning—the Geulah could come at any time. We have to be ready and prepared, and should keep this fact in the forefront of our thoughts. The uneducated world might be focusing on politics, sports, new foods, and other trivialities—but what we have to focus on at all times is the Geulah. So, the next time the Yetzer Hara tests you - remember the words of Dovid HaMelech-- Bitchu Vo Bechol Eis—so that you are ready for when the Geulah comes not only soon, but Pisom!

  20. I think when we see Iran destroyed with russia and china it will be amazingly peaceful in the world. Hoping bilaams prophecy comes true very soon .

  21. This is an important post, Devorah. Thank you for sharing it.

  22. your blog is amazing ! i look at it all the links, check the countdown, the hebrew date for my tehillim....etc. i think perhaps God is waiting for the people to take more action to put down the evil...prayer, protests, speaking out....i don't know what else to add to the list.

  23. Thanks for your post.

    Remember sitting in the back of the car going on a long journey maybe on holiday, saying to your parents "Are we nearly there yet", the loving parents say "nearly" then 5 minutes later after the repeat question they say "nearly". And so it goes on and on, eventually the kid finally gets fed up asking but..........suddenly they are there.

    We have to operate on 2 levels one) fixated on the elevated spiritual messianic era which is nearly here and two) staying focussed on this world as it is now, making it better for ourselves and helping those around us "as if" this is all we are going to have. We all know how long it takes a kettle to boil if we watch it if we are really busy with our spiritual pursuits it may make the wait easier.

    Finally if moshiach doesn't come by a certain date predicted by a person we musn't be cross with Hashem, as Hashem didn't give us that date and He knows what he is doing and what is best for eveyone.

    Thanks agin for your amazing blog


  24. I agree about the part of not trying to pin point the time of the arrival of Moshiach; but we are now in the era before his coming. So, we already understand that he will soon be coming. Aside from that, I have always understood it and learned that Nissan is the month of Geulah and Tishrei is the month of Gog U'Magog.
    It really makes so much sense because our ultimate Geulah will copy our first one which was in Nissan and Nissan is the 'Jewish' New Year, our first Mitzvah; whereas, Tishrei is when H' Created the world and mankind and when all living creatures are judged. Thus, it is for the whole world; that is why in the Messianic era, the nations of the world will come up to Yerushalayim to pay homage to the G-D of Israel, Hashem Yisbarach, our Creator.
    It will be mandatory for them to do so and it will be the Holiday of Sukkot, the Holiday
    when the Jews sacrificed the 70 bulls for the nations. Nissan is for Am Yisrael, when we
    will be redeemed and we will then have our King Moshiach. May it be immediately!

  25. This number 888 does not change in any way in which we look at it!

    Deborah, could you confirm the gematria of this phrase in Malachi 3:6, please?

    אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה לֹ֣א שָׁנִ֑יתִי

    I believe in the coming of Mashiach.
    Stay strong.

  26. Thank you very much Devorah for you response. These are ideas that i have never heard before. They give me hope. Thank you. Avigayil

  27. For the Anonymous commenter- The abuse has been for 19 years so it has been a long time. Thank you for your perceptiveness and for your validation of what i have been through. And thank you for your encouragement. I will print out your words and along with Devorah's re-read them often to help me regain my equilibrium. love and blessings. Avigayil

  28. Guess the ptbs didn't like what I wrote, so my comment just flew away right when I was submitting it.
    What I wrote basically is that we have plenty to keep our minds busy with what is going on in
    our holy EY and praying for the chayalim and chatufim and, of course, for all of Am Yisrael.
    We are now in the pre-Moshiach era and it is okay to anticipate Moshiach's coming very soon.
    As far as the months of Nissan and Tishrei are concerned. There is a difference in that Nissan is the 'Jewish' New Year as that was the month of our first mitzvah, blessing the New Moon, Nissan (also indicating 'miracles'that H' performed for us). And, as our Sages teach us the
    Geulah Shleimah will emulate the first one, y'tziat Mitzrayim. Also, the month of Tishrei is the New York (head of the year) when H' created the world and mankind. I understand it and learned that we will be redeemed in Nissan (our New Year) and the war of Gog u'Magog will take place in Tishrei (the 7th month). The Yom Tov of Sukkot takes place in Tishrei and that was the holiday when we had our Batei Mikdash when we sacrificed 70 bulls for the benefit of the nations of the world; and 'Sukkot' will be the 'Yom Tov' that the nations will make pilgrimage up to Yerushalayim on Sukkot in the Messanic era.
    May our Geulah come very soon b'chesed v'rachamim for all of bnai Yisrael!

  29. And to Myriam, you addressed my situation exactly. Hashem be with me and and you, and all women who have been placed in this type of situation. Ain od milvado. Avigayil

  30. Mirla the basic gematria of that phrase is 888.
    There's different ways of doing gematriot, and I'm not the expert here,
    but all those letters do add up to 888.
    Thanks for that :}

  31. US to launch weeks long campaign against Iran

    Edom vs Paras


  32. This came up on one of my feeds... Rabbi Glazerson doing a Torah Code on one of Rabbi Kessin's shiurim.... the volume is a bit muted, and I can hardly hear it on my computer, but anyway I started to watch it, and at about 1.55 I thought he said "Nibiru"... except he didn't say Nibiru, he said "birur"... then he continues and says "we have a birur all over the world" and again it sounds like he said "we have Nibiru all over the world".....and it occurred to me that all this Nibiru obsession is coming at the time of the great birur, where Hashem is separating the good from the evil. People are showing their true colours, who they really are and what they really believe. Nibiru sounds like birur, with a Nun at the beginning. Nun is 50 - 50 levels of Tumah which is where the world is probably at right now, even though technically we can only reach the 49th level before Hashem destroys the world....
    anyway this Torah Code from Rabbi Glazerson shows that we could see a Purim Geula.

  33. SC thank you for your comments, I appreciate it. I didn't publish because I'm already embarrassed enough by all the compliments which I don't think I deserve anyway.

  34. I’m honestly beyond tired of this galut that I feel I can’t go on any longer in such a life and world of darkness. It’s almost seems cruel of Hashem to make us still wait and suffer so much. I don’t know what covid accomplished for us and I hope we don’t have to look back one day if galut continues and ask what this horrible war and Oct 7 accomplished.

    I feel like just letting go of thinking of Moshiach and maybe revisiting the idea at another time. Maybe I’ll get back into Moshiach excitement in 10-20 years from now. Until then, it seems Hashem wants a Very, Very long plague of unbearable choshech on us and the world.


  35. Should we feel very confident that Moshiach is coming this year with everything going on and all the prophecies and signs here? I know no one can guarantee it.


  36. A Mekubal on one of the posts by Myrtlerising said that moshiach is coming this year malky

    1. Can you please post the link to it?


    2. I don’t think I know how or maybe it’s simple if someone tells me. Otherwise it’s from dec 31 2023 malky

    3. I could not find anything on that blog from dec 31 or around that date about the words of a mekubal.


    4. It’s called the one min action we need to add daily to bring the Geulah closer. Basically these r the words of the title of the post 12/31/23



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