Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Sun in the Light of the Torah

This is Amnon from Alshich Academy speaking about the sun at the end of days.  

Strange things are happening around the sun, and this may shed some light [no pun intended] on things.  I wonder what we may see, soon I hope.  Thanks for sending it to me Amnon, very interesting.


  1. Iran to review nuclear war doctrine


  2. It doesn’t look like we’re in for Moshiach this Nissan. The cards don’t line up, unfortunately and I doubt we are ready as a nation. Maybe we have a decent chance in Tishrei? There’s a machloket in the Gemara about Moshiach coming in Nissan or Tishrei.


  3. Itamar how do you know that the cards don't line up ?


  4. To itamar
    Moshiach in Purim pesach 5784


  5. The young guy you all follow has a new video on the Ben Yoseph. Many of these guys are doing this bigtime I think in response to the Yanuka, that the True Ben Daveed is not here yet. They are threatened in a way. Except for R.Breitowitz and R.Kamenski who say the Ben Daveed could be here or is here in the latter Rav's case. Interesting. It seems few folks really know about the tree of souls and what the goel needs to is a big day folks with the fixed sign energy the faces of the chayoth wheel, the bull.. Also Close sun passage of the 70 year kochab mother of dragons comet. Uranus Tzedeq/jupiter rare conjunction also todayB'H

  6. Itamar, it's not your job to decide that the geula is not happening in Nisan. It is your job to be in a place of tsaaka, crying out for the geula, regardless of how things seem to you. All this geula watching leads people astray. Nobody can say when the geula is going to happen, but that works both ways. We are supposed to want it today, so saying it's not going to happen before x date is a form of kfira.

    Yesterday, a diaspora Jew told me that making aliya is not frum.

    So many Jews are so lost. All the more reason why we desperately need Moshiach this instant. This year more than ever we can see just how trapped we all are.

    Only Moshiach Now

  7. When we don't expect it, it happens.
    Enjoy your seders.

  8. So do you think everyone is going to sit back and watch quietly as Israel bombs Rafah.... green-lighted by the US.....and the commotion on social media has already begun. Bibi has said they are going to rescue the hostages, they've gone into Rafah and the world is about to erupt again.

    1. Rav bitton of arutz 2000 on YouTube said a few weeks that only when Israel will conquer Rafia will geulah arrive



  9. Hashem still directing, and in Control.

    Others will fall, Israel will stand... B'H.

    Look to ONLY Hashem..
    Amen v'Amen.


  10. @Devorah, where did you see that the IDF returned to Rafah? It's not on any of the Israeli news outlets... besides for Bibi vaguely hinting that it would happen...

    -Anim Zemiros

  11. Malachi'prophecy:
    Did you catch the weather next 2 days? Will Hashem take the sun from its sheath?


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