Something about having to wait for Trump to be president again and accomplish certain things to improve “edom” (America) before we can finally have Moshiach just doesn’t sit right with me. Why can’t we have Moshiach now? This week? This Rosh Chodesh Nissan?
Rabbi Kessin is now the only one I know who holds we must wait until Trump is back in the White House before Moshiach can arrive.
Me too. But as an avid listener of The Rav's I think the real time life of the Messianic Era will need such leaders. I think the time will begin this week. And the bad are supposed to be killed off erev Pesach so elections will probably be sooner, honest, just and by the people finally. The good people.
Let’s get real here. Does anybody know but Hashem! Have every prediction of the Rav come out as he said? The world is really difficult to live in right now as a Jew. Let’s trust in Hashem that the time for redemption will be really soon
I agree. With all the love and respect for your blog, I think it would be best to not put up rabbi Kessin’s prediction videos anymore. He’s one of the only ones that holds such a long term outlook on Moshiach with having to wait for Trump to become president again. Everyone else has pointed to many incredible signs about Moshiach coming any day now.
R. Kessin always takes the LONG view of the redemption process. And his words gave me great joy today! Because for one thing... our government does not represent the good and righteous people of America. It has overstepped its bounds. HaShem knows this. And one other thing... I came to the realization this week, that before redemption can arrive ALL the sparks must return. If WE could begin the redemption before the pieces were in place, the whole purpose might be thwarted. Everything must fall into its respective coordinate... I'm going to use a really silly metaphor. You know when you are boiling sugar and water to make some kind of candy, it has to reach a certain temperature. If you get impatient and take the pot off the stove too soon, your candy will fail. Of COURSE we want to see Mashiach ben David now! But if all the conditions aren't right the other side might still have enough strength left to draw feed off of his holiness and start us on another road to exile. Chazal say that they wanted the Mashiach to come, but they didn't want to be alive to see it. This is why. We are living in the why. Our job is to hope every day... but also trust HaShem's process that however it falls out, and when... it will be for the ULIMATE good! Bitahon! Trust!
Yikes !! I'm sure your feedback will be relayed to Rabbi Kessin by someone as he doesn't use the internet. We're all eagerly anticipating something huge, and I hope we are right, because some people here cannot take any kind of cooling off right now. May Hashem reveal the Moshiach speedily! Amen.
I never comment on rabbonim, who am I, but this really has to stop. Moshiach is NOW. The Yanuka hakadosh said it was supposed to have been on Purim. Sorry to contradict a rav, but US politics are absolutely irrelevant to the geula. It's now. Obviously Hashem alone decides the exact moment of the geula shleima, the end of the geula process, but we are not passive bystanders, our actions and tefillot and ratzon hasten the geula. Why don't we just rely on the Rambam who says that we should await Moshiach every single day? Let's remember that there were big talmidei chachamim who followed Shabtai Tsvi. Being a talmid chacham is not a guarantee, sorry but it's not.
Leah, 5 or 10 years ago we didn't have Gog u Magog on the doorstep, sky high prices and several other things I can't think of right now, but seriously just look at the world and try to compare it to 5-10 years ago. Everything is different. Just Google Rachel Levine, United States assistant secretary for health since March 26, 2021 and tell me we're not at the end.
Of course, things are different, but who’s to say that things won’t get a lot worse over the next 5-10 years if we have to wait that long for Moshiach? We did have gog u’magog at our doorstep 5-10 years ago… remember all those serious speeches netanyahu gave at the UN about stopping Iran from having nukes. They were threatening Israel every day. In terms of inflation, wages, etc can go up to make up for it. This isn’t the first time in history that we had a lot of inflation.
Ron, not one of your prediction sources have come true over the last few months. Please cut it out with putting up these hyped up predictions on here. Also…. G-D forbid for there to be an Iran strike here in Israel
Yehudis, it's actually a Yalkut Shimoni. Cannot quote it word for word, but the summary is, that Persia (Iran) will attack Israel, and Israel will be in a state of fright and ask what are they to do, and the entire world will also be in a state of terror. But then, immediately after, Hashem will say that don't be afraid, the time of your redemption is here.
C S, negative prophecies do not have to come true. Chas veshalom for Iran to attack Eretz Yisroel. It already attacked it through proxies many times. And if Ron keeps posting every day that Geulah is imminent, people will lose hope.
Just had an earthquake 5.5 in NJ that was felt in NY, NJ and Baltimore. Epicenter of earthquake was a small town called Lebanon, NJ.. A divine hint of events about to unfold? (NY/NJ region is not prone to earthquakes at all)
Any thoughts on the earthquake that was felt in many states, including New York being connected to the solar eclipse a few days later and the month of redemption? Israel still on high alert until Tuesday by a serious Iranian threat of retaliation. Very confusing and terrible times
Ron is just posting things that others are saying. You can see from the message Hashem sent yesterday regarding the earthquake in Lebanon NY that Iran's plans are not necessarily going to work out the way they hope. I'm referring to the Tik Tok video linked above.
Isn't there some kind of prophecy that something will hit the Dome and it will be destroyed? Maybe this rocket from Iran will misfire and wipe out the al Aqsa mosque.
I don’t think so. Also, negative prophecies don’t have to come true. We’ve had more than enough chevlei Moshiach and are already at war with Iran through proxies. The time for Moshiach is clearly now, any moment.
Art: Rabbi Mordechai Becher "And Aaron shall carry the names of the Children of Israel in the Breastplate of Judgment over his hear...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Something about having to wait for Trump to be president again and accomplish certain things to improve “edom” (America) before we can finally have Moshiach just doesn’t sit right with me. Why can’t we have Moshiach now? This week? This Rosh Chodesh Nissan?
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin is now the only one I know who holds we must wait until Trump is back in the White House before Moshiach can arrive.
Me too. But as an avid listener of The Rav's I think the real time life of the Messianic Era will need such leaders. I think the time will begin this week. And the bad are supposed to be killed off erev Pesach so elections will probably be sooner, honest, just and by the people finally. The good people.
ReplyDeleteLet’s get real here. Does anybody know but Hashem! Have every prediction of the Rav come out as he said? The world is really difficult to live in right now as a Jew. Let’s trust in Hashem that the time for redemption will be really soon
ReplyDeleteHe also says he hopes Moshiach comes now. He's just presenting a theory.
ReplyDeleteIsrael thwarted assassination of Ben Gvir? Maybe he was the one prophesied to be killed?
ReplyDeleteDevorah the problem with talking about Moshiach into the future when people are in such incredible pain in my view is really insensitive.
ReplyDeleteI agree. With all the love and respect for your blog, I think it would be best to not put up rabbi Kessin’s prediction videos anymore. He’s one of the only ones that holds such a long term outlook on Moshiach with having to wait for Trump to become president again. Everyone else has pointed to many incredible signs about Moshiach coming any day now.
pehaps for one being in america, the focus of the importance of ongoings in america is overemphasized???
ReplyDeleteR. Kessin always takes the LONG view of the redemption process. And his words gave me great joy today! Because for one thing... our government does not represent the good and righteous people of America. It has overstepped its bounds. HaShem knows this. And one other thing... I came to the realization this week, that before redemption can arrive ALL the sparks must return. If WE could begin the redemption before the pieces were in place, the whole purpose might be thwarted. Everything must fall into its respective coordinate... I'm going to use a really silly metaphor. You know when you are boiling sugar and water to make some kind of candy, it has to reach a certain temperature. If you get impatient and take the pot off the stove too soon, your candy will fail. Of COURSE we want to see Mashiach ben David now! But if all the conditions aren't right the other side might still have enough strength left to draw feed off of his holiness and start us on another road to exile.
ReplyDeleteChazal say that they wanted the Mashiach to come, but they didn't want to be alive to see it. This is why. We are living in the why. Our job is to hope every day... but also trust HaShem's process that however it falls out, and when... it will be for the ULIMATE good! Bitahon! Trust!
Correction. Inadvertent error, China is from Cham, not Yefet.
ReplyDeleteDevorah never said she was a Navi, think the basis of this blog is to help people who are looking for hope and a sense of direction.
Yikes !!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your feedback will be relayed to Rabbi Kessin by someone as he doesn't use the internet.
We're all eagerly anticipating something huge, and I hope we are right, because some people here cannot take any kind of cooling off right now.
May Hashem reveal the Moshiach speedily! Amen.
I never comment on rabbonim, who am I, but this really has to stop. Moshiach is NOW. The Yanuka hakadosh said it was supposed to have been on Purim. Sorry to contradict a rav, but US politics are absolutely irrelevant to the geula. It's now. Obviously Hashem alone decides the exact moment of the geula shleima, the end of the geula process, but we are not passive bystanders, our actions and tefillot and ratzon hasten the geula. Why don't we just rely on the Rambam who says that we should await Moshiach every single day? Let's remember that there were big talmidei chachamim who followed Shabtai Tsvi. Being a talmid chacham is not a guarantee, sorry but it's not.
ReplyDeleteOnly Moshiach Now
There is no way the world can survive much longer with all that is going on. Moshiach must come now.
I can promise you many people said the same thing 5 and 10 years ago.
Leah, 5 or 10 years ago we didn't have Gog u Magog on the doorstep, sky high prices and several other things I can't think of right now, but seriously just look at the world and try to compare it to 5-10 years ago. Everything is different.
ReplyDeleteJust Google Rachel Levine, United States assistant secretary for health since March 26, 2021 and tell me we're not at the end.
Of course, things are different, but who’s to say that things won’t get a lot worse over the next 5-10 years if we have to wait that long for Moshiach? We did have gog u’magog at our doorstep 5-10 years ago… remember all those serious speeches netanyahu gave at the UN about stopping Iran from having nukes. They were threatening Israel every day. In terms of inflation, wages, etc can go up to make up for it. This isn’t the first time in history that we had a lot of inflation.
If we had this rachel levine for the last 3 years, why can’t we survive another 3 years of golus with her?
Trump will get rid of her anyhow so not concerned. Obviously, only if Moshiach is G-d forbid not here soon.
Iran strike on Israel imminent
Geulah is this also imminent!
Ron, not one of your prediction sources have come true over the last few months. Please cut it out with putting up these hyped up predictions on here. Also…. G-D forbid for there to be an Iran strike here in Israel
Geula is imminent
Yehudis, it's actually a Yalkut Shimoni. Cannot quote it word for word, but the summary is, that Persia (Iran) will attack Israel, and Israel will be in a state of fright and ask what are they to do, and the entire world will also be in a state of terror. But then, immediately after, Hashem will say that don't be afraid, the time of your redemption is here.
DeleteC S
Ron you are always right, people just don't see it, keep posting
DeleteC S, negative prophecies do not have to come true. Chas veshalom for Iran to attack Eretz Yisroel. It already attacked it through proxies many times. And if Ron keeps posting every day that Geulah is imminent, people will lose hope.
Just had an earthquake 5.5 in NJ that was felt in NY, NJ and Baltimore. Epicenter of earthquake was a small town called Lebanon, NJ.. A divine hint of events about to unfold? (NY/NJ region is not prone to earthquakes at all)
ReplyDeleteC S
This is crazy
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts on the earthquake that was felt in many states, including New York being connected to the solar eclipse a few days later and the month of redemption? Israel still on high alert until Tuesday by a serious Iranian threat of retaliation. Very confusing and terrible times
Adam: watch the TikTok on the link Anonymous sent thru
Ron is just posting things that others are saying. You can see from the message Hashem sent yesterday regarding the earthquake in Lebanon NY that Iran's plans are not necessarily going to work out the way they hope. I'm referring to the Tik Tok video linked above.
ReplyDeleteIsn't there some kind of prophecy that something will hit the Dome and it will be destroyed? Maybe this rocket from Iran will misfire and wipe out the al Aqsa mosque.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think so. Also, negative prophecies don’t have to come true. We’ve had more than enough chevlei Moshiach and are already at war with Iran through proxies. The time for Moshiach is clearly now, any moment.
ReplyDeleteShavuah Tov
The USGS say the epicenter was White House Station New Jersey. Thought that was kinda cool, maybe not for the people.
Yes that's a warning to the White House who have abandoned Israel.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who reads this blog obviously believes that HaShem is in control and runs this world.
Still think it’s cool, kinda like a warning shot .
In short.... what's on that tiktok video please?
Which Tiktok video? I think you're commenting on the wrong post. The most recent video I put up here was about Iran's plans for Gog u Magog.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis is crazy
April 6, 2024 at 8:58 AM
Devorah, you once had a pretty good description on your blog about the approaching stars. Do you know where you posted it?