Volcano Indonesia, tsunami alert https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/warnings/volcano-erupts-in-indonesia-alert-level-raised-to-highest-ejection-of-rocks-hot-cloud-discharges/news-story/39369dff2c9ef3143983d4c6b4a5ab1e
So How Is It Going to Happen? As for how the Temple will ultimately get rebuilt, it is a matter of dispute between the classic commentators.
Maimonides teaches that the Temple will be built by Messiah himself, and in fact its construction will be one of the signs that he is indeed the Messiah.13 One of the Messiah’s first orders of business will be to use his spirit of prophecy to discern who is a priest, as well as the tribal affiliation of each Israelite.14 Additionally, we will have the ashes of the red heifer to purify those who are impure.15
Others are of the opinion that in the messianic era, the Temple will descend ready-built from heaven.16
16 See commentaries of Rashi and Tosafot to Talmud, Sukkah 41a, and of Rashi to Rosh Hashanah 30a; see, however, Who Will Build the Third Bais Hamikdash, Man or G‑d? for a number of explanations by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on how to reconcile both opinions.
According to Tosafot in Eiruvin 43b ד"ה האי, it seems that Mashiah can only not come on Shabbat and Yom Tov before the night meal, but he can come after the night meal.
@Yaak, thanks for your reply. Another question: There seems to be a conflict of opinions on how many days' notice Eliyahu Hanavi gives before the arrival of Moshiach, with some saying one day and others saying 3 days... Would you happen to know which of these opinions is more widely accepted, and sources for each?
There is no specific rule that Eliyahu Hanavi has to come before Moshiach. He can come after Moshiach arrives. It’s discussed by the rambam in hilchos Moshiach.
Yitzchok.... I knew it would be today.... it is Yud Alef Nissan.... the birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.... Bibi didn't forget. OMG Don't worry, Hashem's got this.
Art: Rabbi Mordechai Becher "And Aaron shall carry the names of the Children of Israel in the Breastplate of Judgment over his hear...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I thought the Third Temple is already built and comes down from Shamayim.
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin says MBY will build it.
Volcano Indonesia, tsunami alert
@Yaakov, that article and prediction is incredible and makes a lot of sense!
ReplyDeleteAnyone else, please share your thoughts in the comments below!
So How Is It Going to Happen?
ReplyDeleteAs for how the Temple will ultimately get rebuilt, it is a matter of dispute between the classic commentators.
Maimonides teaches that the Temple will be built by Messiah himself, and in fact its construction will be one of the signs that he is indeed the Messiah.13 One of the Messiah’s first orders of business will be to use his spirit of prophecy to discern who is a priest, as well as the tribal affiliation of each Israelite.14 Additionally, we will have the ashes of the red heifer to purify those who are impure.15
Others are of the opinion that in the messianic era, the Temple will descend ready-built from heaven.16
16 See commentaries of Rashi and Tosafot to Talmud, Sukkah 41a, and of Rashi to Rosh Hashanah 30a; see, however, Who Will Build the Third Bais Hamikdash, Man or G‑d? for a number of explanations by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on how to reconcile both opinions.
ReplyDeleteRe: Yeranen yaakov blogspot: It says explicitly in the Gemara that Mashiach won't come on Shabbos or YT... can anyone reconcile this?
ReplyDelete-Anim Zemiros
Moshiach can come on Shabbos or Yom Tov. You might be referring to the machlokes. I think the general opinion is that it can.
I listened to the whole lecture. The redemption process doesn't necessarily have to take as long as he says. Moshiach can come now.
Yes sounds about right but he will not build a new temple rather he will find the original mishkan built at sinai and reassemble it.
ReplyDeleteAnim Zemiros (great name, BTW),
ReplyDeleteAccording to Tosafot in Eiruvin 43b ד"ה האי, it seems that Mashiah can only not come on Shabbat and Yom Tov before the night meal, but he can come after the night meal.
@Yaak, thanks for your reply. Another question: There seems to be a conflict of opinions on how many days' notice Eliyahu Hanavi gives before the arrival of Moshiach, with some saying one day and others saying 3 days... Would you happen to know which of these opinions is more widely accepted, and sources for each?
ReplyDelete-Anim Zemiros
There is no specific rule that Eliyahu Hanavi has to come before Moshiach. He can come after Moshiach arrives. It’s discussed by the rambam in hilchos Moshiach.
Israel attacking Iran right now!!!!
Yitzchok.... I knew it would be today.... it is Yud Alef Nissan.... the birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.... Bibi didn't forget.
Don't worry, Hashem's got this.
ReplyDeletewatch live
Anim Zmiros, I don't know which is more widely accepted. For a page that talks about the subject (with sources), see here.