Monday, April 1, 2024

The Whole World is Ganging Up On Us

Netanyahu: “What has happened in the past few months was that the terrible massacre” of October 7 “was quickly forgotten,” he says, “and the whole world is ganging up on us. And there are people here and abroad who say maybe there’s something to this; maybe we’re really not ok.”

The whole world ganging up on us....that sounds like Gog u Magog to me.  We've been watching it build up since October 7.

If you haven't read Bibi's latest press conference, click here, it's worth reading.

Also worth reading is the The Death of Moshiach ben Yosef which includes the information of another rumor from a mekubal that Mashiach will arrive with Rosh Chodesh Nissan.   In case you missed it, Rosh Chodesh Nissan is also the day of the much anticipated Solar Eclipse where it appears to me that the governments, NASA and Cern are conspiring to block the coming of Moshiach with all their might.  If that sounds ridiculous, well it is ridiculous, because these people work for the satan and he's about to die.

I don't know what's going to happen, maybe nothing at all, but it's not just us who are eagerly expecting Redemption.  Everyone seems to have a theory about what's going to happen on April 8.  Some are saying that it's not the shadow of the moon which will be blocking the sun, because the sun and the moon are not aligned on that day. I have no idea, to be honest, but if something else blocks the sun, other than the moon... I won't be surprised at all.

So I think we are very close to The End.

That's how I feel. 


  1. When you write “you don’t know what’s going to happen, maybe nothing at all”, are you referring specifically to Apr 8 (day of the eclipse) or you meant maybe nothing at all will happen this Nissan and we won’t see ourselves much closer to Moshiach if he doesn’t come during Nissan? Thank you for everything.


  2. I meant that nothing out of the ordinary may happen on that day of April 8, even with everything going on. Apparently Niagara Falls has also declared a State of Emergency for that day due to the influx of millions [?] of visitors to watch the eclipse. I can't think of anything worse than joining millions of people to watch an eclipse. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

    But I'm sure something spiritual will be happening on that day or the day after, the two days of Rosh Chodesh Nissan. All the signs point to a crossroads in time, including the shape of the X over the USA formed by the line of the eclipse in 2017 and this one coming up.

  3. Hello, in Proverbs 25:2 we read, "It is the glory of G-d to conceal a thing; but the glory of kings is to search out a matter". (1917 JPS Tanakh) With this in mind, then, at present I reasonably certain that at least as far back as the founding of Israel in 1948 and possibly even before that G-d has concealed the date, or at least the approximate date of the event we seek within the early digits of Pi to within a time window of about one year and nine months from the beginning of 2023 to the end of 5784. Now as I have mentioned previously on the site for the last 5 or 6 years I have been studying Biblical mathematics, mostly from Jeff Meiliken's site, where, among other things, we learn that although no doubt more than 99.99 percent of the Earth's present population of about 8.1 billion people are blissfully unaware of it, encoded in the digits of the transcendent number Pi, 3.14159... is much information pertaining to the Torah, G-d, Messiah/Moshiach, prophecy, science, etc. With this in mind, then, I wish to call attention to the 17th through 20th digits of Pi, 2384, for if the digits 23 encode for CE year 2023 and the digits 84 encode for Jewish year 5784, as I believe they do, the events we have seen since the 6 February 2023 Syria/Turkey earthquake and especially the October 7 terror attacks in Israel then fall into place with exact mathematical precision. To see my write-up about the 2384 sequence please go to the above mentioned site and click on the article There's Nothing Random About Pi and scroll down the page to the comments section.

    Sincerely, Dennis

    1. Dennis, this calculation points to Moshiach’s arrival sometime before 5784 ends?



  4. Regarding April 8th, perhaps nothing will happen.

    We should stop theorizing period

    Only Hashem knows, and only He decides..

    Come what may, to look only to Hashem, is the best for all to do.


    1. Almost sounds like you’re saying that we should accept that Moshiach isn’t coming anytime soon 😔 :(


    2. No he is not saying Mashiach is not coming soon. Dennis is saying put your eyes and your heart to HaShem. He is the one in charge here. He will reveal Mashiach when the time is right and our job here on earth is to do mitzvahs until that time comes. 💙🇮🇱

  5. In the 1950s don Carlos Muñoz Ferrada was already talking about Nibiru, based on his calculations and astronomical observations...He referred to Nibiru as a planet-comet..Planet, because it is a large-sized celestial body, whose diameter is about 4 times the diameter of the Earth..And comet, because it follows a trajectory similar to a comet, crossing among other planets in the solar system..And because it has a tail, similar to the tail of a kite..Just that its tail is immense, stretching out many millions of miles out...And, similar to the tail of a kite, the tail is blown out by the solar wind..And, since Nibiru is positioned somewhere between the Earth and the Sun, in approaching Earth trajectory, its tail is currently pointing toward the Earth...If the effects of Nibiru's approach are immense, for Earth, the effects of its tail are also important...The queue is made up of a entourage of moons, of various sizes, that travel through space and play around Nibiru, since in space there is no rust...It is also composed of a large number of asteroids, rocks and cliffs, which their gravitational and magnetic force have been collecting in its dilated trajectory through space and its dilated passage through space.And finally, the queue consists of smaller and lighter components: pebbles, sandstone, and red iron oxide dust... And frozen carbs...Then, the larger bodies travel near Nibiru, the rector body, while the lighter elements, located towards the end of the tail, are blown out by the solar wind...Given that Nibiru has a powerful magnetic field, and given that in the tail there are a large number of bodies containing iron, and iron oxide, the tail also has a considerable electromagnetic charge...I mean, the tail acts like a magnetic arm of Nibiru, in the distance..As the tail stretches many millions of miles outward, blown by the solar wind, it is natural that one of the first signs of Nibiru’s approach to Earth is the arrival of the tail to the neighborhood of the atmosphere...Then, occasionally, Nibiru's tail licks, or envelops, temporarily, the Earth's atmosphere, generating various effects...One of those effects, from our perspective, is that you can sometimes see the Sun surrounded by a strange halo, even with blue and clear sky...Sunlight appears to have changed color, to some extent, detail that sensitive people notice quickly..And the sunburn gets faster and more intense too..Occasionally, it is possible to see glowing clouds...These are effects of light that illuminates fatty elements, that have reached the atmosphere... Product of the frozen hydrocarbons in the queue...Actually meteorite falling to Earth is dramatically increasing... The tail of Nibiru is plagued with rocks and cliffs, of all sizes..Occasionally, you can see reddish sunsets, beyond the ordinary, by the play of sunlight and the refraction of light by the effect of the Earth's gravity and its reflections through the tail of Nibiru, plagued by fine red dust of oxide of Iron ...And sometimes you can see the deposit of red or brown dust on some flat surface, and even rain or snow blushing by the dust..But, the tail also has an electromagnetic charge, which makes it act like an extended magnetic arm of Nibiru..And suddenly, the rocky layers of the Earth, subjected to pressure or traction, with their salty water nodes inside them, become conductors of electricity...Then, sometimes, the queue "dropples", when approaching those conductive elements: it produces a random, localized effect, of Electromagnetic Pulse...Electromagnetic Pulse induces faults in nearby electrical and electronic equipment..Unexplained outages in power grids...Temporary, or fatal, failures in electronic, domestic and industrial systems..Faults in navigation systems, controls and aircraft avionics...Glitches, outages and interruptions, on radio and TV, and communication systems...Suddenly also forest fires you find no logical explanation..And a few more...

  6. I think we've been witnessing many of these phenomena, for some time now..None of this could be happening if Nibiru was located beyond the Sun, (as a lot of people seem to be saying), as in that case the solar wind would blow the tail in the opposite direction, and not towards Earth...These phenomena are indicator signs that confirm us that Nibiru is located somewhere between the Earth and the Sun..Later, at some point, abundant red dust will fall, which colors the surface waters and gives them a bitter taste... As it happened in Egypt in the time of Ramses II and the Exodus of the Jewish people..The effects of the Nibiru tail can be found in all traditions, myths and legends of the original peoples..They can be traced in the Bible (Exodus), the Vishuddhi Magga (Tibet), the writings of Avila and Molina (Aztecs), the Kolbrin, and many others...Have to stay tuned, because there are fireworks on the billboard..

  7. Faults in navigation systems - well that might explain the Baltimore Bridge.
    It also explains the asteroid trails and clouds, and just about everything else going on. Is Nibiru the same thing as Comet 12P Pons Brooks then?
    If the waters turn bitter, then I guess that prophecy about no fish before Moshiach would happen. I've seen videos of people showing red dust accumulating in bird baths, and other places, usually in America.

  8. Rochel @ April 1, 2024 at 12:46 PM

    Please Rochel don't be sad..

    Its just what I have learned that Hashem is in charge of all and everything.

    According to what is also in Torah, many places is predicted of these times we are in, and as Devorah has said that the evil satan is about to die.

    Mashiachs arrival IS very near.

    I just wrote not to theorize, as if we believe in Hashem, He IS in control, His will is His will.
    He may allow April 8th, to be the date of ushering in the Mashiach, and it will be so wonderful - !!

    Lets daven that it be so.. Amen.
    Cheer up, sorry to have made you sad and teary.

    I do not know much, i just learn from blogs, and some Rabbis.. and this blog has helped me in many many ways.

    Hashem bless you Rochel and your family. Amen.

    Hashem bless Devorah and her family.

    Hashem bless Eretz Israel.. and may His blessings be upon all His Chosen and may peace come into our world. Amen.
    God bless all other good peoples too around the world... Amen.


  9. Rochel: Trusting in Hash-m, and not calculating dates, does not mean "accepting that Moshiach isn't coming any time soon." All the signs are here, and they are so strong, AND the mitzvah is to hope for Moshiach every day! TC


  10. Well that is what I said too.. Hope for Mashiach yes..
    And the times we are in, indicates that we are very near.

    Still, all is in Hashems Hands.

    Will not reply on this topic any more, Have a good day/night.. whatever.

  11. Another very odd thing, I read this morning in the news that NY has canceled visitations to many of its prisons on April 8th, saying that the eclipse will make it too dark to see. What??????

  12. That makes me think the darkness will last longer than a few minutes, and maybe the power might fail. Or they just want the day off and keep the inmates locked in their cells.

  13. the Zohar says that in the end of days there will be 15 days of darkness. The eclipse (darkness) starts on April 8th and after 2 weeks we have pesach. could this actually happen... I sure hope so.

  14. All the preparations for this solar eclipse are bizarre. We've had solar eclipses before. I remember as a child experiencing one. And I think also when the Clintons were in the White House or maybe it was later, there was an eclipse. They wore goofy glasses to protect their eyes and there was a sense of anticipation and fun. But now, there are preparations for some catastrophe that makes no sense. We do know that CERN plans to fire up something (their sun shield?) and the US will fire 4 (I think) rockets at the sun to discover something and there is a suspicion that some country has an EMP ready to fire. The sun shield which has been ready for some time could plunge us into darker days, but not total darkness. God only know what these fools have in store.

  15. They only had 6 or 7 days of darkness in Mitzrayim. And the Israelites had light in their homes. Was it the Or Ganuz?
    Maybe everyone should stock up on things, I mean who knows these days what can happen next.

  16. I feel something big is about to happen also.

    But if nothing happens in Nissan, and even if a heavenly voice tells us we are a thousand years off, we, as faithful servants of Hashem, will just continue serving him with faith, dedication and joy forever and ever.

    Everything is going exactly to plan.


    1. It’s impossible that we are a thousand years off. We are not off at all. It is 5784. All the prophecies are fulfilled. The Zohar says techiyas hameisim must start no later than 5790, the Leshem says no later than 5786. We are in the last moments right before Moshiach’s arrival. May it be today.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Esther, despite the truth of your words above, (and I am sure that Gershon 'feels' so too) I love what he wrote! He is talking from a place of ecstasy and truth. The joy of being a yid and happy to serve Hashem and be a part of His nation regardless of when the time actually arrives and what he has in store for us.

    We all feel the imminent end, regardless, I think.


  19. Once someone here made a comment about numbers here it goes:

    2017 x 2024 = 4,082,408 or...

    There only been since 1776 EIGHT (8) eclipses like this one coming soon.

    May Mashiach come today! Shalom!

  20. Just a few points here: All the mythological fables that countries believe in or whatever, all stems from us, our Torah and our history. Greek mythology, etc.
    Another point is this world can only last for 6000 years and there's only 200+ years to go. Techiyat Hameisim has to take place between 210-214 years before that date and is just a few years off from now. A believing Torah Jews should know that!
    Third point is - we should not and cannot pinpoint exact dates and time; only H' knows and maybe there are from 36 tzadikim, a brilliant mekubal who might know, but cannot say. We just know that our Geulah is at our door! Very soon, we will all see and know.
    Fourth point: the comment by 'time' might be spot on. From Rosh Chodesh Nissan (the day of the eclipse) up until the end of Pesach is 15 days, where
    the darkness of the eclipse might last in different areas of the world where the whole world is then included in the upcoming Redemption of the world!
    May the Geulah come with great kindness and the great mercy of Hashem Yisbarach! Ain Od Milvado (there is none other than HIM)!

  21. Hello, I take the position that although we can never be 100 percent certain as to the year/date of the event we seek beforehand, in view of the evidence a reasonable person might conclude that there is at least a fair chance of it happening before the end of 5784. The following links have yet more numerical analysis of 5784:

    Now before I sign off I want to mention that several days ago I came across a site containing the mind-boggling information that the birth year of the individual to whom I prefer to as the Community Organizer, 1961, can be directly linked to the year of the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. However, I will keep you in suspense and post it tomorrow.

    Sincerely, Dennis

  22. In the comment march 31 8:29 am of the link above: The Death of Moshiach ben Yosef.... it says something major will happen today! And it did happen! The bombing and killing of the iranians in syria, seems that the mekubal is reliable, this is certainly a serious escalation

  23. Yes that's what I thought as well.

    1. Well then let's be ready for Nissan 10, as the same mekubal said something will happen by then

  24. Reply to Devorah at. April 2, 2024 at 7:42 AM

    Yes, it is true, this from arutz7:

    "Israeli officials acknowledge to The New York Times that Israel carried out thestrikes on the Iranian consulate in Damascus"

    Apr 1, 2024, 11:28 PM (GMT+3)


  25. The world is ganging up on Bibi and his regime not G-d fearing Jews. Iy’H the present government will fall and be replaced with Moshiach Ben Dovid.


  26. The Yanuka hakadosh said that Moshiach was supposed to hve come on shushan purim, and that we should be clamouring for the geula, as it is past the time, not just accepting the situation.

    Israel alone is good. We must turn only to Hashem. Forget the nations and be happy they have all turned against us, and on Purim no less, accept malchut of Hashem.
    The day after Purim the Supreme Court in Israel ruled to end subsidies for yeshiva students. Again, this is good. From the zohar, the erev rav will no longer receive its vitality from Torah learning. Yeshiva students will be supported by genuine Gd fearing Jews alone. This is the final birur.
    All of the above from Rav David Toledano.

    Whilst it is devastating to think that we should have been in the geula already since Purim, Hashem has definitely catapaulted the situation forward. We should be ready for Moshiach at any moment, whatever that requires of each person. There was a big tefilla at Kever David on Sunday evening, with mekubalim, crying for Moshiach, blowing shofarot. From Tehillim, Hashem looks down on earth to see if there is anyone 'doresh' demanding/asking for Him, his malchut. None of us should be content with another minute of the galut, not of the klal, and not of the many Jews who are suffering in so many different ways.

    Non Jewish dates and years are irrelevant to us and have no meaning. Stars etc too. Israel is above the stars.

    Only Moshiach Now

  27. Anon: I like your comment but We are all aware that we are above the stars spiritually speaking. Who is speaking about non Jewish dates? April 8 is Rosh Chodesh Nissan.

  28. April 8 is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, a moed where we are commanded to blow the Trumpet...

    "Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day." (Tehilim 81:3)

    "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;" (Yoel 2:1)

    1. Amen yes this is the time of the holy shofar blast. The right keren horn of Avrahams ram. The techiyas hamesim is turning up in a grand way. The Teli Mother of Dragons scepter of the kerubim may announce a new reign, also the sword of justice like nostradamus also said retributive responses meaning hateful players will fall over the next months. The angel of the moon is running the show. The 36 tzaddikim awaken first this is the sacred 666 demiurge or soul of Torah Abulafia gematria 666=Cal Hatorah quantum torah. B'H

  29. So please call it Rosh Chodesh Nisan.

    Regarding the solar eclipse, it's a bad sign for the nations, and a good sign for Israel.

    Only Moshiach Now


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