Monday, May 22, 2023

The Yanuka: Safeguarding the Eyes

"The eye is the way to come closer to Hashem..... all of the functioning of the body is through the eyes..

based on what is seen, all of the body organs, sinews.... all follow what a person sees."

Hashem wants us to see the beauty of His creation and lift our eyes to Heaven.

Regarding this Yeshayahu said "Raise your eyes on high and see who created these things".

Video: Hebrew with English subtitles.


  1. Rav Berland Shlita said ones that this Redemption will come through Leah. Today In the morning I realized that we are in the days of Leah. From Rosh Hodesh Sivan until the 12th of Sivan we do not say Tahanun. In Syrian Community (who came from Aleppo) they have a Minhag not say Tahanun also on 13th Sivan because Hashem made miracle for them (The Musan Miracle). And we recite during these days Tikkun Leah only ( not Tikkun Rahel).
    We should hear Good news BH very soon with coming of Mashiah beRahamim.


  2. Amen ken yehi ratzon, Be"D.

    Not directly related, but in case anyone hasn't heard of Rav Meir Eliyahu, well now you have. I have only seen his classes in Hebrew, but even if you can't understand them, it's worth just seeing him and knowing who he is. He is an incredible rav, and also young, about the same age as the Yanuka. Hashem has taken so many of our gedolim, and now a new generation is sprouting forth Be"D.



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