Wednesday, May 3, 2023

"Where is the Messiah?"


The tzaddik Rabbi Zafarani in an exciting meeting with the Yanuka - Where is the Messiah?

English subtitles


  1. This video is a bit discouraging since the Yanuka doesn’t mention at all that Moshiach’s arrival is close.

  2. Batya,

    I assume this is not a very recent video, judging by the plexiglass partition (COVID). And the Yanuka says the truth, that we must pray for Moshiach, and he says that Hash-m will decide when Moshiach will come, and he says that Moshiach wants to come. We know that Moshiach can come at any moment, and that he will come when we don't expect him. As I heard Rav Lazer Brody say, in the name of a different Rav: Those who say when Moshiach is coming don't know, and those who know when Moshiach is coming, don't say!


  3. The video is probably not more than a few months old

  4. Do we also long and pray for Moshiach… so that evil will come to an end… and those left, will begin to learn to live with Torah Values and Torah/HaShem’s Way of living… as He has wanted for mankind all the way back to the beginning? Doesn’t Moshiach represent Torah living in the world, and a change from what we have always known before his arrival? Moshiach here… doesn’t it also mean we learn to follow HaShem and love it… and not question ‘why?’ But learn it was always the best for us and why did we fight this Way of Life and living so hard?


  5. Annie, here is a link for you:
    15 Moshiach Facts

    1. Thank you… we long and pray that suffering of mankind come to an end… and evil be stopped forever, soon …Please Dear HaShem…

  6. I see that this video was posted to YouTube today. Could be it's from now, I'm just surprised by the plexiglass partition. I thought that would date it to awhile ago, during COVID, although, come to think of it, no one is wearing a mask either, so could be they just haven't taken down the plexiglass.
    Anyway, the Yanuka here is telling us what we need to do, which is to daven for Moshiach and really want him. G-d willing, Moshiach will be revealed soon.


  7. The most crucial part of the video is MISTRANSLATED. The Yanuka shlita says that people think that the galut is good. Galut is translated as redemption,

    About 2.23,
    יש אנשים שחושבים שהגלות היא טובה
    יש כאלו, ובגללם הגאולה

    Also, MISTRANSLATED, 'there are others', but it is not what he says. yesh kaelu, refers to those who think that the galut is good, and "because of them the geula is delayed".

    'There are people who think that the galut is good, there are people like that, and because of them the geula is delayed.' This is exactly what he said.


    1. @L.L
      I don’t think Hashem is going to wait for all the ignorant and apathetic Jews that are ok with golus to want Moshiach. We are b’itoh and very overdue and Moshiach is coming any day now. Look at all the signs around us from the Torah. Look in the holy seforim. Techiyas Hameisim must start by 5786 according to the Zohar and Leshem. The time for the Geulah must be now!!

  8. Yes, I noticed that too, that Golus was translated as Geula.

    Change can be scary, I guess that's why sometimes people would rather stick to things they are than make the big transition to the Final Redemption. But the Geula will take care of everything, from headaches to big tragedies. It's "one stop shopping" when it comes to tefilla-Ask for the Geula!


  9. And thank you to L.L. for pointing out the mistranslation. It's a very important point the Yanuka makes.


  10. Our Sages tell us that our worst punishment is the 'galut'. Every single Jewish neshamah needs to pray for that more than anything else.
    If we were all on the same page with praying for the end of galut,
    not only would Moshiach come in a flash, but all our tzoros would end.

    1. Moshiach coming means the end of all tzoros . Suffering is only in golus.

  11. Reminder of R'Palvanov's lecture on Third Rome #2: Russia, Iran, and Gog u'Magog

    Move Slider to 53:38, about three towers falling.


    Now see:

    I'm not saying its quite the same thing, but still...

  12. yes interesting MM.
    And if you listen from 52 mins he's talking about the cochav Yaakov, and the dates and it was great to re-listen.
    Thank you for that.

  13. Actually, in the Putin video, all I could look at was the giant misty halo around the moon :) which is right in your face, but of course no-one is looking at the moon, are they?

  14. Anon 12.33, you don't seem to realise that I was just clarifying what the Yanuka said. They are not my comments. It is inconceivable to us that the geula can be delayed even another minute, but I am sure that the Yanuka is aware of everything you wrote.

    Many predicted dates have come and gone. The Yanuka says not to focus on them, but on Hashem and the Torah. Even with everything that's happening, let's also remember that "My ways are not your ways". Only Hashem knows His ways, and we have to be tamim lifnei Hashem kelokecha. Or at least try to be.


  15. הגאולה בפתחMay 7, 2023 at 7:15 AM

    יהודים התעורורו הקשיבו צלילי הגאולה בפתח תשעה באב ה׳תשפ״ג מפי הצדיק הנסתר רבי אליהו אבוטבול

    משיחא מלכא
    חזק וברוך השתבך שמו לעד ;
    צדיק יסוד עולם אתה איש יקר ;
    אכן אתה צודק בדברייך
    הכרזת הגאולה תיהיה בע תשעה באב 4 חודשים
    הכרזת משיחא מלכא משיח תוך חודשים !!!
    הגיע זמן גאולתך
    לישועתך קיוויתי ה'
    משיח מלכא משיח

  16. What I understood is the rav talking about soukoth in the recording...

  17. הגאולה בפתחMay 7, 2023 at 8:47 AM

    המקור בזהר.
    זהר חדש. בלק דף ס"ח ע"ב .
    בזהר עמ' תקסו - תקסז
    על הכריכה כתוב:
    זהר חדש שמות ויקרא במדבר דברים ב

    If anyone can give us a translation of the verses he's quoting, it would be great.

  19. Thanks but he's quoting the Zohar Chadash, the New Zohar, which is different.

    see Sefaria: "Zohar Chadash is a collection of manuscripts that were found containing material pertaining to the Zohar but not included in printed editions of the work. The manuscripts were later organized, mostly by Torah portion, and printed as their own work."

  20. Wow, rabbi said that on this Sukkot on Yom Shishi, which will be October 6th , Erev Shabat, Hoshana Rabba will be Geula Shelema (End of this World).
    Interesting is that 3 month before that will be 17 Tammuz, July 6th. Will be the last trimester before the birth pangs ? Time will tell BH will have the last Yom Kippur before greeting Mashiah Tsidkeinu.
    Hashem is full of Mercy, He wants to clean all of His children before Mashiah comes. So excited by this Zohar. We all should hear Good news BH!!!!


  21. Thank you Moshe and הגאולה בפתח
    and the Rav of course

  22. What does the rav day about wars in the world? I didn't understand that part.. thank you

  23. Thank you to Yeranen Yaakov for this clarification of the Zohar Chadash:

    The Zohar is a famous one - the Zohar Hadash at the end of Balak.

    While one version of the text says "274 from the sixth day" another version of the text (brought down in the footnote) says "384 from the sixth day". The Sulam explicitly says that "day" here means "millennium". When it's written in Hebrew, it sounds closer (שפ"ד may refer to תשפ"ד).

    תשפ"ד is the Hebrew year 5784 which is what the Rav is talking about when he says Hoshana Raba.

  24. Hi Devorah, could you please explain what the rabbi said in regards to the coming of moshiach by sukkot? I didn't fully understood from the comments. Thank you

  25. Calin, firstly we can't say it'a a DEFINITE thing that is going to happen, but it is very exciting and we are hopeful.

    The Hebrew letters represent words and numbers, and we use them to discover hidden secrets in the Torah - and in the text we are looking at the letters שפ"ד are the same letters which appear in the Jewish year 5784.

    This is a hint to us that 5784 could be the year of Moshiach.

    It's a complicated thing to explain, and I had to have it explained to me as I didn't understand the video, but trust me the person who explained knows what he's talking about. I don't have a translation for the entirety of the his video though. Maybe someone else can give us a full translation.

  26. Thank you for the clarification

  27. Full translation

    Last year was shmitta year and yovel year, then wars until next year, that is 5784, on souccoth, specifically, hoshana raba, when the sound of shofar will be heard and the geula will be here.

    First the rav read it in the language of the Zohar and then explained in Hebrew, what I wrote above.

    I hope this helps.


  28. In the comments to that video and the channel's responses (I don't know who exactly is responding) it's explained a bit differently, Nisan. There's a whatsapp no. where you can request the relevant page of the Zohar somewhere in the comments and responses.

    The problem is that different rabbonim say different things:

    The Yanuka: don't focus on calculations, people who refuse to leave the galut are holding up the geula.
    The Vilna Gaon: every generation has a potential keitz and has to merit it.
    Rav Ginzburg: Moshiach has to come by 5784, on account of that being twice the year David Hamelech ascended to malchut in Yerushalayim. I don't know if that means by before 5784 starts, or by sometime during that year.
    I'm sure there are many more.
    And generally, expect Moshiah every day, but Moshiach will come behesech hadaat, when we are least expecting it.

    For years now we've been given predictions, calculations, gematriot and Zohar, including from the Zohar that there would be seventy years of a secular state, two years of an undefined period and then Moshiach would come. That was exactly what happened, except that we didn't merit the geula shleima. Personally, I prefer to focus on Moshiach coming now, and not pushing it off in our consciousness.


  29. In my very humble experiences, I've learned that Hashem does not push things off.... when something is supposed to happen in a certain time, it happens sooner rather than later. It's like when someone has completed their mission on earth, they die straight away, there's no messing around here.

    So when you say "Moshiach has to come by 5784, on account of that being twice the year David Hamelech ascended to malchut in Yerushalayim. I don't know if that means by before 5784 starts, or by sometime during that year."

    I respond by saying it will be very early in the year 5784... and Hoshana Raba is very early in the year.

    And I am feeling very excited by all this, and I have a very good feeling about it. I know i've had these feelings before, so I'm not saying 100% but I feel we're almost there.

  30. I'm not saying that Hashem pushes things off, I'm talking about our consciousness. Are we thinking and wanting Moshiach to come this very second, or are WE putting it off in our minds on account of the various predictions etc, which in a way dilutes our ratzon. We have the ratzon, but it has been dampened as we are thinking that we can wait a bit longer. It has lost its urgency.

    Regarding Rav Ginzburg's words, he said BY, of course that it can come before then, but that that was the latest.

    I very much understand your excitement. It does indeed feel very close, that we are in the geula itself. I was very hopeful that the geula shleima would be before yesterday's coronation, with the expectation of the crowning of a new king in the world, all the world royalty that came to pay respects, and all the associations from the Tanach, the oil, etc, ze leumat ze. It just seemed to be perfect timing along with everything else that's happening.

    On the other hand, as recently I heard the Yanuka say not to focus on predictions etc I am trying not to. Obviously, not completely succeeding, but at least trying. I don't want to think about the geula being on tisha be'av or hoshana raba, but today, Be"D, this human day, not in another thousand years, one of Hashem's days.


  31. I may have mis-paraphrased the Yanuka, I think he said the problem is that there are people who think the galut is good, I don't remember if he said they refuse to leave.


  32. Good points LL.
    Or maybe it's just b'ita and that was always the day.

    As I was looking up Hoshana Raba on Google, the first thing that came up said this: “Hoshana” means “please save us,” and “rabbah” means “great,” so the holiday refers to “the great salvation.” I have never looked it up on Google before. And maybe it's as Rabbi Kessin says... that certain spiritual things need to still happen before then. Also, there's the Star, the cochav Yaakov, which is up there, awaiting its moment in the Geula process. If the dates of 25 or 23 Elul are correct, then it ties in with Hoshana Raba coming weeks later.
    I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am right now. Just the anticipation of it all.... and the end of all the tzures we live through.
    Iy"H with G-d's will.... we are pleading for this nightmare to end and Geula to begin.

  33. This is turning into a live chat:)

    I don't understand the idea that certain things have to happen as according to the Vilan Gaon, the geula shleima could be in any generation if they merit it. And we are supposed to think that the geula shleima can be every day. Pushing it off with calculations, that it can't happen UNTIL x, y and z, to my mind sounds like a contradiction to that. (Saying it has to happen BY a certain date is different).


  34. Toras Moshiach will bring it all together. We'll understand how all the details are one harmonious whole.

  35. Very good advice Harry.
    One way to try and love someone who has been negative towards you is to try and put yourself in their shoes and understand where they are coming from. Not so easy to do, but if you can do this, you will be able to "love" or at least not "hate" that person.

    1. Another possible way, is to think of them/remember them as innocent children and infants. If you maybe have a photo of the person who wronged you as a child, and you can look at that, might be helpful in letting go of the hurt.

      Another way is to show them a small kindness. This will lessen your own negative feeling toward them, as you now have a part of yourself invested.

      One thing is for sure, once you are able to forgive someone and stop hating them, you will experience a profound feeling of healing and something close to a quiet sense of happiness.

      C S

  36. I would like to suggest something. Every year millions of people flock to meron for lag bomer which is tonight. The three festivals every year we are commanded to all gather together as one nation to increase the bond between us and hashem . Yes its true we do not have a temple and Jerusalem poses a issue to have to many people all together since it is full of buildings etc. Meron however is quite natural and open so if we were to gather together in one place as a nation meron might be a good location. Imagine every member of Israel gathering in one place in a festival as it was at sinai . This i believe is the key to creating unity between the nation. We should have head rabbis giving lectures to the whole nation not to a small group of followers. And i believe this practice of bringing all of israel together in one place will bring the geula . Its true we dont have one messiah figure leading the nation however we have many great leaders who should all talk before the people and motivate them to keep the torah as one nation with the motivation of revealing Gods love for mankind and Israel . Religious and non religious should attend in fact there is even a commandment that the stranger in the land should attend thr three festivals . So this festival will increase love between the nation. It shouldnt only be about shimon bar yochai . It should be about gathering together under one God .

  37. Harry, Rav Shimon bar Yochai very much called for peace and love amongst the Jews. His hillula is very much about this, but I believe that first and foremost it's about the tzaddik Rav Shimon bar Yochai, and the Torah he revealed.
    Also, this year is the Hakhel year, and Chabad is very into bringing gatherings of Jews together for Hakhel gatherings.

  38. הגאולה בפתחMay 10, 2023 at 2:40 PM

    אז אולי תתקנו בהערות שכתבתם בסרטון ,במקום: " ד' סיון ה׳תשפ״ג משיח" ל- "יד' תשרי תשפ"ד" ( שזה יום שישי ערב סוכות)
    יש פה אתר של הצדיק הנסתר אליהו אבוטבול. הוא נסתר כצדיק. דהיינו הוא סותר את התואר צדיק אמתי.

  39. Google translate: "So maybe you can correct the comments you wrote in the video, instead of: 4 Sivan תשפ"ד" Mashiach" for 14 Tishrei תשפ"ד" (which is Friday the eve of Sukkot)
    There is a website of the hidden tzaddik Eliyahu Abutbul. He is hidden as a righteous man. That is, he contradicts the title of a true righteous person."

    Don't really understand what you mean.
    Can someone translate what he wrote please, Google has confused me.

  40. Rabbi in that video said The Geula Shelema and Sof Haolam will happen BH on Yom Shishi Sukkot.
    Now , pay attention is that there will be only one day of Sukkot Which will falll on Yom Shishi and that will be Hoshana Rabba.
    14 Tishri will be Yom Shishi of Erev Sukkot.


  41. ok, thank you Moshe for the translation.

  42. Is the war that's happening currently in Israel the start of the gog umagog war that, as written above in Hebrew, will last till succoth?

    1. Very unlikely. IF there is gog u’magog, it would likely be outside Israel. Also, Moshiach can absolutely come today. No need to expect yourself to wait until Sukkos.

  43. Correction : 14 Tishrei is erev Sukkot. Sukkot begins 15 Tishrei.
    Hoshana Raba is 21 Tishrei: Friday 6 October.

    Anon @ 2:12: some people think so.

  44. Prominent Mystic: Next year will be the final Jubilee, year of Messiah’s arrival.

    1. the rav means this year , 5783!

  45. israel365 is a missionary site. Donna Jollay is an evangelical. Would recommed that you not allow links to that site . Using it gives power to the klipa. Rav Adas shlita said that the war in shamayim is with xnty. Why give it ko'ach when you can easily avoid it?


  46. LL makes a good point. It is unfortunate that Jewish writers contribute to that site and make us think it is ok.

  47. The whole approach of missionary activity in our age is blurring the boundaries. Tragically, there are quite a few rabbis, not only but mainly Americans, who go along with it. This is all in the public domain. They are proud of it. The xns they work with are missionaries. They have just learnt to hide behind various guises and disguises.

    Tragically too, some Jews get caught up with geula fever. It clouds their judgement, leading them to promote missionaries. When our gedolim announce that Moshiach is here it is time to listen. In the meantime, Jollay and anything that emanates from her doing is tereif.


  48. Is gog n Magog now ???


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