For those of you who have been reading Geula Blogs for a while, you will remember R. Menachem Robinson a"h and his blog "The Absolute Truth".
R. Menachem gave us so much information about Nibiru back in 2016 [when it was visible in the sky] and seven years later in 2023 it is much more so, because the system is incredibly close to Earth. The fact that people got excited in 2016 and nothing happened has resulted in people disbelieving it now, to their detriment, because they are missing some really exciting visions in the sky.
I have selectively copied information on Nibiru which R. Menachem wrote 7 years ago, and which I think is worthwhile re-reading from our perspective in 5783, and where possible I have included videos taken this year. I have also only included information which corresponds to whatever is actually happening now.
If you want to read the original posts at The Absolute Truth, click on this link and it will take you to all the 'Nibiru' posts on his blog.
All of the following in italics is by R. Menachem Robinson a"h written in 2016, and I have added some current videos and some updates in brackets.
This is not just a star that is approaching, but a solar system. Nibiru, which is the dwarf companion binary star to our sun, is actually a solar system. There have been planets seen in the area of Nibiru, meaning that it is a separate solar system with its own planets. How many? Only Hashem and probably NASA know. Why the big mystery, why is this information being kept from us? [Note: latest information suggests there are 7 planets, some with moons]
I mentioned the Star of Jacob in the Torah and the Zohar telling us that in the end of days a star will appear and devastate the world, and it will be followed by Moshiach. That prophecy just happens to have the word "Nibiru" encoded in it. The Prophet Malachi, is telling us about a star of righteousness that will heal the righteous people, and wipe out the evil of the world. Nibiru just happens to be encoded in that prophecy.
Daniel telling us that the statue representing the evil powers of the world and how that statue will be destroyed, in other words as before, the demise of the evil 2/3rd of the world population. Guess what is encoded in that prophecy?
The fact that I found 414 places in Tenach, the Jewish Bible, where "Nibiru" is encoded, including 105 in the Torah alone.
Look at the prophecy in Numbers 24:17 where Balaam is telling us that in the end of days the Star of Jacob will come. It is important to understand that this star is the announcement of the Messiah. Your so-called New Testament plagiarized the idea by calling it the Star of Bethlehem, but it has been verified that Nibiru was not here about two thousand years ago. The second important fact is that Nibiru is encoded in the Torah right across that verse about the star. [
Here is the video of Rabbi Glazerson showing this encoding @ 1:50 ]
Hashem has given many other proofs (actually hundreds), but I will only mention what I believe to be the most important. The end of the prophet Malachi, just before the verse telling us that Elijah the Prophet will come in the end before the great and awesome day of Hashem, it tells us [Malachi 3:20] about a sun of righteousness that will come to heal the righteous and wipe out the wicked. That verse also has Nibiru crossing it since the sun is Nibiru. We also have the verse in Zechariah 13:8 that tells us that 2/3rd of the world population will be erased (the wicked) and 1/3rd will survive (the righteous). Nibiru is there also.
As you can see these definite messages from Hashem refer to this star, Nibiru, which is here to bring in the world of goodness and truth, the worldwide redemption, the Messiah, the third Temple, and much, much more that we were told thousands of years ago would happen in the end.
Let us look at the prophet Malachi 3:19-24 for interesting insight:
19 For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the wicked people and all the evildoers will be like straw; and that coming day will burn them up, says HASHEM, Master of Legions, so that it will not leave them a root or branch.
20 But a sun of righteousness will shine for you who fear My Name, with healing in its rays, and you will go out and flourish like calves [fattened] in the stall.
21 And you will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on that day that I bring about, say HASHEM, Master of Legions.
22 Remember the Torah of Moses My servant, which I commanded him at Horeb for all of Israel [its} decrees and [its] statutes.
23 Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of HASHEM.
24 And he will turn back [to G-d] the hearts of fathers with [their] sons and the hearts of sons with their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction.
Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of HASHEM.
Malachi the last of the prophets in the Bible ends with these verses. We especially need to read verse 20. The key part of the verse is not that it says "the sun," but "a sun of righteousness." Nibiru is not a planet, but a dwarf star, A SUN. In other words this is stating that the healing will come from a sun that will be provided just as it was before the flood. This time the sun will change the position of the Earth back to being directly over the Equator (off of the present axis), and will give healing rays – no more sickness. Since sickness is an involuntary way of giving Tikun, it will not be needed any more.
It is interesting that the same sun that will heal the righteous will be the sun that will burn the wicked. Whether that means actually burning them or the fact that it will provide a stream of rocks that will destroy them like brimstone coming down on them (a reference that is also used in the Bible).
A more important thing to note is that the healing will happen from the sun and will probably be before “the great and awesome day of HASHEM.” That is why “Healing is number 8 and the great and awesome day is number 12 in the list of blessings above. The healing will be before the wicked are destroyed and before the ingathering of the exile, in other words wherever you are in the world and probably much sooner.
And this photo just received: Massive sun halos that appeared the entire length & breadth of the UK on 28/05/23. ☀️
This one was photographed over the Millennium Bridge in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Photo credit: Steve Robinson [no relationship to Menachem a"h]
Photographed on the same day at South Shields, England