Friday, December 9, 2016

Moshiach will be revealed from the Epitome of Sheker

What is Sheker? שקר  Sheker is lies, deceipt.    Even the letters are out of order from their correct listing in the alef bet [ק-ר-ש].

“And that’s how Moshiach is going to be revealed. Moshiach needs to be revealed from the epitome of sheker, Moshiach and his people. They’re not going to be pulled by the sheker. The sheker wants to take everyone. The sheker says: ‘I didn’t say enough sheker. Maybe I’ll say a little bit more, maybe I’ll succeed in saying something else, a different way.’  - “The more falsehood there is, the more truth will be revealed in a clearer way”

These days you need to search very hard to find your own truth.  There is an abundance of Rabbis Impeding the Redemption.  There is an abundance of sheker.

I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption. [Otzar Chayim]


  1. Generally speaking, I do not receive too many abusive or attacking comments. Strangely enough, this week I have had an abundance of them, as well as being publicly attacked on another Jewish blog in a post condemning Rabbi Mizrachi. Why, all of a sudden, are these attacks occurring in such a large quantity?

    Rav Berland gave me the answer in the Shuvu Banim post linked to above - ''Moshiach will be revealed from the Epitome of Sheker''. I can clearly see that Rav Berland is totally on the mark with this, proving to me again that he is a tzadik - and I believe that the reason I received so many attacks this week is to let me know - and therefore all of you as well - that we are in the midst of a war to bring Moshiach. A war against Sheker. The world of lies is calling us Loud and Clear - don't be taken in by the lies, hang on to the truth, that's all we have.

  2. We must be incredibly close. Hang in there, Devorah.

  3. I have been reading your blog for years - its been a light during some very dark times. I've always admired the way you handle controversy..kinda staying a bit neutral while presenting the facts, lovely shiurim and current news. I noticed that recently there has been a spate of negativity. The truth is you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. You've certainly done your share on your lovely site to bring yemot moshiach. I can tell you from personal experience people who don't want to believe that moshiach is imminent will find everything and anything to attack. They will do their best to discredit everything that pertains to signs and events heralding moshiach and can get quite nasty about it. I think you frighten them, I think all of us that believe and anxiously, fervently await Moshiach ben Dovid frighten and worry them. They are so trapped in their Galut mentality and what is for them the frightening realization that this world of lies and the life they are accustomed to, will soon disappear. Its unsettling and so they attack. Stay strong, so many of us rely on your wonderful site for chizzuk. May the holy Rav Berland soon be released and may we merit to see the dawn of a new and beautiful age.


  4. MG: No, Rabbi Mizrachi does not speak sheker. Any mistake he made, he has already admitted and apologized for. but I do not want to turn this into a debate on Rabbi Mizrachi, so we will stick to the topic of Rav Berland's advice.

  5. I heard that this generation's test is emunah. whatever happens, we need to stick to our emunah in Hashem

  6. I like very much your blog because you can post about hasidut, or about strong beautiful mussar, or the beauty of the illustrations and all of it reflects EMET.

  7. Anonymous who again I cannot publish due to the lashon hara: please note that I am responsible for everything that appears on this website. If I publish your lashon hara, or anyone else's, the buck stops with me. Your opinion is just your opinion, it does not give you the right to defame anyone else, esp as you personally do NOT KNOW all the facts. You are believing the lies that you have read on the internet. Please try to distinguish between truth and non-truth. It is very difficult to do so now, but there is one clear sign of SHEKER: if a blog or website continually publishes lashon hara, or continues to publish lies when those lies have already been proved WRONG, then you can be sure you are reading SHEKER. It is very sad that even some formerly-trustworthy sites have fallen victim to the lies. Shirat Devorah is not one of those sites, and never will be, Baruch Hashem !~

  8. Watch and understand:

  9. Maybe people do not know that what the Jewish world does is mirrored in the world-at-large. Because of sheker spreading within the Jewish world, unfortunately, we see a lot of that mirrored in the world-at-large with fake news social media and all that sheker. When we see this happening outside, we need to learn that we are the ones causing it. Thank you for standing up with Rabbi Mizrachi.

  10. No more sugarcoating! It's too late in the game for that. The signet ring of the Creator is truth. Rabbi Mizrachi tells the truth.


  11. Yup, and people can't handle the truth so they decide to shoot the messenger.

  12. Even David ha Melech had issues with acceptance as evidenced by his rejection not only by his brothers and sisters but also by his father, Yishai......and yet David is called Ben Yishai.

    Therefore, as the article states, “The more falsehood there is, the more truth will be revealed in a clearer way”

    The paradox continues......the Jew is the problem but the Jew is the answer. the Mashiach carries the same gematria of Nashach (snake) 358, so the venom is the very antidote.
    The venom of the snake attacks the rationality of the mind, poisons the mind with doubt (inability to discern truth rationally), and aims at undermining the soul’s innate sanity altogether.

    Just as Shmuel ha Navi revealed and annointed David (against popular convention) so will Eliyahu ha Navi reveal and annoint Mashiach ben David also against popular convention.

    Mashiach now !!!!

    Shabbat Shalom

  13. When I have my tea in the morning the first is your blog Devorah that I see. Keep up the good work and ignore jerks out there. We cannot let this lashon ha-rah influence us.. As to Rabbi Mizrachi I listen to his shiurim almost every day. Yesterday I was getting ready for bed I saw the lashon ha-rah about him on FB. I told the person off.. Let's move on like RM says.. Looks like Moshiach is very near so we know the road is getting more bumpier..

    Have a wonderful Shabbat

  14. Joe: Good point about the Nachash. [did you think if you just signed it ''J'' I wouldn't know who you are? ::))
    Hope you are well.

  15. I just have to say how much I love this thread! This is the first ray of hope I have had all week! I'm so upset having to defend Rabbi Mizrachi yet again against the Facebook lies and lashon hara, and then I am shamed for doing so. Now seeing that this is just another sign of the imminence of Moshiach is putting a smile on my face!


  16. Devorah,
    May HaShem continue to give you wisdom from Himself that you can continue to strengthen us all in the TRUTH. It is a slippery slope down to sheker and those who fall seem to want to take all of us with them. May the God of all truth keep us close to Him. Sometimes it seems all we can do is run to our Father in Shamayim and beg Him to save us and keep us close. I have been a faithful reader of your blog for many years and cannot imagine how I could start my day without it! May you continue to be blessed in all you do.

  17. The Closest to a Prophet of Shamayim in our Times. One must strengthen in Emunah and Bitachon during this trying times. Cannot write more, as Shabbat is coming soon.

  18. Devorah, is it a problem to specify 'what' R' Mizrachi was blamed for? I don't use FB and am clueless.
    I listen to lots of his shiurim and found his candidness and honesty refreshing. He's never sugarcoatinf anything. So it's a bitter pill to swallow, for some. That's always better than swallowing the pill once they're in Shomayim!


  19. Judi, from what I can gather, they are still annoyed about his holocaust remarks - which he has already publicly apologized for and amended - as well as some claims of his that some autistic children are reincarnations of people who spoke lashon hara. See this video which backs up his claims:

    Also see the Anonymous comment @ Thu Dec 08, 10:16:00 PM on Yeranen Yaakov's post which clearly sets out the problems with these Rabbis' objections.

  20. If the rabbis are impending the redemption, how do we know which rabbi to trust? Mizrahi or berland or anyone else?

  21. As far as Rabbi Mizrachi is concerned, I have no doubts because I listen to his shiurim and I know enough Torah to discern truth when I hear it. Rav Berland, however, was an unknown to me, and I did not know how to come to a conclusion about him. I therefore first followed the opinions of some people I DO know and trust, and then I prayed to Hashem to send me the answer. And I have to honestly tell you that following my request to Hashem, I found my answer: which is that Rav Berland is a tzaddik. I now have no doubts. That is all I can tell you.

  22. One thing I use as a measuring stick is that the Rabbis who are being persecuted are the ones who hold the truth because the Satan is working hard to silence the truth and the people who fall for the sheker are puppets for the Satan.

  23. Some people say, if a tzadik sins, either he is not a tzadik or the sin is not a sin. Not true. The tzadik is a tzadik, the sin is a sin, and certainly (we judge him on the side of merit) he did tshuva. However, that does not mean because someone is a tzaddik, we need to follow their path. And we see cases of big tzaddikim arguing with each other - and in that case we should not get caught in the middle, and not throw more fire on the disagreement.

    This attitude is very healthy, may we all merit to follow it.

    All the best,

  24. I have seen a case where a well known gadol argued but the tzadik himself did not respond. I don't know of a tzadik who gets involved in an argument. That would not make sense to me.

  25. Shloime Halsband: ''The path you choose, is the way you will be lead''.... in other words, if you choose Emes [truth], then you will be shown the truth. If you choose sheker [lies] then that is what you will be shown.
    At some point, truth will become obvious to you.

  26. B'H, thanks for the good read, may Moshiach come today, may we have the merit that he come soon, the epitome of sheker (shekel?). BSD


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