Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Did the Talmud Predict Today's Crisis in Israel?

 Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Within a passage of Messianic prophecies, the Talmud speaks of a future struggle in Israel involving lawmakers and judges. In this class, we explore a handful of lesser-known ancient Biblical and Talmudic prophecies that have been fulfilled in our days, and whether the current crisis in Israel was actually foreseen by the ancient Jewish Sages millennia ago. 

Also discussed: the current thaw in Arab-Iranian relations, and what this might mean in the context of End of Days events as described in ancient texts, as well as why God gave control of the Holy Land to the Muslims specifically for 1300 years. And, what is special about the year 1909?


  1. Also, if you could send me links to whatever it is you are talking about, it would be helpful. Thanks.

  2. Davora, thank you for your concern, but like I said, you have mis-understood.
    This is what he said:

    ...G-d will remove the "proud" ones.... the ones who are proud of their gaiety....this is not a condemnation of homosexuality at all....the Torah doesn't condemn STATUS, it condemns ACTIONS, it condemns behaviours.... so if G-d made a person a certain way, that's the way G-d made them and they can still be 100% observant.... [end quote]

    In other words, obviously Hashem created homosexuals. And some of those people are orthodox Jews, in every way, because they do not ACT on their homosexuality. This is the test for them, and they have passed the test.

    This is exactly the situation when someone is born a homosexual. It is their test in life, just like we all have issues of some kind we must fix or refrain from doing.

    As for your other concerns, I believe they are also not relevant and you are being over-zealous and coming to conclusions that are not real.

    Being born homosexual is not a crime. It is a test. Most people these days fail the test, but yes it is possible to be gay and be orthodox, by not acting on your homosexual desires.


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