Wednesday, May 24, 2023

3 Prophetic Signs We Are Living in the Times of Moshiach

HT: Sherry

Current: uploaded to You Tube today

In today's class Rabbi Moshe Chaim drops some 🔥 🔥 🔥 on the Chevra! 

Here we are discussing three powerful signs that we are literally living in the times of Moshiach! 

You may think it sounds ridiculous. "How could it be possible that we are in the times of Moshiach when he hasn't revealed himself?" 

Just you watch and see for yourself.


  1. The video is great but there is one major mistake that he is uneducated about. He said that Moshiach can come until the year 6000. That is untrue and even delusional to think the world can continue this way for another 217 years. It almost can’t even go another month like this. Olam Habah has to start by 6000 with the end of yemos hamoshiach. The Zohar states very clearly that techiyas hameisim will start by 210 or 214 years before the year 6000 (deadline Olam Haba), which is either 5786 or 5790 the latest. Moshiach comes before.
    Get ready!!

    1. There is a teaching in the Zohar, a mystical text in Jewish tradition, that suggests that the resurrection of the dead will occur 200 years before the year 6000 in the Hebrew calendar. This teaching is based on a passage in the Zohar that discusses the concept of the "Sabbath of Creation," which refers to the seventh millennium of the Hebrew calendar.

      According to this teaching, the first six millennia of the Hebrew calendar correspond to the six days of creation, and the seventh millennium represents the Sabbath, a time of rest and spiritual elevation. The Zohar suggests that the resurrection of the dead will occur during this time of spiritual elevation, specifically 200 years before the year 6000.

      It is important to note, however, that this teaching is not a definitive statement on the timing of techiyas hameisim, and there are other interpretations and opinions on this matter within Jewish tradition. Ultimately, the timing of techiyas hameisim is in the hands of God, and we must focus on living our lives in accordance with His will and teachings.

  2. There was another recent video where the Rabbi said the same thing and I wanted to correct him there, and then I forgot about it. And I agree, this world cannot possibly survive the way it is.

  3. What does he mean that the year 6000-7000 will be a time of “Shabbos?” That’s after yemos hamoshiach? Do we have any explanations or hints to what it will be like ? I was always told that Olam Haba starts by the year 6000

  4. I heard that for 400-1,000 years (?)we will live wonderful lives with no death , illness and total peace. After that we will turn into
    Souls only and join together as one and not be or have regular human lives. Who knows what’s true but the point is it’s going to be fabulous at all times no matter what !

  5. Sorry u can add my name malky to the last comment.

  6. The years from 6000-7000 are a time off of planet Earth and flying around with wings of eagles, never tiring us out. We will not be entirely human at that point and will be more spiritual creatures who can travel to different worlds while Hashem recreates our planet to become olam haba. I know the Chessed L'Avraham talks about this, perhaps others do too.

  7. thank you for sharing this youtube channel...i love it. please, anything else you listen to that you can recommend???

  8. What happens if he doesnt come in the year 6000? Is that the end of our faith? Nothing more to look forward to? What if i told you that when we die we connect with hashem more than we can possibly connect with him here on earth and the purpose of living lives is actually to connect with other people and learn about ourselves. What if God doesnt want us to think about him at all? What if the torah is actually the tree of knowledge that adam ate? I mean technically the torah is a book of knowledge of good and bad isnt it?

  9. Michael you've given me a headache. I am so busy today I don't have time to respond to you and I'm hoping someone else will. Tonight my time Shavuot begins.
    Chag sameach to everyone in the meantime.

  10. @michael

    If Chazal say Mashiach will be here by 6000, then he will.

    When we die we cannot do Mitzvot in the way we have on earth, though we can study Torah. So focus on here and now.

    G-D of course wants us to think about him because he made the world and gave the Torah to Moshe to give to us.

    The Torah was given at Mount Sinai, not to Adam in Gan Eden though he was given parts of it and other mystical knowledge.

  11. Longing to be close to HaShem in the fog of this world, that is the purpose of creation.

    Through all that you mentioned (connecting with others and learning about ourselves) that's all part of our growth and through all of it, that's how we become closer to G-d. We're human, we rise and fall. Yearning for a loving relationship with HaShem, that's what makes everything worth it.

    Making the effort to build this connection means so much more in this world, where everything is a test and hidden. Every word of the Torah is all about HaShem's love for us. Truly feeling it, learning about it and seeking to build it through all of life's stumbling blocks, that's what builds our muscles to enable us to carry on with our mission here. It's a guide and a gift.

  12. I heard from my teachers that Moshiach has to come by 5960, 40 years before 6000, because that's the latest time for techiyas hameisim. Of course, Moshiach can come any time before then.

    The reason we are here in Olam HaZeh is in order to pack our suitcases with Torah and mitzvos for Olam HaBa. The mitzvos include our interactions with other people. Ever since the sin of Adam and Chava and then of the Egel HaZahav our job has been to do a birur, to separate the good from the bad. The Torah is our blueprint for how to do this sifting of good from bad.

    Michael, I don't think you have to worry about the year 6000 at this point. Hash-m wants us to see Him and come close to Him even in this world where He is hidden. I'll daven for you.

  13. Estee said it beautifully!

  14. I dont really believe that. I was just looking for a counter argument to an idea i was exploring. Its clear the torah is the tree of life and of course God desires a connection with him while we are alive. This view that i was expressing seems to be the secular perspective of life and this is what lead to the flood of noah . The Torah was given to avoid that happening again. The rainbow is a sign of light and the torah is clearly the light of the world

  15. For Michael, Hashem very much wants us to not only think about Him but also to love Him. We know this from the six constant miztvot,
    Other Torah sites Chabad, Aish, etc also write about them.

    Thankfully, we don't have to choose between our connection to Hashem and to other people. We are commanded to love Hashem and our fellow Jew both. Each connection should enhance the other. At the highest soul level, out of five levels, every Jew is a part of Hashem. So when we love another Jew we are also loving Hashem. Slight digression, when we find loving another Jew challenging, it can be helpful to remember that they too are constantly connected to Hashem.

    You might like this:

    And very a propos it refers to the shabbat after shavuot.

    I didn't feel able to respond to your other questions, sorry, but hope the above helps. Behatzlacha!


  16. Michael, with all due respect, the keshet is a bow and it's placement on the earth is a Divine siman that Hashem promised us that He would not flood the entire earth again. The keshet is a reminder that Hashem is refraining from the more serious response of din.
    Chag Shavuos Sameach and Shabbat shalom u'mevorach all!!!!

  17. 1. Disrespect, 2.systemic inflation and 3."too much wine"?
    I didn't understand the third item,
    it must be a metaphor.

  18. He said wine will be expensive, and people will be heavy drinkers and will pay anything to have it.

    I guess it can also mean that other substances are also used in order to
    achieve similar effects.

    I don't know why he chose those 3 issues to speak about, there are quite a few others.


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