Friday, May 19, 2023

Gog u Magog and What Will Be at the End of Days

HT: Sherry

Correction: this is not a new video, it's from 5775 - eight years ago.  It's just been re-released. Nevertheless, he's giving a lesson on how the End of Days will present itself.

How should people face the End of Days? What does it mean? Will the holocaust happen at the End of Days? Why didn't the Ancient virtuous people wish to live in the last days? Rabbi Yirmiyahu Ullman will answer all of your questions in detail. Stay tuned till the end of the video. 

Rabbi Yirmiyahu Ullman Rabbi Yirmiyahu Ullman studied Literature and Chemistry at Harvard University, later graduating from Williams College, where he majored in History and the Sciences. After receiving his rabbinical ordination in Jerusalem, he published a 600-page halachic work titled "Iyunei Deah," which is studied by many aspiring rabbis preparing for semicha in Yoreh Deah. He teaches at Ohr Somayach's Jerusalem campus, where he lectures on a variety of topics in Jewish thought, and writes the "Ask the Rabbi" column for the Yeshiva's website and Ohrnet publication. He has published articles in numerous Jewish magazines and journals and lectures for a variety of kiruv organizations worldwide.


  1. Thanks for posting this. Will listen bli neder tonight.

    Shabbat Shalom to you and all visitors of this blog.


  2. Is there a way to listen to this without YouTube? Thanks.

  3. There is a transcript. You need to go to You Tube to get it though.

    Click on the 3 dots on the bottom right hand side of the video, then click on Transcript, although it doesn't properly translate the words when he uses Hebrew, so could be a bit confusing.

    Otherwise, if you can find a site that turns videos into MP3, like this one:

    you can change it to an audio file on your computer.

    Sometimes these kind of sites work, and sometimes they don't.

  4. After two years of drought, Italy has now been flooded, it's a disaster
    This is the kind of weather being brought to us by the Nibiru system which is very close to our planet, causing a lot of action in the sky and weather disasters on earth.

  5. Thank you Devorah for the info about the transcript. Good Shabbos.

  6. Your mention of Italy made me recall (vaguely) that R'Alon Anava had said something to the effect that a hand?? (or whatever) will one day pull at Rome/vatican from beneath, and pull it into the sea. Sorry my memory is so vague.


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