Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Power of Words

The Gemorah says [Moed Kattan 18] there lies a power in words. Whatever is said can occur.

This is not only when one says something negative.  The power of speech is very significant and saying positive things can also cause good things to happen.

People tend to complain and say things aren't going well.  They would be wiser to get into the practice of saying that everything is good. Their words can cause change for the better.

Source: Torah Daily 


  1. I read on an Emunadaily Whatsapp that this quote was from Rabbi Elimelech Biderman.

  2. This is why I don't understand the talk about certain events having to happen before Moshiach can come. There's a difference in saying Moshiach has to come BY a certain time. That still means that he can come this minute and is not pushing off the geula. But I have seen here and elsewhere different hypotheses that it can only be AFTER x event. As power lies in words, just what those words are doing?

    Also on the subject of the power of words, when talking to a person who has been abused we have to be extremely sensitive and cautious. Just telling them generalities that cause them further pain is not helping them. Certain foods might generally be considered healthy, but not for this particular person with their medical history.


  3. LL the only thing that comes to mind is Rabbi Kessin recently saying that certain spiritual things need to happen and I think he meant that we the people have to rise to a certain spiritual level. Not sure about that, it could just be my interpretation.

    The other thing you mentioned about abuse survivors.... I remember Rabbi Jacobson many years ago said that before you attempt to talk about abuse you need to "take off your shoes" because you are treading on sacred ground.

    You make some good points, so thank you.

  4. I just want Moshiach to come now Be'D and he will bring us close to Torah. I don't know if the Yanuka is the moshiach, but just imagine that he were: so many people would make tshuva from hearing his soft loving voice and being in his presence.

    There's an inyan of being menatseichem et Hashem, beating Hashem so to speak with tefilot, coming up with good arguments why something had to happen, forcing Hashem's hand so to speak. And Hashem wants us to do that. I'm not waiting until x,y and z happens. Personally, I am not interested in Trump and planets and economic crashes and the erev rav, and the list goes on. For me it is all overly sophisticated. I just tell Hashem that it is too hard for us in our generation to do it by ourselves. We need Moshiach to raise our spiritual level. Nearly all of us are addicted to our screens, and a prisoner cannot release himself (from a pasuk in tehillim).


  5. Yes you're right LL we're all prisoners and Hashem must do the mitzvah of pidyon shivuim. Brilliant !

  6. Hadn't thought of it in those terms, you're right, it's really is pidyon shvuim.

    should say menatshe'ach מנצח


  7. This is the expression I was thinking of:

    אין חבוש מתיר עצמו מבית האסורים

    from the Bavli.


  8. LL I am so happy to read what you're writing. It is overly sophisticated, to think we can understand that x, y and z "have to" happen. Also, about everyone being addicted to screens, I think what happens with the internet is that the Samech-Mem convinces us that what we see in the screen is more real than the life happening around us. That leads to sophisticated theories about what's going on and how/when/after what events Moshiach will come, that are fed by what we see on the internet. There's something to be said for putting aside the devices, taking a deep breath, and looking around at the world around us, the people around us, the holy books we can learn, our tefillos, and asking Hash-m to help us to return to Him, and to bring Moshiach, and to redeem us. Simplicity. Also, in the quiet space we can hear His messages to us. TC


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