Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #12

I have a random collection here.

First up, because it is Lag b'Omer, and Hashem gave us a giant rainbow over Bondi Beach yesterday afternoon about half an hour before Lag b'Omer began. [I didn't take the photo]

This video shows the sun with the giant halo

This video shows the moon and another shining object, which could be another planet or something.

Here we have a white UFO.

A very strange bell shape appears in this lightning. I think it is just a cloud, but these days who knows?

Here is that strange shape again, this time in daylight. It is a cloud, but not the kind of cloud we are used to seeing.

Here is a photo from the FAA camera, Larsen Bay Alaska, 22 April 2023. It's a planet!


  1. I'm truly wowed by the 1st and 2nd pics. (The rainbow and especially the sun with the surrounding halo.

    P.S. Because this is off-topic, you may wish to edit this out, but because we'd recently discussed Trump, I thought it might interest. The other day I was passing by a yuppie generation YoungIsrael/or/Lakewood type woman in my neighborhood. What shocked me, is that without my having even touched on politics, she suddenly and vehemently proclaimed that Trump is a nazi, because its due to him that a pandoras box of nazi's got let loose in the U.S. She mentioned something about nazi marchers in California chanting "YID". I don't recall exactly. She also mentioned what had took place in Charlottesville with that girl being run over, though she hadn't recalled the place. When I tried telling her about Rabbi Kessin's perspective (i.e. Tov Sheh B'Edom), and also that ADHD is the probable root of the crazy-spontaneous things he does, she turned her head away, saying she doesn't want to hear, and that I'm narrowminded. She'd also seemed to intimate that she knows alot. Her bitterness about Trump shocked me, as I'd never encountered that from her or anyone else. I see her around every so often because her physically-challenged son lives in the neighborhood, and she pitches in to supervise her grandkids, which is exhausting for her. Of course, I didn't take it personally, rather just extricated myself as gracefully as I could by saying approx. "Well OK, I gotta get going. I feel bad that you're upset, and I hope you recover soon."
    ...After all, she'd said she was exhausted from the kids.

  2. To M.M, regarding that neighbor; It is hard to understand how a G-D fearing Jew could be such a leftist and that is what she is. They have a mindset where their thinking is completely twisted. She doesn't understand that all what the radicals are doing is 'projecting', i.e, they project on others what they are exactly about themselves. Like a child who says, he/she did it, not me, when that child is the one who actually caused the mischief. The idea about the former pres. is first: some of his children are married or engaged to a Jew and then, of course, his daughter married a Jew, she converted and they are observant. Yet your neighbor calls him a nazi. The people at those violent demonstrations during the pandemic & continuing were all set up by antifa and blm participants. There might have been some innocent useful idiots amongst them, but the cat is out of the bag. They have been exposed, but there are people who don't seem to get the true news, either because they are reading/listening/watching the wrong news outlets or they themselves agree with the leftist ideaologies.
    An observant Jew should also be observant of the world surrounding him/her and if what's going on goes against the principles of our Torah, you know they are on the wrong side. Sadly, many Jews who
    whatever they call themselves - modern orthodox, chareidi, any religious faction, but follow the line of leftism are just following our laws & customs like robots without really understanding anything about Torah. R'l, our people have become so assimilated in their thinking and every which way because they have no understanding of Torah and what our lives are about. May they all wake up from their stupor, so we can hasten the coming of our Goel Tzedek, Moshiach Tzdkeinu b'rachamim.

  3. I just wrote a response to MM's comment. The 'watchers' of what we write took it right off.
    To say what I wanted to say in fewer words is that MM's neighbor is either a very uniformed person because she has a twisted concept of what's going on and if she is truly religious, she would understand better. What M.M. can say to her is that leftists (and especially the radical ones) project all their own failings and twisted ideologies on their adversaries. No different than a child who blames hi/her friend for causing the mischief that he/she is guilty of, in other words, he/she projects his/her behavior, lies, etc. on someone else. The leftist ideaology 'must' get their way because they do not accept losing. There is only one way in their thinking - it's my way or the highway. They must control. For an orthodox Jew, he/she better learn a little Torah to understand the right from the wrong!

  4. Dear Devora, when l heard from my exited kids that there was an awesome double rainbow, l didn't jump to go take a look. Rainbows should remind us all that Hashem is loyal and honest to us and He will Never again destroy this world as in the times of Noah in the Bible, read: Totah, as He did in Noah's time due to the sins and corruption of the people living in that era. I posit that we take the Double Rainbow as a 'hint' to take a good look at ourselves and do Double Teshuvah !!! & Tikkun Olam. We must first fix ourselves and it will naturally follow that thereby we fix the wrongs in our World. What is your take on this idea? I would love to hear...

  5. this rainbow is crazy perfect! I thought these were only for the pictures and cannot be real. Have you seen it with your eyes? Also do you have any explanation as to why we are not seeing anything here in New York? There is absolutely nothing to see....


  6. SK: yes it's a real rainbow. In fact, the person who told me about it is the daughter of the commenter right before you. I didn't see it as I don't live near the beach, but I did find a photo of it posted by a tourist on FB to share with you. It was definitely a real rainbow, right before Lag b'Omer.

    Anon @ 2:28: I hear you, but unfortunately I can't stop myself looking at rainbows. I try to fix myself all the time, and I agree with you. You have remarkable inner strength to not even look at it. I can only aspire to your level. Hope you are well.

  7. SK: I don't know why you don't see anything in New York, maybe there's just too much going on there and not enough open spaces and skies. I have seen photos from sky events in New Jersey though.

  8. Actually, SK & Devorah, there was a spectacular double rainbow sighted in New York by at least several people approx. a year ago some time in the late morning or early afternoon. But not everyone carries a cellphone everywhere or has gotten habituated to taking pics via cellphone. Or else they're not inclined to bother taking pics. But trust me, that rainbow was sighted. The doubled-part of the main rainbow was like a very-pastel copy of the main one. At the time, I may have even posted about it on this blog.

  9. Hi, i failed to specify that the aforesaid double-rainbow in NY was sighted when heading eastward on a heavily trafficked thoroughfare. So you could see it when facing eastward.

  10. thanks to all comments. I guess seeing is believing....This picture is so beautiful that it literally looks photoshopped! Was this on a rainy day? I once heard/read that rainbows that we see on hazy or rainy days are not the ones that we look at as a sign from above. Any comments on that?

  11. Yes we had some rain and it was very grey, then the sun appeared. I think they're all "signs" from Above.

  12. To Anon 1:11
    It's not what you think - she's not a leftist. She does loads of chessed, and seeks out chessed even when tired. Which is why I was taken aback, coming from her. She probably just lacks a certain intuition. Even the Torah acknowledges that some people need to be taught things repeatedly before they "get" it. The other side of that coin, is the repeated propagandizing of regressives. Maybe (like me) she once encountered someone who knows someone who was treated like a rag by Trump. Maybe she has TV from long ago, and never had time or resources to get set up with the more multi-faceted internet because her life was consumed with helping her physically challenged son and spirited grandkids.

    I basically posted the above, to point out the sort of misguided notions that do exist in our midst. I note you mentioned "projecting". Do you really think Trump is above doing his own projecting? Given his attributes, had he long ago chosen to cast his lot with the regressives by dint of peer influence or for whatever reason, he'd likely have become a ringleader of the woke crowd, A.K.A. "Rah She B'Edom". I am very much acquainted with a female whose personality is uncannily similar to Trump, even though her circumstances are so different. She shoots from the hip, can choose to be cunning, biting, ferocious and backstabbing whenever she's bent on it, which is often. She's very social and charming, but also constantly lashes out with impatient assumptions and doles out rash judgments and advice. She doesn't forgive easily, throws and destroys things, threatens revenge but doesn't act on it perhaps due to lack of executive function. She makes friends and enemies ongoingly, keeping everyone in a state of perpetual turmoil and turbulence. What maintains her equilibrium is the great outdoors, and bailing others out. She herself once told me she's like Trump, reminiscent of the woman who said the same thing to ADHD-author Kruse. Because it's true!

  13. Most would think that Planets cannot get that close to Earth w/o their Gravity having a Huge Deleterious Effect to our Planet - This isn't true! Gravity is a Much Lesser Force compared to Electromagnetism. As Much as 10 to the 40th power less - That's 40 Zeros, so Gravity is No Factor and why we see all the Pics of Planets on the Alaska FAA Webcams and elsewhere...


    The Electromagnetic Forces from Nemesis our Binary Twin Sun, will be the cause of the predicted likely Geophysical Pole Shift and Not Gravity from Nibiru, or any of the other Planets in that System.


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