Monday, May 1, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #10

Here are three short videos of meteors falling from the sky.... at least I think that's what they are, I don't really know.

The moon with a rainbow halo

Now here is a photo of the sun, just before the eclipse a few weeks ago.  As you can see, there is a blue circle around the sun.  That is a giant planet or dwarf star or something. 

And here is a photo of the moon with that same blue around it, reflecting from the sun shining on it. 


  1. Thank you, Devorah. These are simply awesome. So clear to see that something wonderous is happening in plain sight..

  2. Behind our sun is another sun, and behind that is a giant planet called Immaru. This is why we are seeing the moon with this halo.
    No-one in the media is talking about this.

  3. Here's another one:


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