Monday, May 1, 2023

Romania: The Black Sea Turns Red

On 25 April this year,  and the previous week, the sea became red.  They don't know why, but they think it was from the "iron rich clay" which suddenly caused the effect.

Meanwhile I'll just go with this explanation:

Every time Nibiru crosses in front of the Earth, it plants our entire planet (land and seas) with millions of tons of fine red dust of Iron Oxide. As time goes by, the Iron Oxide builds up sediment, and this is covered over by new layers of sedimentation that has been deposited on top. And these days, the ground in many parts has moved. It is possible that the movement of the ground left a cloak of Iron Oxide exposed, that would have come in contact with water and been dragged away.


  1. This astronomer says Nibiru will "enter" [come close?] to earth between June and August.
    But remember that Rabbi Cordovero also gave the date of 25 Elul, which is September.

  2. Actually 25 Sept this year is September 11.

  3. So we have to wait until at least September 11 for Moshiach to come?

  4. I don't know when Moshiach is coming, I don't know if Nibiru is part of Moshiach's arrival, I don't know any dates, all of this is speculation.
    I've been watching the date of 25 Elul for the past 7 years. I don't give up, and neither should you.

  5. Miri, Moshiach can come at any time accept erev Shabbos/Shabbos.

    1. Not true , if needed Mashiah can come on Shabat too. ( Gemara )

  6. R Alexander Hool gave the date of tishe b'av 5783. You can hear his shiur on youtube

    1. I don’t want to wait until this Tisha b’av for Moshiach. My rabbi taught me that Moshiach can come today and that I am not allowed to believe it has to be delayed until Tisha b’av.

  7. And Moshiach can come on Erev Shabbos.

  8. I don't know.... seems like the plagues all over again: Hail in the north of Israel, damaging fruit crops, and now, "blood" in the sea... whatever these are, one can be sure they are from Hashem!

  9. I've read that Moshiach will not come erev Shabbos and on Shabbos. WHy? It may come to bring people to desecrate Shabbos to greet him, travel etc... There are minimally 70 facets of Torah, so we all could be right!! :)
    Either way, Please Hashem bring Moshiach NOW!!!!
    Let's bring the world to recognizing Hashem echad u'shmo echad!!!

    1. You read the first part of the Gemara that Hashem doesn’t want to send Mashiah on Erev Shabat or Shabat , but it says further that if need it He May send him even on Shabat.


  10. Chava: First of all Rabbi Hool did not say Tisha B'Av as a definite date, and we've been through this so many times. He suggested it, he also suggested we may have to wait longer. We may also have to wait less time. We don't know a date for sure. I don't understand why you are getting the wrong message from this subject when we've been over it again and again. MOSHIACH CAN COME ANY DAY.


    Miri: I did not publish your comment because it's very confusing. I am not waiting for Sept 11 every year, I am waiting for 25 Elul every year to see if Nibiru arrives as per Rabbi Cordovero's information.

    This year it just happens that Sept 11 coincides with 25 Elul.

    I have no idea if anything at all will happen or not. I also have no idea if Moshiach will come before or after that.

  11. Apparently there are two groups. Those who believe moshiach can come now, any day and, those who believe certain things have to happen first before he can come..

  12. Both groups are right.

    It's worthwhile reading the transcript of Rabbi Kessin's shiur here
    The link to the transcript is in the comments of that post.

    He talks about the things that need to happen first, from a spiritual point of view, but he is also hopeful that it will be this year.

  13. Geulah is a process, certain things need to happen in a certain Seder, ie. order.. A good question, where are we in that Seder? Does any mortal really know?

  14. It is not true that certain things “need to happen” in order for Moshiach to arrive. That goes against the obligation to believe that Moshiach can arrive at any moment. In addition, we’ve been through enough terrible chevlei Moshiach. May Moshiach come today!

  15. Anon @ 7:41 am: The events leading to the Geulah do not have to be in the order that we think. H' is beyond time and space. Moshiach can come any time when H' deems it to be the time. We are already in the b'itah time and Moshiach can come any time now.

    1. Well said! We are in the b’itah time and Moshiach MUST come any moment! We are overdue and it’s arrival is imminent, Boruch Hashem!

  16. Thank you Moshe, that is a very helpful comment.

  17. Mashiach can come at any time.

    It is said that if Adam and Chava had not eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil when they did, and had avoided it until Shabbat, then the world would have been redeemed.

    We also know that there has been at least one Keitz (time when it is likely but not certain that Mashiach will come) in the past.
    One of these was during the time of the Arizal Ha Kodesh, that is during the secular years 1534 - 1572.

    Whilst we are told that certain things will be in the time just before Mashiach (impudent youth, inflation, conflicts) it is quite possible these things happened in his time too.
    It is also said that the land of Israel must be turning green again; whilst that has largely happened since the late 19th century and the first Aliyah, he settled in Zefat/Safed and it is not impossible to imagine that the community who settled with him had some localised agriculture for food to eat.

    The idea of a Keitz is what Rabbi Hool mentioned about Tisha B'Av this is a likely time but not a certain time for Mashiach.

    1. If they waited till SHABBOS to eat from the tree they would have been allowed to . Their sin was in not waiting. If they waited till SHABBOS there would have been nothing to redeem No need for moshiach either. But I think Hashem wanted the world the way it is now. Malky.

  18. Thank you London Male for clarifying Rabbi Hool's dates and for the other information.

  19. At least we can say it will happen in max 7 years, 2030, the time by which techiyat hametim must start. ..

    1. The deadline for Moshiach is 2027 or 2023! The deadline for Techiyas Hameisim is 2030 and 2026 according to the Leshem. Moshiach comes a few years before masses of neshamos come back to life down here.


  21. Saying Moshiach has to come by a certain time doesn't mean that he can't come before then. I totally don't understand anyone who says that certain things have to happen before Moshiach comes, as we are well overdue, by nearly 2000 years, 2000 years of chaos, 2000 years of Torah and 2000 years of geula. In any case it is one of the 13 Principles of Faith:
    I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the mashiach, and though he may tarry, still I await him EVERY DAY. (my caps).

    Rav Ginzburgh shlita said that all the dates in the life of Moshiach are twice those of David Hamelech. I see that as an observation rather than a prediction. Twice David HaMelech's ascension to melucha in Yerushalayim is 2584, and that Moshiach must come BY then, not that he can't come until then.

    Vilna Goan (Even Shlomo) & Zohar Chadash (Tikkunim 95a)
    "The Vilna Goan explains that each generation has its own "keitz" that is established according to that particular generation's merits and propensity to repent. Moshiach's arrival is then dependent on the merits of that generation; only if they are worthy Moshiach will come...The Vilna Goan [also] writes that the requirements for Moshiach to come are set according to each generations capabilities. We have just as much of a chance of being the generation to bring Moshiach as any other generation."
    Journey through Nach, B'Iyun Section -Predicting Moshiach, Rabbi Daniel Fine & Chaim Golker (338,340)


  22. Sorry about the typo, not 2584, but 5784.


  23. Rachel, who said so?

  24. “The Gaon of Vilna wrote that tchiyat hametim (resurrection of the dead) will take place 210-214 years before the year 6000.


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