Sunday, May 7, 2023

King Charles III and the No. 40

As we all know, the coronation of King Charles III took place yesterday 6 May 2023.

He is the 40th British Monarch to be crowned.

40 is a famous number of completion.  Maybe this is the final British Monarch.....

The famous Nostradamus, who managed to accurately predict the date of death of Queen Elizabeth II, also said that the new King would abdicate his throne early, and that a surprise new King would take his place.  

Hmmmm.... I wonder if King Charles III will need to step down to make way for the King Moshiach.

The following text is from

The number 40 has great significance throughout the Torah and the Talmud. The number 40 represents transition or change; the concept of renewal; a new beginning. The number 40 has the power to lift a spiritual state. 


When a person becomes ritually impure, he must immerse in a ritual bath, a mikveh. The Talmud tells us that a mikveh must be filled with 40 se'ahs (a measure of water). Immersion in a mikveh is the consummate Jewish symbol of spiritual renewal. 

It is no accident that in the story of Noah, the rain poured for 40 days, and submerged the world in water. Just as a person leaves a mikveh pure, so too when the waters of the flood subsided, the world was purified from the licentiousness which had corrupted it in the days of Noah. 

Moses was on Mt. Sinai for 40 days and came down with the stone tablets. The Jews arrived at Mt. Sinai as a nation of Egyptian slaves, but after 40 days they were transformed into God's nation. 

According to the Talmud, it takes 40 days for an embryo to be formed in its mother's womb. 

In Kabbalah, 40 represents the four sides of the world, each side containing the ten Sefirot (esoteric powers). 

When a rabbinical court finds someone guilty of a crime, the punishment is sometimes lashes, prescribed in the Torah as "forty less one." The purpose is to bring the offender to a point of change, transition and atonement. 

There are 40 days between the first day of Elul, when we begin to blow the Shofar to prepare for Rosh Hashana, until Yom Kippur, the end of the annual teshuva (repentance) period. These 40 days are the most auspicious time for personal growth and renewal. 

According to the Talmud [Avot 5:26], at age 40 a person transitions from one level of wisdom to the next. He reaches the level of binah - the deeper insight of understanding one matter from another. After Moses led the Jewish people for 40 years in the wilderness, he told them: "God has not given you a heart to know, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, until this day" [Deut. 29:3-4]. From here we see that it took the Jewish people 40 years before reaching a full level of understanding.


  1. Of course, he will have to step down when Moshiach arrives. Moshiach will be the only king and true king in the world snd his arrival is extremely close. So that would mean King Charles ||| will step down.

  2. It is written that the resurrection of the dead will start 40 years after the start of the era of Moshiach!

    1. That is one opinion. It is actually written in the Zohar and many other sources that Techiyas Hameisim will start within 40 years from the ingathering of the exiles. According to many, including the Lubavitcher rebbe, that was around 1990 when masses were coming to Eretz Yisrael from the former soviet. The deadline for techiyas hameisim would be by 2030 and Moshiach any day now!

  3. The British monarchy represents the last vestiges of royalty in the world. (There are other royal families, but there is little to no global interest in them.) A small glimpse of what true malchut will look like bekarov memash.

    There is a bracha on seeing a gentile king (asher natan m'kvodo lebasar vedam) and lehavdil on seeing a Jewish king, asher chalak m'kvodo etc. I don't know the significance in the different wording, but what I find interesting is that the coronation of KC3 was greatly scaled down in comparison to QE2's sumptuous, regal affair, with respect to the number of guests, the length of the ceremony, the regalia of the aristocracy etc and the general solemnity of the occasion. Through geula eyes, I see it as Hashem taking back from His kvodo that He gave to basar vedam. QE2 had the most amazing siyata d'shmaya in her life. She wasn't necessarily destined to become queen at all, nor ascend to the throne so young, and to have such a long reign, and of precisely seventy years. We don't believe in coincidence. That was Hashem's doing. He most definitely gave of His kvodo to QE2, but much, much less so to KC3. Your point about KC3 being the 40th British monarch, and the significance of the number 40, brings it all together. Be"D this is the demise of the malchut of the gentiles, to make way for true malchut of Hashem over the whole world.

    Also, earthquakes represent a change in malchut. Whilst KC3 is a new monarch, he is the continuation of the same monarchy. Hopefully, the major earthquakes from this year portend a change in malchut, not just from gentile malchut to Jewish malchut, but from malchut of basar ve'dam to malchut Hashem.


  4. Yes LL it ties it all together, and I didn't realize he was the 40th monaarch until someone said it on the news last night.

  5. I thought Hashem was the only King

  6. We call Moshiach a King. Hashem is much more than that.

  7. To Anon 2.45, there are two brachot, one on seeing a Jewish king and one on seeing a gentile king. Respectively, asher chalak (shared) m'kvodo l'basar vedam, and asher natan (gave) m'kvodo l'basar vedam. In both cases Hashem shares/gives from His honour to flesh and blood. This indicates that all royalty is from Hashem.

    In a different comment, I put a link to a short English shiur by Rav Glastein, in which he cites the gemara on the importance of seeing both a Jewish and a gentile king and how it is linked to the geula.

    Hashem Himself is very much melech, He is the source of malchut, Avinu Malkeinu, one of the three things we are supposed to ask Hashem for is malchut Hashem over the whole world b'gilui. He is of course also Avinu, and has many other names.


  8. I do not contradict anything posted about the number 40 in a Jewish context.
    But as someone with a history degree from an English university, I have to point out that there have been 57 Kings of England if you include King Charles III.
    And if you solely include British Kings, there have been 10 Kings including Charles III. Six Georges, two Edwards a William and now a Charles.

  9. Why do they say he’s the 40th monarch then?

  10. Watching the Coronation, I found it interesting to note how many things were taken from Jewish sources. The Coronation oath contained the words, "together we may discover the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace". It sounded familiar until I realized it's a line from "Eitz Chaim Hee" about the Torah: "deracheha darchei noam, ve-chol netivoteha shalom" (her ways are the ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace).

    Of course, there were many other Jewish aspects of the ceremony. "Zadok the Priest", was about Tzadok the Kohen. The oil used for anointing Charles came from Har HaZeitim (Mt. of Olives) in Jerusalem. The Archbishop invoked the Torah when referring to the UK as being "a priestly nation chosen by G-d as His holy People". And so on ...
    It's wild to see how thoroughly the Church has appropriated Israel's connection with G-d.

  11. anon @ 4.41 - Yes they stole everything from us and vandalized it.

    I happened to tune in while they were saying "May the Lord bless you and watch over you.May the Lord cause His countenance to shine to you and favor you.
    May the Lord raise His countenance toward you and grant you peace."
    which is from Bamidbar 6:24. Of course it is in their "Bible" as well as they read the Old Testatment as their call it.

    All I could think to myself was "what a chutzpah".

  12. @Devorah, Yes! The Birkat HaKohanim! I forgot to mention that one. The Church basically declared itself the new Israel and took everything. Yet the actual Israel is still here!
    I'd love for Rabbi Kessin to explain some of this phenomenon. The Church appropriating everything from the Jews seems to be Eisav's revenge on Yaakov for "stealing" his birthright. And the revenge has played out through history.

  13. To add a bit more:

    The have been 55 English Monarchs who have had Coronations, six of whom were women.

    I really cannot understand where this 40 comes from?

    A lot of the Church rites were taken from Judaism, because Christianity evolved from Judaism and then put itself forward as replacing it with a new covenant.

  14. ok I just asked Google why he is called the 40th and this is the response I got: Charles was crowned with the historical St. Edward's Crown, making him the 40th British monarch to take the traditional Oath of Faithful Service.

  15. Anon @ 11:44 - wow, that's insane, but I actually believe you.
    Everything they do is a lie.
    I heard that they say one of the stones that Yaakov rested his head on is underneath the altar or somewhere in Westminster Abbey. No doubt another lie.

    And as for the satanic stuff.... at one point in the coronation a grim reaper, all in black, with a pointed hood and black staff walked out and across in front of the new king. I don't know what that was about but it ties in with all you wrote.

    What do we expect from an entire religion built on lies, and a monarchy who swear allegiance to it.

  16. Well, after all that uber-sinister stuff that makes King Charles sound like a demon from some ancient mythology, here's a slightly different perspective. Rabbi Daniel Glatstein offers an interesting take.

    The Coronation of King Charles the Third With the Oil of Har Hazeisim - The Historic Message:

  17. Interesting video Anon 2:04. Yes Prince Philip's mother was a righteous gentile buried on Har HaZeitzim. But for all the good she did, it didn;t stop people pointing fingers and calling the Royal Family nazis because Philips sisters were both married to members of the SS. People say the Queen never went to Israel, and that's true, but we shouldn't forget the facts that Rabbi GLatstein has reminded us of in that video. [It's a very short video if anyone is interested]

  18. Only the British can pull off a royal coronation with such pomp and pageantry.

    So too only the British can pull off ostensibly sports game ceremonies redolent with such Satanic and Biblical symbolism that presages coming events!

    The 2012 Olympic games London ceremony

    The 2022 Commonwealth games Birmingham ceremony

  19. Did anyone see the video of the coronation that had a person dressed up as the devil walking slowly behind where maybe pple couldn’t see I saw it once. Took a screenshot and never saw it again anywhere

  20. There is a bracha on seeing a gentile king. This is halacha. Regardless of our opinions, Hashem gave this person and this institution from His kvodo. The last vestiges of melucha in the world, piquing global interest, have been on show particularly in the last two years with the convergence of four major royal events. Be"D this is preparing the world to witness true melucha and pe'er.

    The English have traditionally very much seen themselves as the continuation of and replacement of Israel. The coronation ceremony is purposely modelled on the annointment of Jewish kings in every detail. The song, Jerusalem, is the unofficial English national anthem, more popular than GSTQ, now K, and very widely sang at all manner of events. It is based on Blake's poem, and includes the line 'Till we have built Jerusalem, In Englands green & pleasant Land.' PM Attlees post-WW2 cry was to build a New Jerusalem. It is a strong motif in English culture.


  21. Thank you Devorah re the 40th Monarch to take the Oath.

    @L.L. 12:01am.

    There is a book by Adrian Gilbert called "The New Jerusalem" about how when London was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666, the architect Wren and his fellows used what they believed was sacred geometry to build a city they saw as being the new capital of the world, for the second coming of their false messiah.

    There is also a belief by some British people that Yoshke visited the West of England (Devon and Cornwall) with his uncle Jospeh or Arimathea who was a tin merchant. You can use a search engine to find out more, also search the place "Glastonbury".

  22. Regarding the "grim reaper" from the Coronation: He's been identified as a Verger by Westminster Abbey. "A Verger is a member of the Abbey community who assists with religious services but is not a member of the clergy."

    Still very weird.

  23. Charles II may be scheduled to visit Israel in the near future

    Clip of the Coronation's "Grim Reaper"!


    If Charles III is coming to kiss the Kotel, and then waltzes off to address Abbas in "Occupied Palestine" to 'appease' the Ishmaelites, it could become a minefield. Australian Yair Davidy of Britam brings evidence that many British and European peoples, including their Royal families, although Halachically complete gentiles, could actually be of Ancient Israelite stock, which makes them potentially more problematic!

    If Princess Diana had married Dodi Fayed in 1997, converted to Islam, given birth to a Muslim child, and then been co-opted by her Egyptian family to go on a non-stop cause-celebre speaking world tour to fight for the 'the natural right of the Palestinian People to a state in the Holy land with Jerusalem as its capital', such was her prestige, charisma, beauty, sincerity and speaking ability, very many young women in the western world would have followed her example and converted to Islam, and the pressure on Israel would have been so inexorable that today there would be a PLO/Hamas State within Israel's borders, with all that that implies!

    Despite the Parliamentarians winning the English Civil War 1642-51, the claims that the British Monarch is today merely titular and of no influence are incorrect, as we may soon rediscover! Charles' lawyer, the Jewish Lord Mishcon, kicked off the 1987 London Agreement which led to the 1991 Madrid Conference, and then to the 1993 Oslo Suicide Pact and thousands of Israeli dead.


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