I’m really dreading the crying I will be doing tomorrow night at the Seder, knowing that here comes another Pesach without Moshiach. Haven’t we had more than enough suffering? If Moshiach won’t come this Nissan, it feels like it will never come. A broken and pained neshama in a bitter golus.
From now until June 2nd the 41st day of the omer, the Mother of Dragons comet makes close Earth passage and becomes visible in the Southern hemisphere. The 41st is yesod shebe neztach foundation of eternity. Who is ready for judgment day which has begun and with the highest profile court case in the USA since OJ? the true justice(tzedeq/jupiter conjunct uranus-mother letter shin) is being made manifest now pray for all hostages freed.(btw a four minute eclipse totality means vast changes for the next four months in traditional astrology)
@Miriam. I completely feel the same way and it’s so exhausting. I think I’m going to have to stop reading all Geulah blogs if Moshiach isn’t here by the end of Nissan. I love reading this blog but it’s too exhausting and disappointing when a very opportune time comes and we are left waiting in agony begging Hashem for Moshiach.
On one hand, the Torah obligates us to yearn for him every day, but didn’t Hashem know how exhausting and frustrating that could be to away Moshiach day after day, disappointment after disappointment :( Hashem, have mercy on us. What are you waiting for?! :(
Very saddened that all the auspicious dates have past and Moshiach has still not arrived (Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Erev Pesach, Leil Seder). I can’t imagine so many of us going on if the Geulah doesn’t arrive imminently. Best time would be during Pesach. May Hashem redeem us today.
Redemption is a process and we are in it. Rabbi Glazerson says the Torah Codes say 5784. The year is perfect when you think it encompasses the pillars of Judaism, 5 is the 5 books of Torah, 7 is the seventh day of the week, Shabbat, 8 is the Brit Milah and Yesod and 4 is the Matriarchs. I also, heard a voice which said "everything has to return."
What does that mean “redemption is a process”? So Moshiach won’t come anytime soon since it’s a “process”? A process that started a long time ago and is ending now… by the way.
Why are so many in a dither? Our great Sages (Chazal) have foretold that at the end of times, things get uglier and darker until the very end when we lose hope, thinking our goel tzedek is not showing, c'v, but that is when he will appear. Has the world been this ugly since the time of Noach when H' had to destroy the world. NO. There have always been wars and terrible times, of course, but never the 'insanity and immorality' that exists today worldwide. That is a very big sign we are very close to Geulah. Also, we are told that not until most of humanity will have become G-Dless, is when Moshiach comes and the pendulum will swing completely to sanity and the world will 'all know' there is G-D, Hashem, and no other! What is happening with the worldwide antisemitism and the sudden rise of communism, marxism, fascism taking over so much of the world, etc. seems so out of the blue that many people realize these times are different than ever before which should give great hope to our people that Redemption is very close! May it be, but with great chesed & rachamim from Above for all 'decent & righteous humanity'.
If that was an answer to my question I thank you. But actually i wanted to know what this Rabbi is talking about. This below posted by Ron @ April 25, 2024 at 3:44 PM
That’s his opinion he holds by. Moshiach can be any affiliation he wants, as long as he is a Jew. He can be from daati leumi, chareidi, belzer chossid, viznitz chassid, modern orthodox. It won’t matter since he will be a great leader to teach the ways of Hashem to the entire world and there are many ways to serving Hashem. That’s why not everyone is chassidishe and not everyone is litvish. K’ish echad b’lec echad just like at Har Sinai! But this time much greater and more joyful with a much greater open G-dly revelation that’ll fix the entire world! The end of all darkness and suffering and all the lack of holiness.
Yitzchok, I thought he was quoting Kol HaTor. I will ask him. Meanwhile, who are you quoting? Do you have a source?
SC unpublished as requested: 100% agree, and I don't understand how a person can write lashon hara on the one hand and expect to be called a frum person on the other hand.
I would also like to point out that the Yanuka said recently that "no flesh and blood can say he is Moshiach, only Hashem can do that". Can't remember where he said it, but I had it up on the blog and I quoted him in the comments. If anyone wants me to find it, let me know.
Yitzchok and anyone else, I asked Rabbi Palvanov and he said that it was not from Kol haTor but actually from Midrash Rabbah (which is far more ancient and authoritative), also cited by Megaleh Amukot. I'll put up the exact references when I get them.
I think...and how can I know but I think our holy Yanuka is a Nasi. Of which, we dont have a clue about as do we of a nuvi except that which we read. I think he will head up The Sanhedrin in its time, which must be soon if it's in his lifetime. He is special beyond words.
It’s not even halfway through pesach and my mind is already thinking about sitting on the floor on Tisha B’Av crying for the Beis Hamikdash (nothing to do with anyone’s comments on this blogpost). Maybe it’s all the non-stop bad news out there. It’s just a deep feeling of despair when the neshama is begging for Geulah.
I expect many readers and posters are younger than I am. I lived through all the 5740's to 5752 [1981 to 1992] will all the excitement of the imminent revelation of Moshiach.
and at the end of each Pesach - I was so disappointed that another Pesach went by without Moshiach.
Then with the Fall of the soviet union [1990 to 1991] - The Rebbe stated "Esav is Completely Purified" - I kept of waking up each day that this is day we all see Moshiach.
With the Miracles of the Gulf War - I kept of waking up each day that this is day we all see Moshiach especially after The Rebbe revealed the Yalkut Shimoni that everyone quotes now.
Unfortunately I am disappointed each and every day and no longer get too overly excited with all the Torah that seems to teach us that Moshiach is about to be revealed and since I no longer get to overly excited - I no longer get too down either.
We need to focus on what HaShem wants from us each and everyday - Torah & Mitzvos B'Hidur, Tehilim, Tzedoka, Acts of Goodness & Kindness, Ahavas Yisroel and especially Duvening with Kavona and Brochos on Food with Kavona.
When HaShem is ready - HaShem will reveal Moshiach to all of us !! as the Hagadah teaches us "HaShem Chishaiv es haKetz" - HaShem calculates the end of the Galus and HaShem will reveal Moshiach, unfortunately none of us know when that will be.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov says that Mashiach wins the world without firing one shot of a gun.
This is how Rabbi Moshe Feinstein interprets one opinion about winning the wars of HaShem (they are spiritual wars).
The point needs to be made that the Lubavitcher Rebbe advised all the great army generals in their strategies (Ariel Sharon exclaimed utter amazement when the Rebbe literally drew him a map of some battle ask him why the better strategy was not taken). This is because like the army generals themselves, they lead soldiers by instruction not actually fighting with guns etc.
This is like building the BEIT Hamikdash: Do all Yidden stand around Mashiach telling him ‘keep on going you only have a few thousand bricks to place, and by the way Mashiach you missed one stone behind you!’...obviously Mashiach has shluchim to build on his instructions and inspiration etc.
Please study the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s commentaries on the Laws of Mashiach, it is a powerful way to speed the Redemption. (The Rebbe said studying about Mashiach especially in Chassidus and in the likutei Sichos of the leader of the generation is most potent to bring about the Redemption)
The only difference is back then, you had very few signs of Moshiach. Now, we have all the signs of Moshiach!! Proving that Moshiach is definitely imminent.
The juxtaposition of Ezekiel’s dry bones vision with Passover offers a message of hope: Just as God delivered the Israelite slaves from their seemingly hopeless slavery in Egypt, God will bring the Israelites back to their land, breathing life back into the people, even when they have given up hope.
That’s impossible since there are certain dates and times more mesugal for Moshiach to arrive, such as the entire month of Nissan. Moshiach can definitely come while we’re in Nissan with all predictions that it’s coming this chodesh. There always times of predictions/calculations, so to say that Moshiach will come when people don’t expect it is very vague. Many Jews live every day expecting Moshiach and the Torah itself gives us times he is more likely to arrive (which increased people predictions for those times).
In the bracha at the end of Maggid, we say Al Geulaseinu V'Al Ptus Nafsheinu.
These are 2 different aspects, there is the national or rather international, universal geula which we are all yearning for and talking about but there is also Pdus Nafsheinu a more personal redemption which can happen to anyone at anytime if Hashem choses / if he/she is worthy.
although we may be dissapointed that things didn't happen the way we thought, this is because the predictions were from humans and not Hashem. In the mean time we can work on our inner peace and redemption.
Once, someone told the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Horodoker that moshiach had arrive. He openned the window and smelled the air and said "no moshiach is not here yet". The question is asked, why did he have to open the window? He told them that in his house there is already geula so he had to see if the outside had changed.
The Vilna Gaon said that there is the potential for Moshiach in every generation. Regardless of what happened in previous generations, we are here and now. And it is our job to bring the geula in our generation. It is understandable if someone is worn out from crying for and anticipating the geula, but let's not confuse circumstances with principles.
In Rav Zamir Cohen's book, Haadam Bemaagal Hashana, vol. 2, page 135, the rav cites Rabeinu Bachya on Shmot 25:8, who says that even if it is the time for the geula and that we merit it, without zaaka to Hashem asking for the geula, it won't happen, chalila.
It is our job to be crying out for the geula today. If you are too tired, fair enough, but anyone who can should be in a place of zaaka as much as possible, every day if possible. The Yanuka said that every day we should ask for malchut Hashem, malchut ben David and bniyal Beit Hamikdash. I think he said twice day. We should not be speculating about future dates or saying that we'll just wait it out. We have a job to do.
The times we are in scarcely need elaboration. What does need repeating however is how we respond to them.
We all know that we have all the signs of Moshiach and the Geulah Shelaimah is imminent. Whether it be this week or next week or in 3 weeks. No reason for any one to give up at all! Moshiach can very likely come today! It may come shevii shel pesach! A very auspicious day for Moshiach to arrive!!
Just reading all the news out there. As dark as it is, it makes me want to burst out in laughter because it’s the greatest proof that Moshiach is about to arrive. Anyone sane knows Hashem isn’t going to let the world turn into a bigger zoo than it already is. We have all the prophecies fulfilled ✅. Time for MOSHIACH!!!
The Zohar has already cursed all those who calculate the end, for the son of David will only come when people are distracted (Sanhedrin 97a). Yisroel Tzion
Yet it is one of the 13 Principles of Faith to anticipate Moshiach every day. Anyway, it's not about calculating, but crying out for Moshiach. For anyone who doesn't feel the need to cry out, it's probably because B"D you are happy with your daled amot, so please show some empathy for the literally millions of Jews who are suffering terribly, for the tsaar of the Shechina in exile, reflect on the global blood libel against all Jews (accusing us of genocide, we were attacked, Ukraine was attacked, the latter has killed about 440,000 Russians, many of them 18 year old conscripts, yet the world supports them and accuses us of being child killers, which never ends well for us), understand that the world has reached the 50th gate of tuma. Frum Jewish children are having sex change operations. Don't be the frog in the slow boiling pot of water.
When one least expects it, then Mashiach will be here! (close to almost giving up) The Torah says there are three things that happen suddenly: a scorpion Mashiach (forgot the third)
There are three matters that come only by means of diversion of attention from those matters, and these are they: The Messiah, a lost item, and a scorpion. (Sanhederin 97a)
I have heard that even a child will see that something is coming but yet at the same time we won't know the exact hour as it will be sudden, in the blink of an eye. As it says in Alon Anava's book about the end, that all the players who tormented us before will come on the scene. We now have Hitler (his name should be erased) Youth on campus and a return of the Turkey Flotilla to Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-braces-for-freedom-flotilla-set-to-sail-from-turkey-to-gaza/
?...for what it is worth (?) and yes there had been some solarflares too
12P IS STILL THE BRIGHTEST COMET IN THE SKY: Last week, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks made its closest approach to the sun in 71 years. Sunlight made it practically impossible for groundbased observers to watch 12P's perihelion, but now the comet is emerging from the glare. Ian Griffin photographed it today from Strath Taieri, Otago, New Zealand:
"Comet Pons-Brooks is becoming visible in the southern hemisphere!" says Griffin. "It has a lot of beautiful structure in its tail" probably caused by the buffeting of the solar wind.
Until now, Comet 12P was a northern hemisphere object. Post-perihelion, it will transition to the south. Griffin's photo is among the first of many to come from astronomers south of the equator.
Recent estimates place the comet's brightness near magnitude +4.5, which means 12P/Pons-Brooks is still the brightest comet in the sky. Where is 12P? Amateur astronomers can find it heading south in the constellation Taurus.
How do I stop myself feeling hopeless about Moshiach coming soon now that Pesach is over here in Eretz Yisrael and many of us believed he would arrive during Pesach?
Shira, I suggest you keep your neshama satieted with lots of learning (mussar, hasidus, machshava, chumash, mishna, halcha etc etc) mix it all together with plenty of tehillim and teffilos, then your neshama will be happy and you will not feel hopeless.
However, even those feelings of hopelessnes are noted by Hashem and he is proud that you care.
Doesn’t “Moshiach will come when least expected” mean that Moshiach can not come soon, since many people see the signs and know he is obviously very close? That Gemara in Sanhedrin of Moshiach being one of the things that will come unexpected does not apply to our times. It has been discussed greatly in chassidus and kabbalistic sources.
It also says that we're allowed to calculate the times when it's getting close - don't know where it says that but anyway that's what I'm told, and it also says that "everyone will know" when Moshiach is coming. So it's all a bit contradictory, and I guess everything can apply in the right circumstances.
I looked more into rabbi palvanov’s prediction about the comet (which he expects to be nibiru) in September and those following it closely reported that it’s more likely it will fade away or be small. Also, the dates don’t come out to the dates he originally saw (Sep 25) when he looked into it. We’ve had much bigger comets before and they aren’t expecting it to be anywhere near as big (if it doesn’t fade, as comets often do). I don’t even see the point of thinking of his prediction because I yearn and await Moshiach today! Nissan is more likely!
Eliezer I saw a photo this morning of something that could not be described as either a comet or a star, and I don't know anything about it except that it was red and shaped like a jack, it had tails on four sides of it. This fits the description of the Ramak about the Kochav Yaakov. I don't think it is something that the mainstream media is talking about, it was on a "Nibiru" group and they called it the Nibiru complex. I immediately thought it was the Kochav Yaakov, but I really don't know what it actually is.
There's quite a lot of photos of this thing which people have been putting up for a long time. It's a red object, it's near our sun. I can't copy some of the photos as they are copyrighted, if I can find one that's ok to copy I'll put it up here. Just so you know, the word Nibiru is applied to many things, and I don't know which is the real Nibiru, but this object is the only one that is red. In this particular group they call it the Nibiru complex rather than just Nibiru. Nothing is clear cut these days, it's all a mystery.
There’s no way I’m settling for Moshiach coming around Sep 25 (the date set for this “nibiru” type comet to be seen around). It’s Nissan now and a very opportune time for Moshiach to arrive!
My eyes popped as I read the last haftara on the 8th day Pesach - Isaiah 11:11 "And it will be on that day, my Lord will again show His strength to acquire the remnant of His people that will have remained, from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from HAMAS (capitals mine) and from the islands of the sea." does this sound like it could be the hostages?
It would be great, but it's the wrong spelling for Hamas. It says Chamat or Chamas if you're Ashkenaze .... but Hamas is spelt with a samech at the end. I don't know where Chamat or any of the other places are.
Would like to share from a class by Rabbi Mordechai Neugershel about Chanukah (!), in Hebrew, that I listened to around Chanukah time. He explained an obscure passage from the מעוז צור. Don't remember which ancient rabbinic commentary he was citing, but here it is in a short summary.
דחה אדמון בצל צלמון, והקם לנו רועה שבעה.
אדמון being Edom, and צלמון Yishmael. He said that since Eisav received the blessing of אל חרבך תחיה directly from Yitchak Avinu, we cannot defeat Edom naturally because of the holiness and power of this blessing, unless the Jews as a whole nation are strong in their righteous behavior etc. But since Yishmael never received such a blessing, just the merit of holding on to Israel for a specific amount of time due to the merit of their (empty) bris Mila, and the request of Avraham Avinu, we are asking that Edom (the Western world) fall into the hands of Yishmael (the Muslim world),since they don't have the protection of a blessing from a holy righteous , and so will be quickly defeated even if Israel and the Jews are spiritually weak.
So sometimes things look really awful and disappointing, but we may not even realize what we are witnessing! Even though Moshiach has not yet been revealed to us as a nation (and, remember, Moshe was only privately revealed at first to the leaders of the Jews in Eygpt, not to the nation as a whole), but it seems that as just a casual observation of events as they are unfolding in Israel, Russia/Ukraine, the Baltiks and the US, we do indeed seem to be catapulting at great speed towards a wondrous conclusion of events!
Purple skies in the UK - Paving the way for royalty: King Moshiach Lake Colac, Australia Based on Sichos Shabbos Parshat Vayeishev 5751 L...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I’m really dreading the crying I will be doing tomorrow night at the Seder, knowing that here comes another Pesach without Moshiach. Haven’t we had more than enough suffering? If Moshiach won’t come this Nissan, it feels like it will never come. A broken and pained neshama in a bitter golus.
From now until June 2nd the 41st day of the omer, the Mother of Dragons comet makes close Earth passage and becomes visible in the Southern hemisphere. The 41st is yesod shebe neztach foundation of eternity. Who is ready for judgment day which has begun and with the highest profile court case in the USA since OJ? the true justice(tzedeq/jupiter conjunct uranus-mother letter shin) is being made manifest now pray for all hostages freed.(btw a four minute eclipse totality means vast changes for the next four months in traditional astrology)
I'd forgotten all about Trump. Yes you're right, the biggest court case since OJ Simpson.
Madness everywhere you go.
@Miriam. I completely feel the same way and it’s so exhausting. I think I’m going to have to stop reading all Geulah blogs if Moshiach isn’t here by the end of Nissan. I love reading this blog but it’s too exhausting and disappointing when a very opportune time comes and we are left waiting in agony begging Hashem for Moshiach.
Yep Shira i'm feeling a bit like that myself. Maybe if we all forget about it, He'll show up.
On one hand, the Torah obligates us to yearn for him every day, but didn’t Hashem know how exhausting and frustrating that could be to away Moshiach day after day, disappointment after disappointment :( Hashem, have mercy on us. What are you waiting for?! :(
Chag sameach everyone.
Very saddened that all the auspicious dates have past and Moshiach has still not arrived (Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Erev Pesach, Leil Seder). I can’t imagine so many of us going on if the Geulah doesn’t arrive imminently. Best time would be during Pesach. May Hashem redeem us today.
Redemption is a process and we are in it. Rabbi Glazerson says the Torah Codes say 5784. The year is perfect when you think it encompasses the pillars of Judaism, 5 is the 5 books of Torah, 7 is the seventh day of the week, Shabbat, 8 is the Brit Milah and Yesod and 4 is the Matriarchs.
I also, heard a voice which said "everything has to return."
What does that mean “redemption is a process”? So Moshiach won’t come anytime soon since it’s a “process”? A process that started a long time ago and is ending now… by the way.
Listen to the shiur Sam
I did on Erev Pesach. It’s not relevant. Moshiach Ben Dovid does reveal himself and usher in yemos hamoshiach. No one has said otherwise.
Why are so many in a dither? Our great Sages (Chazal) have foretold that at the end of times, things get uglier and darker until the very end when we
lose hope, thinking our goel tzedek is not showing, c'v, but that is when he will appear. Has the world been this ugly since the time of Noach when H' had to destroy the world. NO. There have always been wars and terrible times, of course, but never the 'insanity and immorality' that exists today worldwide. That is a very big sign we are very close to Geulah. Also, we are told that not until most of humanity will have become G-Dless, is when Moshiach comes and the pendulum will swing completely to sanity and the world will 'all know' there is G-D, Hashem, and no other!
What is happening with the worldwide antisemitism and the sudden rise of communism, marxism, fascism taking over so much of the world, etc. seems so out of the blue that many people realize these times are different than ever before which should give great hope to our people that Redemption is very close! May it be, but with great chesed & rachamim from Above for all
'decent & righteous humanity'.
So it’s definitely very realistic for Moshiach to come any day now? If so, you’re giving me hope :)
Moshiach can arrive on the seventh day of pesach
Any English transalation please. Toda.
From the shiur by Rabbi Palvanov
Mashiach finds G-d on his own ......
.....he has no affiliation he has no institution he's not Chabad he's not Breslov he's not Litvish, has no
affiliation and he can't have an affiliation because that excludes everybody else
If that was an answer to my question I thank you.
But actually i wanted to know what this Rabbi is talking about. This below posted by Ron @ April 25, 2024 at 3:44 PM
That’s his opinion he holds by. Moshiach can be any affiliation he wants, as long as he is a Jew. He can be from daati leumi, chareidi, belzer chossid, viznitz chassid, modern orthodox. It won’t matter since he will be a great leader to teach the ways of Hashem to the entire world and there are many ways to serving Hashem. That’s why not everyone is chassidishe and not everyone is litvish. K’ish echad b’lec echad just like at Har Sinai! But this time much greater and more joyful with a much greater open G-dly revelation that’ll fix the entire world! The end of all darkness and suffering and all the lack of holiness.
Yitzchok, I thought he was quoting Kol HaTor. I will ask him.
Meanwhile, who are you quoting? Do you have a source?
SC unpublished as requested: 100% agree, and I don't understand how a person can write lashon hara on the one hand and expect to be called a frum person on the other hand.
I would also like to point out that the Yanuka said recently that "no flesh and blood can say he is Moshiach, only Hashem can do that".
Can't remember where he said it, but I had it up on the blog and I quoted him in the comments. If anyone wants me to find it, let me know.
I feel it will only be normal of me (and many of us) to fall into great sadness and despair if this Nissan passes by without Moshiach.
Can the Yanuka be the Moshiach or is that for some reason not possible?
Yitzchok and anyone else, I asked Rabbi Palvanov and he said that it was not from Kol haTor but actually from Midrash Rabbah (which is far more ancient and authoritative), also cited by Megaleh Amukot.
I'll put up the exact references when I get them.
Should we give up on Moshiach coming this Nissan and try to look forward to next Nissan since we don’t have the fast contractions yet?
Are you the same Ron who just posted about Mashiach coming shevi shel Pesach??? What happened to you???
I think...and how can I know but I think our holy Yanuka is a Nasi. Of which, we dont have a clue about as do we of a nuvi except that which we read. I think he will head up The Sanhedrin in its time, which must be soon if it's in his lifetime. He is special beyond words.
What do you mean “which must be soon if it’s in his lifetime”? Is the Yanuka unwell?
It’s not even halfway through pesach and my mind is already thinking about sitting on the floor on Tisha B’Av crying for the Beis Hamikdash (nothing to do with anyone’s comments on this blogpost). Maybe it’s all the non-stop bad news out there. It’s just a deep feeling of despair when the neshama is begging for Geulah.
I expect many readers and posters are younger than I am. I lived through all the 5740's to 5752 [1981 to 1992] will all the excitement of the imminent revelation of Moshiach.
1981 started "We want Moshiach now"
1982 = T'Hay Shnas Bi'as Moshiach
1983 = T'Hay Shnas Geulas Moshiach
1984 = T'Hay Shnas Dibur Moshiach
1986 = T'Hay Shnas Vadai Moshiach etc
and at the end of each Pesach - I was so disappointed that another Pesach went by without Moshiach.
Then with the Fall of the soviet union [1990 to 1991] - The Rebbe stated "Esav is Completely Purified" - I kept of waking up each day that this is day we all see Moshiach.
With the Miracles of the Gulf War - I kept of waking up each day that this is day we all see Moshiach especially after The Rebbe revealed the Yalkut Shimoni that everyone quotes now.
Unfortunately I am disappointed each and every day and no longer get too overly excited with all the Torah that seems to teach us that Moshiach is about to be revealed and since I no longer get to overly excited - I no longer get too down either.
We need to focus on what HaShem wants from us each and everyday - Torah & Mitzvos B'Hidur, Tehilim, Tzedoka, Acts of Goodness & Kindness, Ahavas Yisroel and especially Duvening with Kavona and Brochos on Food with Kavona.
When HaShem is ready - HaShem will reveal Moshiach to all of us !! as the Hagadah teaches us "HaShem Chishaiv es haKetz" - HaShem calculates the end of the Galus and HaShem will reveal Moshiach, unfortunately none of us know when that will be.
Good Shabbos - Freilichen Pesach
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov says that Mashiach wins the world without firing one shot of a gun.
This is how Rabbi Moshe Feinstein interprets one opinion about winning the wars of HaShem (they are spiritual wars).
The point needs to be made that the Lubavitcher Rebbe advised all the great army generals in their strategies (Ariel Sharon exclaimed utter amazement when the Rebbe literally drew him a map of some battle ask him why the better strategy was not taken). This is because like the army generals themselves, they lead soldiers by instruction not actually fighting with guns etc.
This is like building the BEIT Hamikdash: Do all Yidden stand around Mashiach telling him ‘keep on going you only have a few thousand bricks to place, and by the way Mashiach you missed one stone behind you!’...obviously Mashiach has shluchim to build on his instructions and inspiration etc.
Please study the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s commentaries on the Laws of Mashiach, it is a powerful way to speed the Redemption. (The Rebbe said studying about Mashiach especially in Chassidus and in the likutei Sichos of the leader of the generation is most potent to bring about the Redemption)
No CF , it's not the same Ron
The first Ron
The only difference is back then, you had very few signs of Moshiach. Now, we have all the signs of Moshiach!! Proving that Moshiach is definitely imminent.
The juxtaposition of Ezekiel’s dry bones vision with Passover offers a message of hope: Just as God delivered the Israelite slaves from their seemingly hopeless slavery in Egypt, God will bring the Israelites back to their land, breathing life back into the people, even when they have given up hope.
Mind-blowing: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and Darien Gap exposed by Tucker Carlson interview of Michael Yon, Breitbart, etc.
Please post the Rebbe’s sichos mentioned above Deborah!
That’s impossible since there are certain dates and times more mesugal for Moshiach to arrive, such as the entire month of Nissan. Moshiach can definitely come while we’re in Nissan with all predictions that it’s coming this chodesh. There always times of predictions/calculations, so to say that Moshiach will come when people don’t expect it is very vague. Many Jews live every day expecting Moshiach and the Torah itself gives us times he is more likely to arrive (which increased people predictions for those times).
In the bracha at the end of Maggid, we say Al Geulaseinu V'Al Ptus Nafsheinu.
These are 2 different aspects, there is the national or rather international, universal geula which we are all yearning for and talking about but there is also Pdus Nafsheinu a more personal redemption which can happen to anyone at anytime if Hashem choses / if he/she is worthy.
although we may be dissapointed that things didn't happen the way we thought, this is because the predictions were from humans and not Hashem. In the mean time we can work on our inner peace and redemption.
Once, someone told the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Horodoker that moshiach had arrive. He openned the window and smelled the air and said "no moshiach is not here yet". The question is asked, why did he have to open the window? He told them that in his house there is already geula so he had to see if the outside had changed.
The Rebbe on the Laws of Moshiach, this is what I could find in English
The Vilna Gaon said that there is the potential for Moshiach in every generation. Regardless of what happened in previous generations, we are here and now. And it is our job to bring the geula in our generation. It is understandable if someone is worn out from crying for and anticipating the geula, but let's not confuse circumstances with principles.
In Rav Zamir Cohen's book, Haadam Bemaagal Hashana, vol. 2, page 135, the rav cites Rabeinu Bachya on Shmot 25:8, who says that even if it is the time for the geula and that we merit it, without zaaka to Hashem asking for the geula, it won't happen, chalila.
It is our job to be crying out for the geula today. If you are too tired, fair enough, but anyone who can should be in a place of zaaka as much as possible, every day if possible. The Yanuka said that every day we should ask for malchut Hashem, malchut ben David and bniyal Beit Hamikdash. I think he said twice day. We should not be speculating about future dates or saying that we'll just wait it out. We have a job to do.
The times we are in scarcely need elaboration. What does need repeating however is how we respond to them.
Only Moshiach Now
We all know that we have all the signs of Moshiach and the Geulah Shelaimah is imminent. Whether it be this week or next week or in 3 weeks. No reason for any one to give up at all! Moshiach can very likely come today! It may come shevii shel pesach! A very auspicious day for Moshiach to arrive!!
Just reading all the news out there. As dark as it is, it makes me want to burst out in laughter because it’s the greatest proof that Moshiach is about to arrive. Anyone sane knows Hashem isn’t going to let the world turn into a bigger zoo than it already is. We have all the prophecies fulfilled ✅.
Time for MOSHIACH!!!
Anavim, Anavim, Hegiya Zeman Geulaschem!!
The Zohar has already cursed all those who calculate the end, for the son of David will only come when people are distracted (Sanhedrin 97a).
Yisroel Tzion
Yet it is one of the 13 Principles of Faith to anticipate Moshiach every day.
Anyway, it's not about calculating, but crying out for Moshiach.
For anyone who doesn't feel the need to cry out, it's probably because B"D you are happy with your daled amot, so please show some empathy for the literally millions of Jews who are suffering terribly, for the tsaar of the Shechina in exile, reflect on the global blood libel against all Jews (accusing us of genocide, we were attacked, Ukraine was attacked, the latter has killed about 440,000 Russians, many of them 18 year old conscripts, yet the world supports them and accuses us of being child killers, which never ends well for us), understand that the world has reached the 50th gate of tuma. Frum Jewish children are having sex change operations. Don't be the frog in the slow boiling pot of water.
Only Moshiach Now
When one least expects it, then Mashiach will be here! (close to almost giving up)
The Torah says there are three things that happen suddenly:
a scorpion
(forgot the third)
There are three matters that come only by means of diversion of attention from those matters, and these are they: The Messiah, a lost item, and a scorpion. (Sanhederin 97a)
I have heard that even a child will see that something is coming but yet at the same time we won't know the exact hour as it will be sudden, in the blink of an eye. As it says in Alon Anava's book about the end, that all the players who tormented us before will come on the scene. We now have Hitler (his name should be erased) Youth on campus and a return of the Turkey Flotilla to Gaza
?...for what it is worth (?)
and yes there had been some solarflares too
12P IS STILL THE BRIGHTEST COMET IN THE SKY: Last week, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks made its closest approach to the sun in 71 years. Sunlight made it practically impossible for groundbased observers to watch 12P's perihelion, but now the comet is emerging from the glare. Ian Griffin photographed it today from Strath Taieri, Otago, New Zealand:
"Comet Pons-Brooks is becoming visible in the southern hemisphere!" says Griffin. "It has a lot of beautiful structure in its tail" probably caused by the buffeting of the solar wind.
Until now, Comet 12P was a northern hemisphere object. Post-perihelion, it will transition to the south. Griffin's photo is among the first of many to come from astronomers south of the equator.
Recent estimates place the comet's brightness near magnitude +4.5, which means 12P/Pons-Brooks is still the brightest comet in the sky. Where is 12P? Amateur astronomers can find it heading south in the constellation Taurus.
Realtime Comet Photo Gallery
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How do I stop myself feeling hopeless about Moshiach coming soon now that Pesach is over here in Eretz Yisrael and many of us believed he would arrive during Pesach?
Shira, I suggest you keep your neshama satieted with lots of learning (mussar, hasidus, machshava, chumash, mishna, halcha etc etc) mix it all together with plenty of tehillim and teffilos, then your neshama will be happy and you will not feel hopeless.
However, even those feelings of hopelessnes are noted by Hashem and he is proud that you care.
So, Mashiach did not come...
Just stop thinking that Mashiach has to come.. now, .... because of ... this that.. or whatever.
Do teshuva, do all the good deeds one can, most of all pray, and do not despair.
Try to change ourselves to do better and think good. And then.. leave it all to Hashem.
Yes, expect Mashiach to come everyday, but stop dwelling too much and making predictions.. that Mashiach HAS to come, because . .. of whatever..
He, MASHIACH will come when least expected.
Doesn’t “Moshiach will come when least expected” mean that Moshiach can not come soon, since many people see the signs and know he is obviously very close? That Gemara in Sanhedrin of Moshiach being one of the things that will come unexpected does not apply to our times. It has been discussed greatly in chassidus and kabbalistic sources.
It also says that we're allowed to calculate the times when it's getting close - don't know where it says that but anyway that's what I'm told, and it also says that "everyone will know" when Moshiach is coming. So it's all a bit contradictory, and I guess everything can apply in the right circumstances.
If everyone will know when Moshiach is coming, wouldn’t that mean that Moshiach can’t come today?
I looked more into rabbi palvanov’s prediction about the comet (which he expects to be nibiru) in September and those following it closely reported that it’s more likely it will fade away or be small. Also, the dates don’t come out to the dates he originally saw (Sep 25) when he looked into it. We’ve had much bigger comets before and they aren’t expecting it to be anywhere near as big (if it doesn’t fade, as comets often do). I don’t even see the point of thinking of his prediction because I yearn and await Moshiach today! Nissan is more likely!
Eliezer I saw a photo this morning of something that could not be described as either a comet or a star, and I don't know anything about it except that it was red and shaped like a jack, it had tails on four sides of it. This fits the description of the Ramak about the Kochav Yaakov. I don't think it is something that the mainstream media is talking about, it was on a "Nibiru" group and they called it the Nibiru complex. I immediately thought it was the Kochav Yaakov, but I really don't know what it actually is.
Please post a picture of it!
There's quite a lot of photos of this thing which people have been putting up for a long time. It's a red object, it's near our sun. I can't copy some of the photos as they are copyrighted, if I can find one that's ok to copy I'll put it up here.
Just so you know, the word Nibiru is applied to many things, and I don't know which is the real Nibiru, but this object is the only one that is red. In this particular group they call it the Nibiru complex rather than just Nibiru. Nothing is clear cut these days, it's all a mystery.
There’s no way I’m settling for Moshiach coming around Sep 25 (the date set for this “nibiru” type comet to be seen around). It’s Nissan now and a very opportune time for Moshiach to arrive!
My eyes popped as I read the last haftara on the 8th day Pesach - Isaiah 11:11 "And it will be on that day, my Lord will again show His strength to acquire the remnant of His people that will have remained, from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from HAMAS (capitals mine) and from the islands of the sea."
does this sound like it could be the hostages?
waiting hopefully
וּמֵעֵילָם וּמִשִּׁנְעָר וּמֵחֲמָת
It would be great, but it's the wrong spelling for Hamas. It says Chamat or Chamas if you're Ashkenaze .... but Hamas is spelt with a samech at the end. I don't know where Chamat or any of the other places are.
Would like to share from a class by Rabbi Mordechai Neugershel about Chanukah (!), in Hebrew, that I listened to around Chanukah time. He explained an obscure passage from the מעוז צור. Don't remember which ancient rabbinic commentary he was citing, but here it is in a short summary.
דחה אדמון בצל צלמון, והקם לנו רועה שבעה.
אדמון being Edom, and צלמון Yishmael.
He said that since Eisav received the blessing of אל חרבך תחיה directly from Yitchak Avinu, we cannot defeat Edom naturally because of the holiness and power of this blessing, unless the Jews as a whole nation are strong in their righteous behavior etc. But since Yishmael never received such a blessing, just the merit of holding on to Israel for a specific amount of time due to the merit of their (empty) bris Mila, and the request of Avraham Avinu, we are asking that Edom (the Western world) fall into the hands of Yishmael (the Muslim world),since they don't have the protection of a blessing from a holy righteous , and so will be quickly defeated even if Israel and the Jews are spiritually weak.
So sometimes things look really awful and disappointing, but we may not even realize what we are witnessing! Even though Moshiach has not yet been revealed to us as a nation (and, remember, Moshe was only privately revealed at first to the leaders of the Jews in Eygpt, not to the nation as a whole), but it seems that as just a casual observation of events as they are unfolding in Israel, Russia/Ukraine, the Baltiks and the US, we do indeed seem to be catapulting at great speed towards a wondrous conclusion of events!
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