Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bringing Mashiach Today

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov


Devorah said...

Dov Bar-Leib has left a new comment on the post One Final Tekiah Gedolah For those Who Deny that the First Two Have Already Occurred

We are at the End. The 288th spark was apparently in Rafach (gematriah 288) all along which in reality is in Eretz Yisrael. The 30,000 Bnei Ephraim brought it here when they were slaughtered by the Philistines, 30 years before the actual Exodus from Egypt. So while this 288th spark was already in Israel, WE abandoned the spark there when we unilaterally left Gaza. So it was not a matter of going to Rafach to retrieve the spark. It was a matter of returning to Rafach to be there with the spark. It was not a matter of retrieval this time. It was the teshuvah of actually returning to what had been abandoned 19 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this post, Devorah.

Just heard the whole a minute ago.
This Rabbi makes so much sense.
As Noahide, I am still learning.

WIsh you and all readers, a good week, and wish also to you all, all good wherever you are.
Wish also, all good peoples who are trying to do good, Amen.
May Mashiach come soon, the World needs Him so much.
Hashem have mercy on all, Amen.
Thanks Devorah once again...
Hashem bless you and yours, and all Jews wherever they be.

and also, all good peoples in this forlorn world, which will soon change with the coming of The Mashiach.

Amen v'Amen.