Monday, September 30, 2024

After Nasrallah, Israel Must Liquidate Amalek the Snake

H/t Dave

Rav Ron Chaya -  29 September Jerusalem

Translation below

After Nasrallah, Israel must liquidate AMALEK the snake: IRAN and its allies in gunsight ? 

Translation of French to English

Hassan Nasrallah was killed yesterday B"H, 83 bombs, each one ton, he and other commanders . It's written that when the wicked die there's joy . On the other hand it's written When your enemy falls don't be joyous -- that is written about Jewish enemies but when goyim enemies, real enemies, who who have spilled Jewish blood fall, it is permitted to be joyous. 

In previous classes we've already talked about Zohar parshat Balak p212b.: 
On the 25th of Ellul that will fall on a Shabbos, will die a leader of Rome . How can we say that Nasrallah who's been killed on that day is a leader of Rome? Because Nasrallah, as the great kabbalists in Israel have said, is part of a\Amalek.  Hamas too is Amalek. (Jews are commanded to go into war with them and annihilate them.)    Rome is Esav and the grandchild of Esav is Amalek. 

Original version of the Zohar: it will happen on a Friday that falls on Ellul 25 but the commentators say that there can't be a Friday that falls on Ellul 25 because then Yom kippur will fall on a Friday and that is forbidden. So they've correctefdthe version of the Zohar and have said it's a Shabbat. So it's interesting because they killed Nasrallah on a Friday but a little before sunset so it was already Shabbat in Israel . So the Rav says he is very happy that everything corresponds.

Re. The star that has to appear - see previous class, is a Nova, same name as that festival of Oct 7th 2023.   The Jewish people are compared to olives, when you press them the good comes out. So that festival of Hamas .. there's never been so many Jews who are doing teshuva.. it's phenomenal! 
Result: Hashem is doing miracles for us that we haven't seen almost since the Exodus from Egypt. We do teshuva and Hashem saves us and in this week's parsha that we've read this Shabbat : you'll return to Hashem and He will bring all the curses that he wanted to place on you on your enemies Baruch Hashem. 

What's next? Two options: 1. As that Zohar says from that Shabbat Ellul 25 there will be 70 days of war in the world. Can happen very easily. eg. The FM of Iran has said last week that if Israel continues to annihilate Hezbollah Iran won't have any choice than to attack Israel and this will have consequences that can be worldwide. Is logical: before the FM of Iran spoke the US gov had already said that if Iran will attack, the US will attack too. If Iran attacks it will have the support of Russia and China and if the US will react, we risk getting into a world war. 

Why does the Rav think that they will attack: R Yehoshua Eshel of Apta texts from 250 years ago: in the end of days the nations will want to do war with each other and they'll see that the only one who'll benefit from it is Israel, and if Iran will attack Israel, that's great because the US will attack Iran and that is the end and Geulah, so the nations won't attack but the Rav Yehoshua answers that from Heaven they will be dragged into this war until their end, and he says that we can accept that from his mouth as if it comes from a prophet. 

So, understand that what's happening today is miraculous. 

The US refuses that 1) we annihilate Hamas 2) we annihilate Hezbollah ie. the method of divide in order to reign better. The US doesn't want a war and Biden, who always asked for a ceasefire, now says nothing anymore because of the upcoming elections. He's very close to Trump in the statistics and who will make the difference? The Jewish votes ! So now that he knows it's in his interests to be pro Israel he's given a green light for us to kill Nasralla, he's given eight billion dollars to Israel, etc.  Bibi is happy and now we can go into war and attack our enemies till Nov 4 at least.., Hashem's hand. 

So normally Iran will attack Israel, the US will attack too, the end and Moshiach will come. When?

Two options: a) Tikunei Zohar and Vilna Gaon brings that in Sefer Even Shema chapter 11: On Rosh Hashanah it will be the end of the decree of Hashem's enemies . It can happen very fast . If for example Iran attacks tomorrow... b) same Zohar that speaks re the king that will die on Shabbat 25th of Ellul, see above: 60 days of world wide war, a king whose I'd we ignore will rise and will wage war left and right - all the nations, it will bea  big balagan and afterwards : earthquake in Jerusalem, a cave will open, fire will come out of it and Moshiach will reveal himself. Approx on 5th of Kislev. 

So, says Rav Ron Chaya, we have to do teshuva and also wake up others , explain them what will happen and tell them to do teshuva . Yehezkel 36: Hashem will return us to the Land etc.. We see all this happening today so wake up dear friend. When Moshiach will be here not everyone will be able to survive (note: the Rebbe of Chabad, Menachem Mendel Schneerson disagrees with that) , it will be too late. I hope that the bar will be very low but there will be a bar - so return, do teshuva.  

R Yanuka said but the Rav hasn't verified it, that he hopes to be in his sukkah this Sukkot with Moshiach. We hope be'ezrat Hashem. Could be that we're mistaken but everyone understands that the things are moving forward, don't be blind . Baruch Hashem amen and amen.


Devorah said...

Saudi news channel Al Hadath reported that a man who came from Iran shook Nasrallah's hand and smeared it with a substance that Israel could track.

Devorah said...

The date of 25 Elul, the day Nasrallah was killed and the day of the Star...
is day number 358 from October 7.
358 gematria Moshiach/Nachash
Nachash the snake

Devorah said...

6th paragraph above
Rav Yehoshua answers that from Heaven they will be dragged into this war until their end,

Ezekiel 38:4 - the war of Gog u Magog
G-d will drag them into the war

38:4 "and I will turn thee about, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed most gorgeously, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords"