Monday, May 16, 2016

The Reward

Art: Boris Dubrov

''And you shall take for yourselves on the first day, the fruit of the hadar tree...'' [Emor 23:40]

The Vilna Gaon had a great love for the mitzvah of the four species.  Year after year, Vilna's vendors streamed to the Gaon's house with choice etrogim, and he would select the one he thought was the nicest.

One year, a vendor showed the Gaon an exquisite etrog.   The Gaon was very impressed and was willing to pay its full price.

''I do not wish to sell the etrog for money''  responded the vendor.  ''Rather, I desire the reward that you will garner for performing the mitzvah of the four species.''

''I readily agree'' said the Gaon.  ''I will take the etrog, and you will receive my reward.''

All those who visited the Gaon that Sukkot saw him savoring his beautiful etrog to a far greater degree than in previous years.

To calm their curiousity, the Gaon explained: '''Throughout my entire life, I have yearned to fulfill the words of our Sages [Pirkei Avot 1:3] ''Be like servants who serve their master, not for the sake of receiving a reward.''  A person must not serve Hashem simply in order to receive a reward.  This is extremely difficult, however, as we are constantly aware that we will receive a reward each time we perform a mitzvah,  But this year I was given the opportunity to perform a mitzvah with the knowledge that I would not be receiving any reward for doing so!''

''I am so fortunate to have merited such an opportunity.  This is why you find me so overjoyed.''

Source: Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Forbidden Marriage of the Kohen

"They may not marry....." [Emor 21:7]

Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l

By the Grace of G-d
19th of Sivan 5717
Brooklyn N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing

This is in reply to your letter in which you write about the case of the Kohen who is contemplating marrying a divorcee. I am surprised that there should be any doubt on the part of any Jew about the strict prohibition of such a marriage, inasmuch as it is emphatically prohibited, both in the Written Law as well as in the Oral Law. So strict is the prohibition, that a kohen who violates this law desecrates his sacred calling, which is his heritage of countless generations.

The point I do wish to emphasize here is that in all matters of matrimony, the happiness of two partners is involved, and if there is any issue, the happiness of children and future generations is at stake. Obviously a marriage which has been prohibited by the Creator and Master of the Universe is one that cannot possibly be a happy one, and is certain to be harmful to both parties concerned.

In other words, if the said kohen has any feelings for the divorcee in question, he should realise that his marrying her would expose her to untold harm, not only in the afterlife and in a spiritual sense, but also in this life, and even in a physical and material sense. The fact that this may be beyond one's comprehension is immaterial, for it is certain that the Creator of the world knows best what is good for His creatures, and since He has so strictly prohibited such a marriage, there can be no doubt that it is harmful. Therefore, even on humanitarian grounds, the said kohen, if he has any feeling for the said divorcee, should give up the idea and avoid causing himself and her irreparable damage, physically and spiritually.

I trust that you will find the suitable words to explain the seriousness of the matter to the person in question, which no words can really overemphasize.

With blessing.....

Also see: Kohanim and Forbidden Marriages

Friday, May 13, 2016

Introduction to Tikun Hamidot

Introduction to Tikun Hamidot [Refinement of character] - By Rabbi Alon Anava

From a Kabbalistic point of view, this “refinement of character” called Tikkun HaMiddot is very much part and parcel of the Divine purpose in creation. Even small improvements are vastly appreciated by G‑d. Every individual “refinement” or “correction” contributes to the general “World Refinement” [Tikkun Olam] which will be precipitated when Mashiach will come.

Part 2 can be found here.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Fifth Year

Arbol de higo (fig tree) by  Ivette Guzmán-Zavala

"In the fifth year, you may eat its fruit" [Kedoshim 19:25]

While the fruits of a tree's fourth year are holy, and may be eaten only in Jerusalem, the fruits of the fifth year may be eaten anywhere.

According to Chassidic thought, the fruits of the fifth year actually correspond to a greater degree of spirituality than those of the fourth year. This is because the ultimate expression of spirituality is not that which must remain confined to a certain holy place (such as Jerusalem). Rather, the greatest holiness is that which permeates the mundane fabric of everyday life, so that even the lowest parts of this physical world are devoted to the "praise of G-d".

Based on Likutei Sichos, Lubavitcher Rebbe

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Way of Truth

Art Michoel Muchnik

''You should sanctify yourselves [by separating from idolatry] and be holy'' [Kedoshim 20:7]

To receive sustenance from the forces of holiness, it is essential for a person to strive to be in a state of submission to a Higher Authority.  Those unwilling to make this effort follow the path of idol worship, which does not require any compromise of the ego.  In this vein, the verse testifies that ''we ate in Egypt for free''. [Bamidbar 11:5]

A further reason why individuals choose to receive their sustenance by means of idol worship, is because the short-term benefits are greater.  This is because the sustenance of the forces of evil is rooted in the transcendent realm of Godliness beyond reason and logic, so energies are bestowed even without the appropriate effort.  

Nevertheless, despite a] the difficulty of obtaining sustenance from the side of holiness, and b] the reduced immediate reward, the Jewish people still opt for a life of Torah and mitzvot since it is the way of truth, and lasts forever.

Source: Biurei HaZohar, Tzemach Tzedek, Sefer HaMa'amorim 5660

Monday, May 9, 2016

Nibiru's Orbit

Here is an interesting video, showing Nibiru [the winged planet] and its orbit, along with all the other planets and comets.

He also states in the video [at 5.00] that he expects Nibiru to ''arrive'' August/September 2016.  This ties in with the date given to us by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero [the 25th day of the sixth month - Elul] which you can read again here.

I am not making any predictions here, just offering the information for those who are interested. Note: there is no Xtian stuff on this video.

If you're interested, he has a lot of other interesting Nibiru videos on his YouTube page.

The Route to Holiness

Digital Photo by David Pasillas

''You shall be holy'' [Kedoshim 19:2]

There is a principle in Chassidic thought that ''the higher something is, the lower it falls''.

For this reason, a person reaches the highest levels of spiritual greatness, not through intellectual endeavours alone, but by involving himself in the physical world, observing the mitzvot and helping others to do likewise.

Thus, at the literal level, one actually fulfills the command ''You shall be holy'' by refraining from the lowest and most debased acts [i.e. forbidden relations - see Rashi v.2].  For the route towards the highest degree of holiness, becoming holy like G-d [''You shall be holy, because I, your G-d, am holy''] is through refraining from the lowest of acts, because ''the higher something is, the lower it falls''.

This also explains why, at the minchah prayer on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year - before beginning the Ne'ilah prayer, the climax of the day - the Torah portion that is read discusses forbidden relations.  For it is through restraint from the very lowest of acts that one reaches the very highest degrees of holiness.

Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe: based on Sichas Shabbos Parshas Kedoshim 5725

Friday, May 6, 2016