Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Ancient Jewish prophecy about Iran, Israel, America, Saudi Arabia and the coming of the Messiah

Rabbi Shimon Kessin

This was given in 2013.


Anonymous said...

Where did the quote “Moshiach is imminent” come from? Rabbi Shimon Kessin gave that update recently?


Devorah said...

He says it about half way thru the video.

Anonymous said...

The video is 10 years old. If he said “Moshiach is imminent” 10 years ago, than we really can never trust the word imminent ever again.


Devorah said...

I made a mistake, this is from 2013, it was re-uploaded 2 weeks ago because of what he is saying.

Devorah said...

It's because Iran is back in the news with a nuclear bomb, that's why it's more relevant now. But it's true, people have been expecting Moshiach for so long now and it is exhausting.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it’s even more discouraging to watch a video from 11 years ago that says “Moshiach is imminent”. Maybe we’re not doing ourselves a favor by thinking about Moshiach anymore? Let him arrive when it’s time. We’ve had enough frustrating with Moshiach not coming during Pesach. For now, I’d rather give up on Moshiach.


Anonymous said...

At what point would you consider shutting down your blog if Moshiach doesn’t come? I presume this is something you’ve thought about


Devorah said...

Definitely thought about it many times. I didn't set out to have a Geula blog, it just seems to be the thing I'm supposed to do at the End of Days. So I'm compelled to keep doing it, even if I do disappear sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I read things from average Jewish people on the internet, and none of them understand what is happening in the world, they are so scared and confused, they don't know anything about what to expect at the end of days. Even we can't tell them because they think we are just crazy.

Anonymous said...

Mashiach will come when He comes.

In other words, ONLY HASHEM will decide, the time, the date, the day.

Speculating is not good in this case, that is what i think.

Rabbis, say things, they think are true. They are human like all of us.

In my thinking, as Noahide, (hope that is okay that I too can think), that Mashiach will arrive when Hashem decides, and when we least expect it.

But then i am just a goyim, and in a lot of peoples thinking, goyim matter not.

May Mashiach come soon, may Hashem send Him soon. Amein


Anonymous said...

Rafah is the turning point of the geulah therefore the whole world is stormy towards Israel


Lisa said...

moshiach blogs are great! moshiach is a process...stay strong everyone.

Devorah said...

KSP if you send me your email via a comment, obviously I won't publish it, and then I can respond.

Anonymous said...

you are all frustrated bc you all want to resolve all your problems, you are tired from your problems and also it becomes scarier and know why, bc you always watching the news, this happened and this...and no end of it. this is not what Hashem wants from us, no-no, start doing something good and valuable for yourself, learn something, find something that makes you happy , stay away form the news, it's very discouraging. The main nisayon will be emuna, and we are loosing it, it's just a game, and you fall into the darkness, besides, think about Hashem also, that He wants to revile Himself and He can't do so bc you are continue to fall, we are little being, with a little mind and heard, how much you can damage yourself with these tum'a, for example, with corona thing i started to learn how to sew, now I'm sewing for myself beautiful dresses, these is my hobby, and it makes me distracted, yes, i know what's happening in the world, but just the main things..sorry but you are not preparing youself for mashiach, you are falling into DARKNESS, it's very very sad . L.

Anonymous said...

I went to the video that Ron posted..(Thank you Ron), and I do not know Hebrew, but went to that translation place, and what the Rabbi says makes sense.

Although some Hebrew words I could not really know, but the gist of what he says, sounds so true.

May Hashem help all those soldiers fighting the enemy in Eretz israel, may Hashem protect them all.. Amein..

Most of all may we soon merit to have Mashiach soon, now .. Please Hashem.. Amein v'Amein.


Devorah said...

The video Ron linked to above is good, it has english subtitles if you navigate to that. We are at the last moment for redemption and Rafiah is the turning point and therefore the whole world is rallying against us - Rabbi Alon Atia.

Rafiah is the main thing. "The whole world is shaking about a small part of a country"

Anonymous said...

Annoymous @ May 1, 2024 at 8:52 PM,
You are right to a point.

The truth is we are all different, in our thinking and our ways.

That is how Hashem made each of us, different. Yet each trying to follow the right way.

All falling into darkness, is not true, each trying to search in his/her way.
Blogs like this one, do help us think more.

But just following blindly anyone is also not real.

Hashem only knows the minds and hearts of each being.. Jew or Gentile.

Hashem is there, a lot of people know that. Its Mashiach we are anxious for, and await.

May He - Mashiach come soon. Amein


Anonymous said...

Rav Zamir Cohen says that the feeling of hopelessness is the last part of the process.
As for it being a process, yes, but obviously we want the process to end and for it to be an event. It's like saying birth is a process. At some point, the birth must be induced.
Even though it is exhausting, Hashem keeps all the tefillot and tears for moshiach. None of it is forgotten. When Moshiach comes, Be'D speedily, he will have a meeting with each one of us, and will know who cried out for him to be revealed.
Anyone talking about any future dates should really stop. Moshiach can come today. Pondering this or that date only serves to dampen the ratzon and the tsaaka.
It's true that those of us with overwhelming personal issues tend to be more invested in the urgency of Moshiach. I don't see that as a negative. The Yanuka says that every lack a person experiences is a result of Churban Habayit. Maybe we have our issues so that at least some people in Am Yisrael will feel the urgency. Otoh, those who are more or less satisfied with their lives are more inclined to have more patience. I do know people who B"D have great lives and they too are impatient for Moshiach, just witnessing the tremendous suffering of Am Yisrael, and being tired of this world of lies. It's not just a question of Hashem decides when, and I'll not occupy myself with it. The tsaaka of Am Yisrael brings the geula. The problem is that not enough Jews are crying out, not the opposite. (I'm not talking about those of us who are already on the other side of tsaaka, but those who aren't even there yet.) This is from Rabeinu Bachya and Rav Zamir shlita.

With all the disappointment of Pesach tashpad coming and going, let's remember that Moshiach does not have to come at an auspicious time, any day Moshiach comes will be great, and that we are still in chodesh hageula Be"D. Rav Zamir says that every day of nisan has the power of rosh chodesh and renewal, chodesh ha'aviv, av yud bet, the father of the twelve months. For all of us, and especially the weary amongst us, the challenge now is to renew ourselves in the remaining days of nisan.

Be'D Only Moshiach Now

Serious Bible Student said...

How do I "navigate" to get the English subtitles on the video??? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop blogging! We need your amazing posts and insights now more than ever..

Incidentally, don't remember where I read it, but apparently Netanyahu is a Levi, which makes him from the tribe of Yosef. Could he possibly be the fulfillment of the role of Moshiach Ben Yosef..


Anonymous said...

There’s no way that alon anava said that we are at the last moment before the redemption! He is the one that made that video sometime within the last year predicting that Moshiach will come right before the 2029/5790 deadline (the deadline for techiyas hameisim to begin according to the holy zohar which can not be debated by anyone)


nothing said...

Exactly!!! If we give up hope what's the point of life. Also moshiach probably is going to arrive with a lot of fanfare...the process happens naturally all around us and then we will look back and realise what was going on all along. Yes it's disappointing when things don't happen the way we want them too. I'm sure the Israelites didn't want to have the Egyptians chase them into an ocean and have to prove the faith to Hashem by jumping in. Nor did they want to wander around a desert for 40 years. But God decides how things shake down please let's keep our emunah strong and hang in there. The geulah will unfold when, where and how Hashem wants. In the meantime, you can also pray for your own personal geulah too.

Tomer Devorah said...


Anonymous said...

Why would Moshiach come, given a continuous failing which has never changed to-date... namely, a lack of awareness toward each other. So you have Person One zoning in on Person Two, and then totally, even overtly, ignoring that Person Three is also present and has relevant info they're attempting to add to the discussion. But it's way worse than that, as Person One also overtly shuns a severely-handicapped Fourth Person comparable to an emotional stabbing.

So there's this major emphasis by authorities-that-be on L"H - while overlooking the instigation meted out by this culture of unawareness. How on earth can people be expected to refrain from L"H when they constantly deal with systemic lack of middot? This breakdown of awareness was never brought to the fore long ago, alongside the L"H campaign. Somebody please tell this to all shiur-givers. Tell them that subtle grievances are more complex than an unbalanced woman who scatters laundry from a clothesline.

נכנסו לתוך דברי חבריהם (constant interruptions and assumptions)
לא נהגו כבוד זה בזה (constant lack of awareness)

Devorah said...

Click on the Settings cog at the bottom right of video and turn the subtitles to On, then onto whatever language you want. It will tell you Hebrew auto translate but you can change that to english.

Devorah said...

Devorah Chayah.... after watching his interview a few weeks ago where he was attacking something to do with Netanyahu..... I was very disappointed and I don't share your opinion, but each to his own. Yasher koach.

Anonymous said...

Don’t trip at the finish line. At a time when everything is lining up in the heavens and the earth, it is not the time to give up on Moshiach or to stop anticipating his arrival. Our anticipation has a spiritual effect on the entire process. This blog and others that our geulacentric, are like Moshe holding up the staff in the great battle, in my opinion. When we rally and support each other in this process, we have victory. We assist in holding up the arms of Moshe. How different the story would have been if Moshe was not helped when he was fatigued. So expressing frustration? Sure, who isn’t frustrated. Suggesting we all give up on Moshiach is like holding down Moshes arms. Just my opinion. Love the blog and appreciate it so much. Rabbi Kessin was right 11 yrs ago and we are even closer now. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on soldiers. Now is not the time to sulk!

Devorah said...

CS I have been very impressed with Netanyahu and the way he has stood up to everyone, he seems very in control, but what do I know.... I live 12,000 miles away, I don't "know" these people in the way that israeli's know them.
The only problem is that I still don't understand how the massacre on Oct 7 could have happened for 6-8 hours before Israeli security personnel arrived. Something is not right about that, and it's hard to know why that happened in the way it did. You can say it was the Hand of G-d but I have trouble with that as well, because it still doesn't explain why the terrorists- Hamas - were allowed to continue their rampage for so long.

Devorah said...

Anonymous 7:16 I agree, now is not the time to give up, and anyway once you understand things, you can't really give up even if part of you wants to. There is no other option anymore.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Devorah. Like so many others I also believe something unkosher happened before and as the Oct 7th massacre unfolded. But I do not believe Netanyahu was involved.

I have heard something on a shiur, though I don't remember which rabbi. Perhaps Rav Kessin. Maybe another prominent rabbi, regarding this issue and the victims, but, frankly, do not want to repeat it, since I am not even sure I understood correctly.


Devorah said...

CS now that you've said that, I kind of agree with you, I don't actually think he was involved either, that's his embarrassment and probably why he's so hell-bent on wiping them all out.

Anonymous said...

Devorah Chahya, for your info, here is something you should read about whom you think is Mashiach.

He is not, and will never be Mashiach.

nothing said...

Huh, how? I think we'd notice

Anonymous said...

It is fine to get excited about prophecies and be ready to just continue on when they are proven wrong. Just because someone found a cute gematria or says the year Tav Shin Peh whatever stands for whatever doesn't mean that it is fact and we can't have complaints against Hashem.

Anyone who has ever climbed a mountain will know that there are a multiple fake peaks on the way up. They look exactly like the summit but when you get there it is a flat bit with more incline afterwards. However, all mountains do have a summit and eventually we will get there.

Anyone ever waited for a kettle to boil? it takes ages to boil if you are watching it, but if you go and keep busy with something in that time then before you know it you hear the click and the water is boiled.

Keep strong


Devorah said...

Gershon, your comment made me think it was time to post Yerida l'tzorich Aliyah again, just to remind people.

Anonymous said...

Truly mind-boggling and hard to believe that the world is a filthy zoo, probably as bad as the times of Noach, and Hashem just allows his name to be desecrated every moment throughout the world. I sometimes just beg Hashem to bring Moshiach “L’man Shemo”, for his sake. If he can’t have mercy on all our suffering, he should bring Moshiach because he’s suffering too and his name is being desecrated terribly. We’ve past all the prophecies and enough suffering. What is Hashem waiting for? Makes no sense

-Chava Adelgard

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you, Chava. It’s mamish a shanda that the world is so sick. And the worst part is, most people are sick too and don’t realize the world is sick. Many people don’t want Moshiach and just want a big house, fancy car, vacations, and more empty pleasures. They are terrified of the word Moshiach because they are uneducated and think yemos hamoshiach is a time of being miserable and that they will not be able to have enjoyment. There’s no greater enjoyment and joy than the era of Moshiach…. Which is only a taste of eternal Olam Haba!


Anonymous said...

I don’t get the obsession with moshiach or the vilification of those who appreciate the finer things in life. My husband and I work hard so we can have our beautiful custom house in Lakewood (with a pesach kitchen), a nice backyard with a pool for our kids, and everything else we need close by. Why would I want to give all of this up to go live in some cramped shtetl in EY? Feh.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Anonymous @1:18 PM

It is absolutely ridiculous to consider 'him' Moshiach. MBY is a big Tzaddik. I think it is embarrassing the role! Although he may be a Tzaddik for where he's coming from, please look around at the frum world which is steeped in Torah and Mitzvos AND ready to fight the Erev Rav until the end.... I find it very hard to believe that the chosen one is so far from what a true ben Torah should look and act like.


Anonymous said...

In response to Rivky @6:42pm. Quite shocking to see such a comment from a (supposedly) orthodox woman from Lakewood. Sounds much like the attitude of many German and other European assimilated Jews in Europe before the Holocaust.

Since you seem so enarmoured with the material flesh pots of the galut, perhaps you should worry that you won't be of the ones who merit the joy and sweetness of the days of Moshiach that we are so breathlessly waiting for.

Look at the countless Jews who have been dreaming for thousands of years, and who continue to yearn for the merit of of living in Eretz Yisrael. In your shameful words" a cramped shtetl in EY.Feh" While most Jews feel the very special uplifting quality of Israel. Even if they are not religious. And sometimes even if they are not Jewish.

"Ki avadecha et avaneha yeshaku, v'et afara yechananu." Hope the quote is exact. Translation: " Because your servants will kiss her stones (Israel) , and value her (Israel's) dust.."


Anonymous said...

May 3, 2024 at 7:09 AM

On your response to - -Rivky
May 2, 2024 at 6:42 PM

NO no.. not nice to critcize her on her likes to where she prefers to live.

She is saying what she believes in, and that is that.

Each is free to do as they wish.. Hashem only judge..

We each one day, will answer to Hashem, for everything.


Anonymous said...

This thread has veered into the realms of Lashon Hara, including about EY.

Eliyahu Navi will announce Moshiach. End of. Speculation is counter-productive and it leads to sinat hinam.

As for that comment, the irony is that the US is not the great country Americans believe it to be, including in gashmiut. I was shocked on my visits to the US how Americans are totally brainwashed into believing that they are the greatest country of all time. YT is full of Americans travelling abroad and discovering that they were lied to. Israel ranks at no. 5 in the global happiness ranking,even with the war, the US at 23. War torn Israel is far happier than peace time America. I hope Rivky and all the others like her have a gentle awakening. Although one might have thought they would have noticed the global blood libel against Jews: accused of being the (Arab) childkillers. Interesting that it was at its most frenzied around Pesach. The goyim don't change. The only question is whether the Jews will.

Be'D Only Moshiach Now

(Proud to live in Eretz Hakodesh and along with much or most of the Jewish population to be crying out for Moshiach).

Anonymous said...

So many replies to my comment are mamish mevayish! I’m not worried because the Lubavitcher Rebbe said every Yid will be part of yemos hamoshiach and I’ll move into a nice villa in EY
-Rivky from Lakewood

Anonymous said...

I’m dan lekaf zechus that you just don’t know much about Moshiach and that’s why you questioned why you should want Moshiach when you have a good life in Lakewood. If you learned how amazing Moshiach will be (very joyful and no more suffering of any type in the world, and Hashem destroying all the reshaim) when it arrives soon, you’d be so excited for Moshiach!


Anonymous said...

@Pearl- I appreciate you being DLZ, but I’m FFB and a bais yaakov girl… I know all about moshiach. I have a good life, the fact other people don’t is not my problem. I’m happy with my beautiful house in Lakewood (with a view of Lake Shenandoah), my new Tahoe, my kids yeshivish education, and my career! My husband has a wonderful career too. We have no need for moshiach or to shlep across the globe.
- Rivky from Lakewood

Anonymous said...

What about others peoples suffering? Maybe you should want Moshiach so that person you know with cancer won’t have cancer anymore, etc. Maybe want Moshiach so you can feel a strong connection to Hashem since he will be openly revealed and there will be a Beit Hamikdash.


Anonymous said...

I agree, Shai. I’m sure Rivky from Lakewood doesn’t feel any Kedusha walking down the street in Lakewood. Maybe they should take a trip to Eretz Yisruel and see the difference even now without Moshiach. Last time I was in Lakewood, I saw churches and many goyim dressed inappropriately. It’s golus and having a nice house is not an excuse to not want Moshiach. It’s selfish to not want Moshiach. Hashem’s ratzon is to bring Moshiach and it’s his promise which we see will obviously happen very soon.

-Yitzchak Zalman from Kiryat Sefer

Anonymous said...

Aw so sad to read your last comment, Rivky from Lakewood.

I wish I was a Jew, I'd run to Eretz Israel, even if i had to live in a tent.


Devorah said...

Rivky, I'm having trouble even believing that you are a real person. It feels like you are a satire.
If you are real, what do you think about the state of the world today?
Is this the world you want your kids to grow up in?

Anonymous said...

Rivki of Lakewood,

You might live to regret your words.

America is no paradise,

So sad, i doubt your 'good life' will last for long..

Mashiach I await, a non Jew, I be, i follow Hashem, period.

May your thinking change to real truth.



Anonymous said...

Some people think the world will just fix by itself and that all this immorality will magically go away (including the entire anti-G-d “woke” and lgbt movement). The last time we had such a world of filth, Hashem destroyed it with a mabul. Go figure…


Anonymous said...

I don’t understand what people don’t get about that I don’t feel like this is my problem. So what, lots of people get cancer or sick. Not my problem. The world is sad, sure, but my life is fine. Not my problem.
-Rivky from Lakewood

Anonymous said...

Until it happens to you or your child, Lo Aleinu. Maybe then you’ll want Moshiach if it’s not here then.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if Rivky is for real or just winding us up. In any case, maybe she will move to a nice villa in EY, but the crunch is that when Moshiach comes, Be'D, Jews who valued gashmiut above all else will be crying because they will have everything but it will be worthless in their eyes.

'not my problem': Kol yisrael arevim ze le ze. If millions of Jews are traumatised, how much more so the nearly 150,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel, who call the Simchat Torah massacres a second Shoah, and most of whom say their situation has worsened since. Over 15,000 Jews horribly injured since the start of the war, hostages including babies, widows, orphans, hundreds of thousands internally displaced, and much, much moreEverything you write just shows how urgently we need Moshiach. Some people can't leave galut because of their circumstances, and others won't, tethered as they are by their 'success'.

Be"D Hashem should open the hearts and eyes of all of us.

Be"D Only Moshiach Now

Anonymous said...

A lot of Jews in America don’t have a heart for EY and just want Trump to become president again…. As if he can fix all the filth in America and the entire world. They give a few dollars to war related causes in EY and think they’re good to go and anticipate their “4 more years of President Trump” (their edition of Moshiach”. People like Rivky don’t even care about Hashem’s suffering. They don’t want a Beis Hamikdash because it’s the opposite of their fantasy empty lives of chasing luxuries.


Anonymous said...

It’s too bad on “Rivky from Lakewood” that techiyas hameisim has to start by 5786 (2025) or 5790 (2029). Moshiach comes well before then and she can start saying goodbye to her golus fantasies right now. We all want a bais hamikdash and global joy, the end of all suffering, every Jew returned home to Eretz Yisroel, and a Beis Hamikdash. She can stay in Lakewood with the goyim.


Anonymous said...

No one was “mevayish” you, Rivky from Lakewood. You “mevayished” yourself. I made Aliyah from Lakewood last year and have never been happier. We bought a nice detached home with a backyard in Modiin. It may not be as big as the big houses in Lakewood but it’s more than what we need! We feel at home here in Eretz Yisroel and I get nauseous whenever I fly back to treif America to visit family. Very soon, Moshiach will come and they will all join me here. We can’t wait!


Anonymous said...

Frankly Devorah, I think Rivky is simply a troll in the full sense of the word. She may or may not be a former Bais Yaakov girl, most likely not from Lakewood, and may not even be a woman at all. Name is most likely fake as well. The feeling from her comments is that she/he is here to agitate and upset other religious Jews and Noahide believers. Of course it's also possible that this is a formerly religious person who may have left the community due to personal issues.


Anonymous said...

I can understand where Rivky is coming from. I live in her area and the frum community here is huge and has everything one can endless amount of shuls, endless kosher food, I will be dan lekaf zechus that she never spent quality time in Eretz Yisrael and never got to feel the incredible holiness there. I think she means well but just needs to be educated on what Moshiach is and how incredible it will be when it arrives very soon.

-Fraidy K (Toms River)

Anonymous said...

Yup. And it is all a stage. Can dissolve in one second. At leadt here in EY, that wont happen. The holy land is real and will never disdolve.

Anonymous said...

The last many posts here gave me a good laugh:). Rifky does not represent 99.99999% of Lakewood. As stated above, I am pretty sure that she's not Rifky, not from Lakewood, not very frum, probably some OTD or bored bum, and just having fun with all of the 'temimus' here!

I, for one, live in Brooklyn. I am happy to inform all of my fellow sisters and brothers that everybody around me is awaiting Moshiach with bated breath. A very big leap from a few years ago when I was one. of the only one really thinking about it most of the day. The basic feeling in the air is that we are at the very end.

Living in the Diaspora in no way minimizes our yearning for the day we will all join you in the True Redeemed Eretz Yisroel!


Devorah said...

SGK I've had a few more Rivky's come by and leave messages, but I've deleted all of them. They were poor imitations and not worthy of publishing.
People must be bored or something.

Anonymous said...

As a devoted rebbitzen deeply rooted in Torah, my heart swells with joy at the promise of Hashem's redemption through Moshiach. In a world shrouded in darkness, where secular ideologies glorify sin and moral relativism reigns supreme, we, the faithful remnant, stand unwavering in our commitment to the eternal truths of our tradition.

Amidst the cacophony of voices championing the LGBT and woke movements, and the relentless onslaught of liberal ideology, we stand firm, holding fast to the beacon of Torah amidst the storm. As the world spirals into moral decay, we heed the timeless call of the prophets, preparing the way for the imminent arrival of Moshiach.

Let us not be deterred by the prevailing winds of depravity, but rather, let us strengthen our resolve and cling ever closer to the sacred teachings of our faith. For soon, very soon, the light of Hashem's redemption will pierce through the darkness, illuminating the path to ultimate salvation for all who embrace His commandments with unwavering devotion.
Marlene R, Jackson, NJ

Devorah said...

Well said Marlene R, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Rebbetzin Marlene. You have clearly written a few of the many proofs that we are the final moments before the eternal Geulah.
