Monday, May 6, 2024

The Current Crumbling Process

Some excellent clarification on what is going on in the world, from Rav Itamar Schwartz of Bilvavi, can be found at Myrtle Rising:

Rav Itamar Schwartz of Bilvavi on the Current Crumbling Process, the Current Amalekite Era, World War III, the War of Gog & Magog, and How Can We Protect & Nurture Ourselves 


  1. We DEMAND Moshiach NOW!


  2. As we eagerly await Moshiach's arrival, let's find strength in Torah and prayer. With steadfast devotion, let's prepare for the era of peace he will bring.
    Mrs Hindy Adelgard

    1. Thank you, Hindy. Not much time left to prepare but you sound like someone who is a Tzaddekes and consults with Rosh Yeshivos.


    2. Shira, as we anticipate the coming of Moshiach, I'm reminded of the courage and zeal of Pinchas, who stood up for Torah values even in the face of adversity. Like Pinchas, I am committed to living a Torah-centric life, guided by the teachings of our sages and the wisdom of our tradition.

      In a world where moral compromise is all too common, I draw inspiration from the example set by Pinchas, who acted l’shaim shamayim, for the sake of heaven. With unwavering devotion to Torah living, I strive to emulate the righteousness of our forebears, seeking guidance from respected roshei yeshivos and mentors along the way.

      May our actions always be l’shaim shamayim, motivated by a deep reverence for Hashem and a desire to fulfill His will. As we continue on our journey towards redemption, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to Torah values, knowing that our efforts are ultimately for the greater glory of Hashem.
      - Hindy

    3. Beautifully said. It reminds me of the courage of Zimri. The courage not to protest and to yearn for the Geulah. We should start campaigns across our neighborhoods to plead and demand for Moshiach. It would mamish be a huge kiddush Hashem.

      -Pearl Kotler

  3. I'm very confused about this link. It seems to have been written 21 years in the future?

    -Anim Zemiros

  4. Why do you think that Anim Zemiros? Really?

  5. He discusses the year 2020 (in which Covid started) as being "25 years ago"...

    -Anim Zemiros

  6. I think that's just a typo. She'll fix it. She's a she.... but she's obviously quoting Rabbi Schwartz.


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