Friday, May 10, 2024

Dr Phil interviews Netanyahu

Interview just completed in Jerusalem.

Dr Phil has made this interview video available everywhere, no charge. 


  1. It's a matter of days


  2. thanks for the upload. bibi isnt perfect(to put it mildly) but as shimom peres mighs say whats the alternative? moshiach or even pollard to be sure but i mean presently or practically speaking

  3. Iran ordered Hezbollah to intensify it's assaults on Israel even to an all out war. It could start any day now


  4. Picture circulating on social media of Bibi wearing tefillin of a fallen soldier..


  5. The abominable parade is planned to be at the end of May. Bibi promote the Lgtb policies and he is proud of it..... Let's see if he repented or if he continues to deceive the peti.

  6. Tel Aviv cancels annual Pride Parade out of respect for hostage situation

  7. This is interesting. Eva V. (Hungary) went viral & banned by YouTube:

  8. Rabbi Michoel Green Channel, [5/14/2024 6:16 AM]
    Just wondering:

    How should Jews react to a highly publicized image of a megalomaniacal traitor -- whose rogue regime recently betrayed their people to wholesale slaughter, rape, abduction; and who sacrifice the lives of young soldiers on a daily basis in an endless bloody game with a genocidal jihadi group of their own creation and bankrolling; and who recently attempted to mass murder of his own population with a lethal bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine; and who has obviously sold himself to globalist eugenicist depopulationists -- posing for a photo op wearing tefillin?

    Should we acknowledge that wearing tefillin is an objectively good thing, even for a wicked man?

    Should we ignore any image of that villain, since "it's forbidden to gaze at the face of a wicked person," with or without tefillin?

    Should we lament the fact that a person guilty of such heinous crimes posted an image of himself wearing tefillin? Does this constitute a chillul Hashem, a public desecration of G-d's Name, since people might now associate the wearing of tefillin with villainy? Would it be like a Jewish bank robber who committed high-handed crimes and then publicized a profile photo of himself in an identifiably Jewish posture, like wearing tefillin lighting a menorah or giving tzedaka, bringing ignominy on his people and the Torah?

    Should we infer a kal v'chomer: if such a lowlife can perform a mitzva like putting on tefillin, how much more so should every Jew put on tefillin?

    Should we pray: may G-d Almighty Whose holy Name is incribed in those tefillin please rescue us from the tyrant who's wearing them?

    Should we hope for G-d Almighty Whose holy Name is inscribed in those tefillin to please arouse this wicked man to repent and makes amends for his incorrigible crimes? Is that even possible for someone who has sold his soul to Amalek?

    All of the above?
    None of the above?

    Asking for a friend.

  9. Efraim Yochanan: that is an extremely well-written comment. I admire your writing skills.
    You make him sound like the most evil man in the world.
    I'm not sure what to think anymore, to be honest with you, but I don't see this "evil" in him. But it's too early in the morning for me to write anything sensible here so I'll leave it to others to respond.

  10. Efraim Yochanan: so basically you're saying that Bibi conspired with Pfizer et al in an attempt to kill or severely damage his entire nation by way of a poisonous vaccine, conspired with others to permit the torture and murder of his own people on Oct 7, so as to set this war in motion in order to destroy Gaza and start WW3.

    And now he's photographed wearing the Tefillin of a deceased IDF soldier in order to make a mockery of everything the Jewish people stand for.

    That's shocking accusations, and I'm not seeing any of that in Bibi.

    Yes he's made mistakes, but that doesn't equate to the evil you have bestowed on him.

    Just my opinion, from the other side of the world.

  11. @Efraim Yochanan

    The risk of the vaccine is just your opinion.
    Of course it carried risk, but so did Covid.
    Some have died from vaccines, but it seems many more died from Covid.

    There are frum Jews opposed to Judicial Reform
    But it must be said that amongst the opposition to it, are some extreme anti religious people.

    The October 7th invasion happened on Bibi's watch, that cannot be denied.
    in my opinion, he badly miscalculated by believing in the "Conceptia".
    The semi official doctrine that Hamas could be bought off, with the cost of occasional rocket and missile attacks by Hamas, and the resultant short term military operations by Israel.
    The miscalculation that this would help the path to normalisation with Saudi Arabia.
    He got it wrong.

    But I do not for one second think he planned the invasion or wanted the invasion.

  12. Devorah,
    Efraim Yochanan wrote that his comment is by Rabbi Michoel Green Channel.
    I checked his substack page, it is no there yet.

  13. What is bothering me a LOT that he still believes in "Conceptia"
    How come after that horrible October 7, he said right away, the war is going to be long a year ? How did he know ?
    Was the 6 days War or Yom Kipur war planned to last a year ?

    Were those generals that created that "conceptia" that brought us this horrible war, were they sent home in disgrace ?
    NO, they still continue with their "conceptia".
    And they made sure the generals that are promoted subscribe to the same "conceptia".
    That is their religion unfortunately. They have no fear of God.



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