Monday, May 13, 2024

Impeding the Redemption

I blogged this a long time ago - it was something that I originally saw at Mystical Paths, and back then I thought the Baal Shem Tov was referring to corrupt rabbis, but after reading the comments from Aharon the other day, I realize the Besht was talking about the Erev Rav rabbis who deny the Geula.

In those comments, Aharon wrote:   Rabbi Chaim Vital in "Dalet Maot Shekel Kesef" - clearly states that Moshiach knows who he is and is only recognized by a few people initially. The big opposition to Moshiach is "Tofsai Torah" - the Rabbis who do not believe that the Ketz has arrived and he bases this on Yosef's brothers "Haim Lo Hikiruhu" = the brothers did not recognize Yosef, yet Yosef is referred to as "Yosef HaTzaddik".

I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. 

His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. 

Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption.     [Otzar Chayim]



    3 min video mind blowing

  2. I just watched the Winds of Change..

    So true..

    Wish i was of the Chosen.

    Yet I know that God will judge me too, as non Jew, as how i lived/live, now.

    The Winds of Change are blowing everywhere, May the blow away all the evil peoples of this world to damnation.

    Amen v'Amen.

  3. What ever happen to Ari Goldwag’s prediction (“Moshiach 17” video) about the transition from MBY to MBD happening by the beginning of Chodesh Nisan?


  4. Yes Shai, what happened to Ari Goldwag's prediction?!


  5. The Ari revealed the date of the geulah. The twentieth day of the omer

    I didn't understand everything the rav said besides that


    1. No, he didn’t. Watch his entire video .


  6. The 20th day of the Omer just ended in Australia.
    Still time everywhere else.
    I'm not holding my breath.

  7. I asked my 2.5yo daughter when Mashiach is coming. Loud and clear she answered me "Ches Iyar". (mind you she doesn't know the names of months yet)

  8. ANY prediction will not come true. I feel almost certain about that. We were told that Moshiach will come quite suddenly..... The fact that we know that it is imminent does not need to take away from the suddenness. If he comes at this moment, while I am typing, we will all be surprised, true? It was not matching up with any of our exact predicted dates! But, the fact is that he might arrive this moment. Or the next.

    Somehow, I think that when he comes, so many calculations will start to make more sense than any of those that we currently make.

    I also take issue with the fact that all of those truly special people who do not touch the internet are out of the loop with predicted dates. It just doesn't sit right with me. THEY should be the FIRST ones to find out about Moshiach's arrival. For those who are awaiting him, of course.

    In any case, my heart has no strength for the ups and downs. I await him every day, and enjoy watching the worlds tempo getting louder and faster, proving that Moshiach is here at any moment for sure!



    This is a shiur given by Rabbi Gladstein about awaiting the Moshiach.

  10. Has anyone heard that Iran announced it has a nuclear bomb already?? Someone mentioned somewhere in a blog post but I can't find information about it in the news?

    1. Arutz Sheva has info on this

    2. Go on MEMRI. The information is there.

      May 15
      By: A. Savyon and N. Katirachi
      Iranian Majlis Member Dr. Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani In Interview With Iran's Roydad 24 News: 'Iran Is Slowly Making Preparations To Announce That It Has A Nuclear Bomb'

      C S

  11. To Nothing, yes, I read that somewhere too, probably on google news.


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