Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tzedaka is the Mitzvah at the End of Days


And now, at the end of the exile, the main way to release the Shechina and ourselves from the exile is through the mitzvah of tzedaka of which our great sages said, “Israel will be redeemed only through tzedaka.” 

Even though our sages equated tzedaka with Torah study, it was at a time when we had the great sages of the Mishnah and the Talmud, but our Torah study today is not at the level that can equal the mitzvah of tzedaka. 

And being that now we are at the end and the darkest part of the exile, the Shechina is found in the absolute lowest realms of the physical world, the only way to access it is through physical action, physical mitzvahs, and mainly the mitzvah of tzedaka.

That is just a small extract from an essay on the Haftorah of Acharei, you should read the whole thing which is here: Support the Fallen by Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz.


  1. At the end of the keitz, the 9 months end


    1. We all feel mashiach

    2. What is the rav saying in English? We are at the end of “the 9 months” before Moshiach?


  2. Netanel, which Rav are you talking about?
    Dov bar Leib is talking about the 9 months on his blog

    There's a lot of comments there, you need to click on the NEWEST ones, so scroll to the end of the comments and find "newest comments" to read the latest.

    1. Ron left a video above and mention about the 9 months in his comment


  3. Netanel Dov bar Leib has commented on that video in his website. Read the last comments at

    Personally I'm looking forward to when Israel will enter Rafah.


  4. Yes, everyone go and read Dov bar Leib's latest comments at the link above, because he's clarified the 288 sparks mentioned regarding Rafah.

  5. Since no one knows the exact Moment Moshiach will come, let’s hope it is today!


  6. I’ve been trying to check the comments on Dov bar Lieb but it hasn’t refreshed for me in weeks. Any chance someone could copy and paste his comments

    Thank you


  7. SD: scroll down to the last comment on the page, then click on Post a Comment,
    a new page will come up and just above the comment posting box you will see
    a list of comment numbers and the word NEWEST. Click on Newest to see the Newest comments.
    OR just cut and paste this link


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