Monday, May 6, 2024

Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef Part 2

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What does the Talmud really mean when it mentions a dying messiah? Why did Maimonides completely ignore this Talmud when codifying Jewish law? And did the death of Jesus have anything to do with the subsequent destruction of the Jerusalem Temple? 

Find out in this class as we continue to explore the ancient sources about Mashiach ben Yosef. Plus: who are the 15 ancient souls that return to help Mashiach? What did King Solomon say about the Torah of Mashiach? And who is the mysterious Rabbi Dosa?


  1. Rafah Evacuation has begun as of a few hours ago!! We have now entered the final stage of the war and then Moshiach right after!! Exciting times!



  2. Many Many great tzaddikim and Sages hold completely opposite to this Rabbi, mainly that The Rebbe’s Torah is completely revolutionary.
    My teacher Reb Mordechai Moses’ teacher,the great Gaon Rabbi Pinchus Hirschprung zatzal, (his mastery of the Shas is undisputed) said whoever wants to truly master the Gemara needs to learn the Likkutei sichos of the Rebbe.
    It is said about the awesome Tzaddik, Sidna Baba Sali that on the day he received a letter from the Rebbe he would celebrate the event with a celebration feast.

    Likewise many great tzaddikim and Sages signed an Halachic psak stating that the Rebbe still fulfills (meaning after Gimmel Tammuz) the Rambam’s conditions as the presumed Mashiach.

    Furthermore the precision in Rambam’s terminology that Mashiach is not ‘killed’ and therefore even if the candidate dies a natural death although the candidate for Mashiach starts the process in his lifetime and the process continues, he can be resurrected before the start of the Messianic era. This is actually discussed in depth in the Rebbe’s Likutei Sichos.

    Furthermore many such as the Ben Ish Chai mention that should we merit, Mashiach will come in a miraculous way literally: resurrected.

    The more problematic aspect is belittling a chasid’s belief in his Rebbe as Mashiach, and constantly comparing chassidim belief in the Rebbe as a foreign aspect in Judaism.

    The Gemara clearly states every chassid considers his Rebbe to be Mashiach.

    I am sure that the Rabbi believes that the Rebbe will also be resurrected among the righteous people? I am sure that many on this blog pray many times to see techyiat Hametim. We want the redemption now, we don’t want to wait!

    Again, the more one learns the Rebbe’s teachings deeply, the faster and better is Mashiach revealed. This is the Rebbe’s instructions.
    The problem with the Internet, is that very deep teachings are sometimes diluted into simple blog points. A person should delve into many of the deep teachings available for free translated in many languages, to truly spread the light. This will lead to the point that a person will come to a greater appreciation and greater respect for all Sages. This is because the Rebbe says that Mashiach will teach everybody to truly appreciate the hidden secrets contained in the Torah works and teachings of all true Torah scholars.

    We see in the Rebbe’s lifetime the great respect that the Rebbe gave to all Torah scholars from all sectors of the Jewish people. This continues and is enhanced by following in the Rebbe’s pathway of Ahavat Yisrael.

  3. Who so rabbi dov bar leib? I was just reading through the comments on your blog and saw he wrote about sparks of holiness stuck in Rafah and then messiah at the end of siwan. Is the rabbi a Kabbalist?
    God bless Israel and the Jewish nation.

    -Sherrie (Noahide from Houston)

  4. Sherrie, Dov bar Leib was responding to a video which can be found here

    where the Rabbi is talkinga about 288 sparks needing to be redeemed from Rafach [Rafah]

  5. Jem Stone: re "The problem with the Internet, is that very deep teachings are sometimes diluted into simple blog points."

    I think perhaps it's because of the internet and apps like TikTok that many people no longer have a great attention span, and most of them could never aspire, or even think about, learning all those deep teachings. Better they learn something from a blog post than know nothing at all.

    The Rebbe was famous for bringing down lofty concepts into words that even simple people could comprehend, and that in itself is a great talent.

    I also don't agree with everything Rabbi Palvanov said about the Rebbe, but I understand where he's coming from in that every chassid thinks his Rebbe is Moshiach. And it goes back to the old argument that if Moshiach can come from the dead, then it could be anyone from Jewish history... why the Rebbe?
    [Although I'd be happy to see him back for sure]

  6. And if I'm going to really honest here, I have to say that there is still a part of me that would not be at all surprised if the Lubavitcher Rebbe came back as Moshiach.

    No-one has yet been able to convince me either way.

    I have had incredible dreams of the Rebbe, and I know who he is, and I don't believe there is anyone else in our history who has appeared to so many people, Jews and non-Jews, via their dreams.

    In fact, the Rebbe told the father of a friend of mine [who was a close associate of his] that he would never appear in a dream without his permission.... which means that a demon cannot impersonate him in a dream, whereas a demon can impersonate just about anyone at all.

    So if you have a dream of the Rebbe, then you have REALLY had a dream of the Rebbe, but you would know that once you woke up because it's something you never forget.

  7. Why stop there....

    ....the only reason there is a Shirat Devorah blog is because of the Rebbe coming to me in a dream - that was in 2004.

    In fact the only reason there is me, doing this blog, is because the Rebbe came to me in a dream in 1996, 3 days before Purim, and saved my life. I don't want to go into details, but I promise you it's the only reason I'm still alive today and doing this blog.

  8. Yechi HaMelech!!


  9. LOL Mendy. Of course you're a Mendy :)

    1. I’m Lubavitch all the way but I do
      believe there is a strong possibility that the Rebbe is MBY and fought the spiritual battles. It would not be surprising.


  10. RE: Mashiach from the dead

    I quoted the Gemara that teaches everybody should believe in their Rebbe as Mashiach. This is a good thing not the opposite! A person’s belief in the Rebbe as Mashiach is encouraged not discouraged. The Rebbe encouraged every Jew to increase in belief of Mashiach

    Regarding why the Rebbe explicitly if it can be anybody from Jewish history: the Rebbe explains in his Likutei Sichos that the candidate must start the process in his lifetime, close to the period of the redemption.

    What is considered ‘close’? We do know that the Rebbe mentioned the Rebbe Rashab and the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe as part of the process. (The Rebbe famously explaining the Roshei Teivot of Miyad‘immediately’)

    We also know from the Gemara that if Mashiach is resurrected it refers to Daniel Hanavi who was about 4-500 years before Rebbe Yehudah HaNasi.

    The Rebbe also always referred to his father-in-Law as the leader of the generation (aka the Mashiach of the generation) 40 years after his histalkut.

    So we do see that it cannot be just anybody from the past (of the worthy candidates) but there is some flexibility of the period called close.

    Most importantly, Mashiach told the the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov said that when his Torah, the secrets of Chassidus are spread out outside this will cause the Master(the Mashiach) to be revealed.

    Revealed means understood, not just in a way of belief. Hence the need for the secrets to be explained in an intellectual way so even ‘simple people can comprehend’.

    This is among the reasons why I (and countless tzaddikim and Sages, not comparing myself to them in any way!) see the Rebbe’s Torah as revolutionary. It stands on the shoulders of the new light and wonders of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov’s teachings!!!

    This is why the candidate must be a master in the Torah of the Ba’al Shem Tov and must be a master in the Torah of Chabad which explains the secrets in an intellectual method. The revelation has taken many generations.

    This is connected to the 28th of Nissan where the Rebbe tasked everybody of our generation to do whatever they can to bring about Mashiach. The Rebbe literally specified learning and spreading his teachings as the best method to implement this energy.

    I therefore thank you Devorah for your blog, I am sure the Lubavitcher Rebbe has much Nachas from your efforts (the Gemara mentions that King David desired that people quote his teachings after his histalkut) and this surely translates into great blessings for you and your loved ones.(the Gemara again mentioning miracles and blessings performed on behalf of a student of a tzaddik since he ‘learned the teachings of that Sage’)

    Mashiach Now.
    Wishing for protection and success to all the soldiers of the IDF.

  11. Thank you for all of that.

    And today is 28 Nissan. The day Rabbi Palvanov posted his shiur to You Tube and the same day we are discussing it. Surely everyone can see the Hand of G-d here....

    It's all beshert.

    1. Maybe I misunderstood. What’s the connection? Rabbi Palvanov never mentioned the Lubavitcher Rebbe.


  12. 28 Nissan in Sydney time anyway. Maybe not where Rabbi Palvanov is, or you are Jem Stone, but it's been 28 Nissan here all day and evening is about to set in.

  13. He mentioned him a few times Sherrie, you'll have to go back and listen again.

    1. I thought rabbi palvanov was against the idea of MBY being a spiritual figure and that he believes he has not done his job yet?


  14. I don't know what you mean Moshe. I suggest you leave a comment on the You Tube site and ask him.

  15. Looks like the Lubavicher Rebbe can not be MBY. At the end of the video, Rabbi Palvanov quotes the Zohar that says MBY will be killed and then come back at the beginning of techiyat hameitim.


  16. Nisan: see the first comment from Jem Stone and I'll quote the relevant part here:

    Furthermore the precision in Rambam’s terminology that Mashiach is not ‘killed’ and therefore even if the candidate dies a natural death although the candidate for Mashiach starts the process in his lifetime and the process continues, he can be resurrected before the start of the Messianic era. This is actually discussed in depth in the Rebbe’s Likutei Sichos.

    1. The problem with that is that the Zohar came after the rambam and the Zohar clearly writes that MBY is killed before being resurrected.


  17. I am always a bit concerned as a Jewish person when it comes to a person dying and being called the messiah and being resurected, the Rabbanim since the times of the mishna and midrashim have been very cautious of speaking like that for obvious reasons.

    If people can be resurected and be Moshiach then why not the Baal Shem Tov ot The Gra, or the Arizal or the Rambam or Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai or Moshe or maybe Yosef himself.

    Also Chabad trace the Rebbe's lineage back to David HaMelech's lineage (as shown in the sefer Toldos Admorei Chabad) so its strange to talk about Ben Yosef.


  18. Gershon: Jem Stone answered some of those questions in comments above.

  19. Yes, the MBY / MBD thing is confusing. On the one hand he was MBY for everything he did spiritually, and on the other hand he's coming back as MBD... so yes I'm confused as well.

    1. I’ve heard that MBY and MBD can be the same person.


  20. By the way, it’s VERY interesting how Israel is finishing up the war now with gaza and then has to face a war in the north with hezbollah. Hashem made it that the war in the south is done with first, since Moshiach is prophesied to come out and reveal himself in the North! Something to think about! Obviously, this can happen today without waiting until gaza is over.


  21. I remember people saying he was the Moshiach ben Yosef of the time.
    I didn't really understand the concepts back then.

    1. So why do many in Chabad hold
      That he is MBD? They hold by the opinion that MBY and MBD are the same person it seems


  22. Yes Shira they've told them to move out of Rafah, and I just watched the news and even the news-reader was outraged that this is happening. The world is about to go even more insane as Israel starts on Rafah. I hope everyone is ready for what's coming.

  23. Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David can be the same person but not necessarily.

    According to Halacha, MBD vadai is when the BEIT Hamikdash is built.

    In Chabad, and the many great Sages and Tzaddikim who hold the same way, we all pray for Mashiach to be revealed. This means that although the Rebbe is the candidate for Mashiach. This means at the building of the BEIT Hamikdash (opinions differ as to if building the altar is sufficient). No one will be ‘disappointed’ if someone other than the Rebbe builds the BEIT Hamikdash.

    The Gemara yerushalmi the Bavli and many great Sages all bring the scenario of a resurrected Mashiach.

    Rabbi Nachman of Breslov: People think that there will be no more death after the messiah comes. This is not so. Even the messiah will die. (Chayei Moharan II, p. 13, #35). Obviously all the tzaddikim of the school of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov believe that the period of the resurrection is generally after the period of Mashiach. The Ritva and others mention how certain tzaddikim are resurrected before the period of Mashiach.

    I already mentioned the Ben Ish Chai mentioning if the generation is ‘worthy’ there will be a resurrected Mashiach.

    After the countless sufferings and tribulations over the centuries of Galut, I personally believe that Am Yisrael is ‘worthy’.

    The main thing is that studying about Mashiach especially as explained in the Rebbe’s teachings is the fastest way to reveal Mashiach.

    This means that through the teachings of Chassidus, one’s respect and honor for one’s Rebbe (of whatever true Torah Pathway the individual is within) will be enhanced and amplified. Every single tzaddik and every single good deed will be revealed and fit into the great master plan of Redemption. All in a spirit of Ahavat Yisrael.

    1. Rebbe “is” the candidate.

      Chabad never gave themselves space to mourn.

      They will probably only do it when Mashiach comes.

    2. @anonymous, your comment is disgusting and a complete act of sinas chinum. To tell other yidden who follow in the beautiful ways of Chabad that they will mourn when Moshiach comes because you think the rebbe isn’t Moshiach is beyond ignorant. No heilige yidden will be mourning when Moshiach comes. Maybe do something productive to bring Moshiach instead of anonymously attacking chabad chassidus behind a keyboard.


  24. We just cannot forget one basic thing: Hashem is God and he can do whatever he wants. Including surprising us all with something totally new, which will only bring total surprise. Because Hashem is God and does everything as he pleases. His thoughts are LOUDER than ours!
    And He expects Israel to go to prayer, a historical review and deep repentance!
    M... R...

  25. Hamas agreed to ceasefire. Now we are in a corner. Finish the job already and be done with them. Rfael Yaakov

  26. He makes some youthful mistakes. The 3rd temple it says will be established mimkomo ie. in its place makom is the holy place. It does not say particularly Jerusalem of old. The makom moves geographically according to megillah Esther.The Rebbe said it will appear in America the new holy makom.also this guy he may not understand the 5 levels of soul and how they work. The goel could be a person with the neshamah of the Besht. The Besht holding a soul root for many chassidic tzaddakim.The Rebbes ruach soul joined thru what in kabbalah is called ibbur, soul impregnation with this individual holding a common root Chayah soul.. This guy and seemingly several others are threatened probly especially from the Yanuka. To blatantly kinda arrogantly deny that the goel could be around now is dangerous I would think.that is why the wise older R.Breitowitz says he does not know except that it is not himself. Pray the omer for Peace, not war. Free the hostages including Jews who are hostages to politjcal kinds of hatred and ideologies. The goel rides a donkey which is an important symbol in America especially. Some have figured this out. Tonight malcuth shebe gevurah.

  27. Youthful mistakes is an appropriate phrase here. Anyone who did not "know" who the Rebbe was is operating from a level of lack of awareness - which in my humble view is obvious here and there is no point coming to conclusions when you don't know all the facts. He would do well to speak to older Chabadniks and take advice perhaps rather than draw his own conclusions.


  28. Yes, someone like Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson, or Rabbi Simon Jacobson, both of whom were the Rebbe's transcribers of all his shiurim.
    I can't think of better people to advise on this topic.

  29. Meanwhile... it has just occurred to me that if the Rebbe turns out to be MBD, it puts the phrase "Dreaming of Moshiach" onto a whole new level for me.

    The irony of all this, is that I've been blogging for 20 years and in all that time I have gone out of my way to NOT have discussions about the Rebbe being Moshiach because it is too controversial and upsetting.

    So here we have a lecture which negates this concept, and yet it seems to have had the opposite effect and here we are discussing it.....on the 28th of Nissan - see Jem Stone's comment at 4:29pm above -
    "This is connected to the 28th of Nissan where the Rebbe tasked everybody of our generation to do whatever they can to bring about Mashiach."

  30. Finally, Rafah offensive begins.


  31. Once I worked for an Indian man named Hari. He was a Hindu... wore white from head to toe.
    It was getting close to Rosh Hashanah and I told him i couldn't work on those two days as it was Jewish New Year.... and he said "You're Jewish? Do you know the Rebbe?"
    I was astounded.... yes of course I know the Rebbe but how do you know the Rebbe?
    Oh, he said, he came to my dream. I know the Rebbe !

    True story.
    The Rebbe came in dreams to so many people, countless people in fact, since Gimel Tamuz 1994 [same day l'havdil OJ Simpson went crazy and killed his wife and Ron Goldman]

  32. I was told that those that believe the Rebbe is Moshiach might think he is
    MBD, but he was considered the MBY of his generation! Guess, there are
    many views, but only H' Knows who Moshiach Ben Dovid is.
    First, we need MBY to wage the wars victoriously against our mortal enemies and the rest Hashem only knows.
    Also, there is great likelihood that MBD will come from the dead (maybe Dovid himself). Also, it should be understood that every Yehudi 'neshamah' will be
    resurrected and have a portion in Olam Habah!

  33. Some of the comments from followers of the Rebbe, ztl, are almost cult-like.
    Some of the great chasidic sects also have their rebbes who are direct descendants of Dovid HaMelech. It is wrong to presume that we know who MBD will be; that is for Hashem to know.
    MBY is another matter and can be a descendant of Yosef/Ephraim or from any tribe or it can mean the army of Yisrael and those are the potentials who wage the wars of Yisrael to victory.
    After the coming of Moshiach Ben Dovid, we will have the Bet HaMikdash; not with the coming of MBY (unless they turn out to be one & the same, of course, from the lineage of Dovid Hamelech). It might very well be MBD will come
    from Heaven (techiyat hameisim) - these are questions that we do not yet have the answers.
    We just need to pray & yearn for his coming and get us out of this long galut with great mercy from Hashem, hopefully, speedily k'heref ayin.

  34. 3:18 "the suffering will come gradually"
    Such as Oct. 7th? I wouldn't call that a little bittie.


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