Sunday, March 4, 2012

Conspiracy Theory: Obama had Breitbart killed

Andrew Breitbart's untimely death has sparked wild conspiracy theories that the publisher was murdered on the President's orders.

The Conservative blogger, who published the infamous tweets that brought down former Representative Anthony Weiner, died on Thursday after he suddenly collapsed on a sidewalk near his Los Angeles home.

Within hours of his death, the internet was awash with methods and motives invented by conspiracy theorists explaining how and why Obama had the author killed.

The theories are fueled by Breitbart's announcement at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington last month that he had a college video of Obama that that would blow the lid off his presidency.

'[We] are going to vet [Obama] from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008,' Breitbart told the CPAC, reports Yahoo News.

'The rest of us slept while they plotted, and they plotted, and they plotted.' he added.

Read more: Daily Mail


  1. LA Marzulli describes a possible assassination of the journalist Andrew Breitbart that knows too much about of Obama during his college years, which according to some, would ruin his chances of reelection:

    So, I think it's a fact that you must research with the Torah Codes method.
    WAS BREITBART ASSASSINATED? Searche, please...I remember that, in the case of USA, the republicans are the party that is mot pro-Israel and pro-Jews...Not the Democrats...And, of course, not Barack Obama...

    I read about the news of Andrew Breitbart’s passing yesterday, on my I-pad as Richard and I were about to interview “Dustin” about the gulf oil spill.
    I was shocked. Breitbart was about to release footage of Obama during his college years, which according to some, would ruin his chances of

  2. Andrew died on March 1 2012

  3. Sheriff Arpaio needs to watch his back:

  4. I think the adjective "wild" in inappropriate. The whole obuma phenomenon is a conspiracy against America and the world. To kill a little peon that can thwart a second term in office hardly qualifies as a "wild" assumption! In fact, the reason you post it is probably because it sounds quite credible.

  5. Google heart attack gun.
    Also see this 1 minute video on it.


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