Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #13

Have you ever seen square clouds?


Anonymous said...

Wow, it must be this year.

Anonymous said...

Square clouds prove Moshiach is coming this year? I hope you’re right..

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Are these too in Australia? If so, I must say that Australia truly has a large share of wondrous phenomena, maybe for the same reason that the Southern Lights are visible there? I wonder if there are lots of such phenomena where the Northern Lights are?

Devorah said...

I don't know where these clouds are, I took them from a cloud group.
I actually think the Northern Hemisphere has far more sightings of the various planets clouds coming and going, at least from what I have seen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you again, Devorah for posting more awesome photos of unusual areal phenomena. Maybe you know, I think I read somewhere, or heard somewhere, (maybe the Yalkut Shimoni) that right before, or during, the revelation of Moshiach a star will be "swallowed " by another star. Do you have any information about this?

Yesterday I read that NASA had sighted a giant red dwarf star "swallowing" a planet. Did you hear anything about this?


Anonymous said...

Yes, a few days ago i saw a square cloud...was amazed a5 no straight its lines were and it kept its shape...my location: Malaysia

Devorah said...

CS: Yes I did read about a star swallowing another star just the other day.
It does mention that before Moshiach but there's other conditions required as well, see here: https://shiratdevorah.blogspot.com/2012/05/seven-stars-on-north-and-60-days.html

Leah said...

Zohar Vayera 119a:
"At 66 years Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed in the land of Galil and when a star on the East side will swallow seven stars on the North side, and a flame of black fire will be hanging in the firmament 60 days, and wars will be awakened in the world on the North side, and two kings will fall in these wars, and the entire world will come together against Bat Yaakov9 the Jewish nation) to push her from the world.
Of this time it is written, "and it is a time of trouble for Yaakov and from it he will be saved." At that time all the souls in the treasury of souls(guf) will be finished and needing to be returned to be renewed, and the sign for you is all the souls that came to Yaakov from Mitzrayim, etc souls"

Leah said...

So we are still “early” for Moshiach to come because the events in the above comments didn’t happen yet? I thought we were b’itoh and overdue for Moshiach. This is very discouraging and upsetting.

Anonymous said...

5782=118 X 49. 5783 is a Yovel(according to Reb Yehudah HaNasi's understanding of Yovel calculation) so this is another target to join with those that Rabbi Hool mentions in his video about this summer. This though doesn't really match the coming of the Goel but rather a next big step of the Techiyas HaMesim that we are in as a process. Global soul awakening happens in steps as the mekubalim have explained see sefer haZohar. 118 are the number of verses in the Shir HaShirim and the Zohar says this song covers the entire history of Yisrael including the FINAL Yovel. May the Truth/Emes enter the global mind and Peace be realized quickly. Time to get it together this very year 5783. We are in the Yom haDin.

Devorah said...

118 x 49 is like saying 118 x 7 x 7
so again we have the concept of "motzei shevi'it" [after the seventh]
it's the seventh of the seventh
how much more seventh can you get?

Devorah said...

Leah maybe it ALL doesn't have to happen, at this point who knows?

Anonymous said...

Exactly and this week we have a Grand Square/Cross in the fixed signs that Ezekiel saw in his vision Tzedeq/jupiter is now at zero Taurus/Bull, on the 20th Meadim/mars enters zero of the LION/Leo and the planet Pluto/10th of the omakim-celestial planetary firmaments is in zero Aquarius/Angel face. The moons nodal axis called the TELI/dragon in sfer yetzirah is the Taurus-Scorpio axis- Bull/Eagle. This gate- a very rare fixed grand cross is a mighty roar to get our acts together. This coming week should be very impressive. B'H!

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting Arthur that 5782=118•49. It says that we were in Egyp under 49 Shaarey Tuma and Gd took us out from it. And if we stayed a lit bit more then we would not be able to go out (Gd forbid). It says that in the future we will be at the lowest possible level 50( Nun level of Tuma) and only Mashiah (of course with power of Gd Almighty Himself) will take us out of our Galut. This year 5783 is Yovel and I think we reached that 50th level of Tuma . We should hear only Good news with coming of Mashiah be Rahamim this year BH.
Arthur ,are you Jewish, do you have a Jewish name ?


Anonymous said...

Sorry Author not Arthur , my mistake. Do you have a Jewish name?


Harry said...

Russia is the war from the north. Technically started in 2014 when they took over crimea which is exactly 66 years from the state of Israel . And what is also fascinating about the year 2014 is that ariel sharon died that year which is when kaduri said the messiah will appear . Coincidence?

Devorah said...

Thank you very much Harry !

Anonymous said...

Moshiach can come this minute.

Rashi: there is no greater revealed sign of Moshiach's arrival than EY giving of its fruit generously. Fruit in Israel is plentiful and delicious, and Israel has a BILLION dollar produce export market. What greater sign do you need?

The very fact that Moshiach could have come in previous generations too, means that certain dates don't have to be fulfilled.


Anonymous said...

Any new lecture about moshiach and geulah out there ? Dave

Coming Home said...

I've tried to share a link to a facebook post showing a rectangular sunset in Houston, TX area, but have been unable to get it to show up. You can search facebook for Fox 26 Meteorologist Mike Iscovitz. It was posted on May 17.

Devorah said...

Thank you Coming Home, I actually have that photo and I'm about to blog it.

Devorah said...


Anonymous said...

These clouds are just showing that HAARP is very active these days…

Devorah said...

Is HAARP also manufacturing planets and asteroids?

Rivka said...

I wonder if these fires in Canada are associated with Niburu:

Maybe it is affecting the plates of the earth and causing heat to come up to the ground level because this is unheard of.

Devorah said...

Hi Rivka, yes those fires are definitely not normal. This is what Reuters said:
June 2 (Reuters) - Wildfires are common in Canada's western provinces, but this year the eastern province of Nova Scotia is reeling from its worst-ever wildfire season, forcing the federal government to send in the military.

I would say definitely the Nibiru system effect, causing problems everywhere.

Some readers are starting to look up and take their own photos... see I'm not so crazy after all. We are seeing things we never saw before.

Devorah said...

If you can access FB, here is a photo of a fire in Greece caused by lightning.
Lightning and storms are from the Nibiru system, when the planets come close to earth they use lightning strikes to electrically propel themselves away. That's what I learnt, whether it is true or not I do not know but the fact is lightning strikes are starting fires, and that's what's probably happened in Canada now.