Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bilaam and the Coming of Moshiach

Posted motzei Shabbat.

HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz

1 comment:


    Rabbi Zamir Cohen in Hebrew on Hidabrot. The topic is Gan Eden and Olam HaBa.

    But towards the end of the lecture he speaks about the coming of Moshiach and the war of Gog U Magog.

    He says that the Malbim identifies the US as being the nation that will lead the coalition of nations against Israel in the final war.

    But continues that in Yechezkel it says what will happen next. That a dispute will fall amongst the western nations and the Muslim ones, and that they will attack one another. (Rav Cohen also states that the more hateful the US gov't gets to Israel, the closer we are to Moshiach!)

    A fascinating class, and worth listening to, if you are proficient in Hebrew.

    C S


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