Sunday, July 9, 2023

The End of Death and Pain: The Messianic Age Revealed

For a Refuah Shleimah for S.G. my "sister" who I hope to meet one day, and Yaakov Avraham ben Devorah

Tears bring a person to repent thereby uprooting the source of death and subsequently uprooting all mourning and tears. The Arizal writes that the numerical value of ‘Dimah–Tears’ is 120, which in Torah signifies full life. In truth, the letters only add up to 119, but when the word ‘Dimah’ as a whole is counted, it equals 120. The Shomer Emunim explains that for certain concepts the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. In such cases, you also factor in the entire word to indicate a higher purpose that brings meaning to all the details. Maimonides explains in his Laws of Mourning that the purpose of mourning and tears is repentance. Death only came into this world through sin, and it is through repentance that the world will be restored to its original state of eternal life, when “G-d will wipe away the tears from every face.” Maimonides concludes his Laws of Fasts: “With the Redemption, all these days of mourning will be transformed into days of rejoicing, into days of good Moed.” Dimah plus 1, equals 120, which is the exact numerical value of Moed! 

Lubavitcher Rebbe: Monday, Av 20, 5742 - August 9, 1982


  1. Sue: l'm blown away. How timely. It brought tears to my eyes. Ty for posting. May HaShem bless you amply for all the good you blog !

  2. I think you meant to put Sue at the end, not the beginning :) thank you

  3. Hopefully your sister will recover soon.

    I pray you get to see her soon.

    I will pray a special prayer for her.

    May Hashem reach out to her and heal her already.

  4. The Redemption is Close — Who Will Merit to Remain? The Kabbalist Rav Aharon Stern Shlit”a


    1. We will all make it in...because at the heart of every Jew is a longing to be close to Hashem and a spark of holiness that is a חלק אלוקים just has to be awakened.
      Only the erev rav will be destroyed.

  5. Back in 5750 the Lubavitcher Rebbe told us that we are on the final stretch because the cosmic clock ticked over to the time of "erev Shabbos" mincha gedola I think he said. Can't remember exactly. But just as we bring Shabbos in early sometimes, we can bring the Great Shabbat which is Geula. We are now sitting at 12.47pm on the cosmic clock, Friday afternoon, erev Shabbat of the Geula. We can light our candles, so to speak, anytime. It's not just the Zohar, it's accepted Torah by everyone that this is so. How much more so in 5783. We are overdue and we have labour pains. The baby is on its way.

    1. But u can only light after a certain time so hope it doesn’t mean the same with moshiach. Malky

  6. Rav Chaim Kanievsky said, within the last few years I believe, that we are at the keitz mguleh, which means Moshiach is being born, there can't be a miscarriage. All the signs have been fulfilled very clearly. He said of people who passed away during corona that it will just be a "short nap." I read this in Rav Sorotzkin's books, The End Illuminated. Rav Chaim Kanievsky didn't say things he didn't mean, and he didn't waste words. In fact he said "buha" to save words when giving the blessing, "Bracha v'hatzhlacha." This can certainly give us chizzuk that Moshiach is coming sooner than later. TC

  7. That's true Malky, but the Rebbe said it in 5750 and he was the Tzaddik of the generation, he said Moshiach was due then. Back in 2004 before I started this blog, I actually had a dream where the Rebbe came and lit my Shabbos candles.
    That's when I started to blog. I understood the mission.

    1. Wow that is beyond amazing!!! I actually believe moshiach is very very close that the little money that I have I’m trying to get rid of it and give it to tzedaka. Once moshiach comes we won’t need money and I rather do a mitzvah with it

  8. I admire your generosity Anon but do be careful, we still don't know for sure.
    Stay calm and don't get too excited. It's not good on any level.


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